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2020 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Allison Miller, Environmental Studies Major and Philosophy Minor

Allison Miller, Baird Fellow

Allison Miller is pursuing Environmental Studies major and Philosophy minor and is from Saint Petersburg, Florida.  While at Dickinson she has interned at the Center for Sustainability Education (CSE) as a Communications and Outreach intern, a Summer intern and a Special Project intern and has really enjoyed working with students, faculty and staff to make Dickinson more sustainable. In the summer of 2018, Allison worked as a biking leader for Overland Summers, where she was able to share her passion of biking and bike touring with middle schoolers.

During the fall of her sophomore year, Allison participated in the Nepal Mosaic which focused on understanding the intersections between vulnerability, climate change and human security. On campus, she has continued completing research on this topic for two additional semesters.  During the fall of her junior year Allison studied abroad in Paro, Bhutan, through the school for field studies where she focused on Himalayan Development studies and completed research focusing on Bhutan’s goals of rice self-sufficiency and the implications of climate change on that.

Most recently Allison, completed the Dickinson Arctic and Alpine Climate Research Experience (AACRE), where she was able to study different glaciers and connect with the local communities in this region. Allison is excited to take her understanding of sustainability to the next level through Baird, and is excited to work with the other fellows.