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Carlisle Mosaic

An Interdisciplinary Study of People, Places and Policies

Carlisle Downtown

Students and faculty in the fall 2019 Carlisle Mosaic: People, Place, & Policy investigated approaches through which Carlisle might become a more resilient and sustainable community. They learned and applied methods of history, demography, economics and systems analysis to examine evolving and interacting human and environmental systems of Carlisle and Cumberland Valley and changing patterns of agricultural production, industrialization and deindustrialization, urbanization and suburbanization, transportation, commerce, household size and composition, segregation, and poverty. They examined the practices of sustainable community development for building community capital and opportunities for their application in Carlisle.

The Mosaic included a semester-long community-based research course that will bring students and faculty together with community partners, who are actively working to mold Carlisle’s future, and researched options for building community resilience.

Program courses:

Participants in the Mosaic took the following four courses:

  • ECON 214/SOC 230: Introduction to Economic Demography (Anthony Underwood)
  • HIST 211: Carlisle as Artifact (Emily Pawley)
  • SUST 200/SOC 230: Sustainable and Resilient Communities (Neil Leary)
  • ECON/HIST/SUST/SOC 550: Independent Research: Carlisle People, Place and Policy (Underwood, Pawley, & Leary)

Cost:    $0

For more information contact: Sustainability@Dickinson.edu