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2019 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Hayat Rasul, Earth Sciences and Mathematics Majors

Baird Sustainability Fellow


Hayat Rasul is an Earth Sciences major with a concentration in Environmental Geosciences from Los Angeles, California. Being from a place with virtually no water, Hayat has grown an affection for everything water: water availability, water resource management, and water justice. Throughout her academic career at Dickinson, she has held many leadership roles including being a Posse Scholar, a Wheel and Chain honoree, the president of eXiled Poetry Society, and a facilitator of the Feminist Collective. Her intersectional interests have always come back to science. Hayat has done research in Japan, Canada, and locally in Pennsylvania, all pertaining to climate impacts and water. These projects include topics from glacial movement, groundwater analysis, and the monitoring of local surface waterways through the Alliance for Aquatic Resource Monitoring (ALLARM).

Hayat has collaborated with the Dickinson Community as well as multiple communities in Pennsylvania, and even internationally, by presenting at an international water conference with the Waterkeeper Alliance in the Summer of 2018; the bilingual (English and Spanish) workshop relayed valuable information on how to design studies to monitor local waterways. Similar to this, she has led a variety of community education workshops for diverse stakeholders through ALLARM. Additionally, Hayat generates media for ALLARM and the department of Earth Sciences, expanding their outreach initiatives through social media and other digital platforms. This semester, Hayat hopes to continue learning, loving, and leading fearlessly and with an open heart. She is excited to interact with the other Baird Fellows who are like-minded leaders.