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2022 Baird Sustainability Fellows

Ashley Russo, International Business & Management Major, Economics and French Minor

Ashley Russo Baird Sustainability FellowAshley Russo is an International Business and Management major from New York City. She has minors in Economics and French and is completing a Food Studies certificate. She is hoping to go into sustainable business after graduation, either in Corporate Social Responsibility, ESG or Climate Consulting.

On campus, she has been involved in Greek life, as well as the Panhellenic Council. She just completed a year long term as President of her sorority. She has been involved with Admissions since her Sophomore year as a tour guide. This year, she serves as an Admissions Fellow, interviewing potential students and sitting on panels at open houses. She is also a senior mentor for Student Leadership and Campus Engagement. In this position, she works and does training for orientation and new student programming. Additionally, she works for the Career Center as a peer tutor for accounting courses. She spent a month in London studying politics and theatre at the end of her first year at Dickinson. She has interned for a sustainable food company and a consulting firm. She is hoping to have a valuable career combining her passions for business with her passion for the environment, by working to make businesses more sustainable.