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2022 Baird Sustainability Fellow

Nate Chaves, Art & Art History Major

Nathaniel Chaves is an Art & Art history major, with a concentration in found object produced sculpture. His mediums vary from ceramics and textiles to washed up mylar balloons and bottle caps. By working with local

Nate Chaves, Baird Sustainability Fellow

conservancy organizations, his artwork hopes to inspire change and reflection within each viewer as to their individual impact on the land around them.   

Nathaniel’s curiosity and aspiration to preserve his local environment sprouted from being raised on a small island off the coast of New England, where the impacts of single use plastics were evident firsthand. Over the past few years, he has worked with the local conservancy organization and transfer station, implementing systems of collection. Obtaining these discarded objects, ranging from mylar balloons to old textiles, allowed him to produce interactive and site-based installations that have been displayed across the island.   

Throughout his time at Dickinson, he has been an active member of the Arts community, with leadership experience within the Dickinson Arts Collective, serving on the exec committee since his first year; he is currently President of the club and manager of the Arts Collective house. With a passion for music, he has also served on the exec board for the college radio station, WDCV, since 2021.