Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2010-2011
Dana Research Assistants -- Academic Year 2010-2011
Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish & Portuguese - for academic year 2010-11 in support of her project, “Christopher Columbus in the Americas: New Nations and a Transatlantic Discourse of Empire.”
William Bellinger, Economics/Jue Wang ’12 - for spring 2011 in support of his project, “The Causes of the Retail Gap in Smaller U.S. Cities.”
Christine Bombaro, Library and Information Services/W. John Monopoli ’11 - for spring 2011 in support of her project, “Finding History (book project).”
Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/ Gabriel DiNatale ’14 - for spring 2011 in support of her project, “Exploring the mechanism of action of the anti-leukemic drug, parthenolide.”
Elena Duzs, Russian/Alexandra North ’13 - for spring 2011 in support of her project, “Aspects of Russian Literary Expressionism.”
Stephanie Gilmore, Women’s and Gender Studies/Student ’yr- for spring 2011 in support of her project, “LGBT and Women Students Negotiate Sexual Violence on Residential College Campuses.”
Helene Lee, Sociology/Hannah Farda ’11and Jamie Hur ’11 (one Dana Assistantship split between two students) - for spring 2011 in support of her project, “book proposal and manuscript development for Bittersweet Homecomings: Identity Construction in the Korean Diaspora.”
Simona Perry, Center for Sustainability Education/Jordan Haferbier ’13 - for spring 2011 in support her project, “Playing for Keeps Along the Susquehanna: A Community-Integrated GIS of Land and Water Uses and Rights in Rural Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play.”
Matthew Pinsker, History Tim Smith ’11- for academic year 2010-11 in support of the “House Divided Project.”
Amy Steinbugler, Sociology - for fall 2010 in support of her project, “Intimate Racework.”
Edward Webb, Political Science/International Studies and Elizabeth Lewis, Education - for academic year 2010-11 in support of their project, “Digital literacies in the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Class of 2014: a qualitative assessment.”
Karen Weinstein, Anthropology/Luke Donohue ’12 and Katherine Walters ’12 - for spring 2011 in support of her project, “Preliminary Analysis of the Human Skeletal Remains from Neale's Landing (site 46WD39), Blennerhassett Island, West Virginia.”
2010 Fall and AY 10-11 Projects
Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History - for his fall project, “Fall 2010 Painting Series.”
Sharon Kingston, Psychology - for her academic year project, “Substance Use Initiation Study: Community and Recovery Samples.”
Jonathan Page and Teresa Barber, Psychology - for their academic year project, “Detecting Pain through the Analysis of Evoked Potentials in the Brain.”
Greg Smith, Psychology - for his academic year project, “Class of 2011: Long-term follow-up.”
Adrienne Su, English - for her fall project, “Poems and structuring/organizing of fourth book of poems.”
Nhan Truong, Psychology - for his fall project, “‘Please Extinguish All Cigarettes:’ The Effects of Cultural Adaptation on Smoking Attitudes of Russian and Chinese Immigrants.”
Candie Wilderman, Environmental Studies - for her academic year project, “Developing, improving and testing protocols for volunteer monitoring of the impact of Marcellus Shale gas extractions on small streams in PA.”
2011 Winter/Spring Projects
Professional Development
Asunción Arnedo-Aldrich, Spanish & Portuguese - to assist with expenses associated with her professional development project, “Basic Training for Medical Interpreters. Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance - to assist with expenses associated with her Professional Development project, “Attendance at USITT Professional Development Workshop on Creating a Digital Portfolio.”
Marcus Key, Earth Sciences - to support his project, “Provenance of the black ‘marble’ grave markers in 17th century colonial Virginia.”
Sharon Kingston/Suman Ambwani, Psychology - to assist with expenses associated with their Professional Development project, “Professional Development and Training in Hierarchical Linear Modeling for Professors Ambwani and Kingston.”
Jessica Westin/Sarah Sherwood, Anthropology - to assist with expenses associated with their Professional Development project, “Additions to the Anthropology Department Skeletal Cast Collection.”
Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History - to assist with expenses associated with his Creative project, “2010 Painting Series.”
Kristine Mitchell, Political Science and International Studies- to assist with expenses with her Scholarly project, "The Electrified Goddess: Augustus Saint-Gardens, Stanford White and Diana at Madison Square Garden."
Patricia Moonsammy, Africana Studies - to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Rapso Warriors Book Manuscript Research.”
Sharon O’Brien, American Studies - to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “"Dear William Styron": Readers' Challenge to the Stigma of Depression.”
Sean Parr, Music- to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Dramatic musical work commission for Dickinson Collegium.”
Karl Qualls, History- to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Stalin's Spaniards: Educating Child Exiles of the Spanish Civil War, 1937-51.”
Sarah Skaggs, Theatre and Dance- to assist with her expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Dances for Disasters – Post 9/11 Dance in Anxious Times.”
Dawn Springer, Theatre and Dance- to assist with her expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Collaboration with Live Musician for Dance Classes.”
Publications/Dissertations 2010-11
James M. Hoefler, Political Science - toward the translation fee for his project, “Palliative Care at the End of Life in Denmark.”
Elizabeth Lee, Art and Art History- towards publication costs for her project, "The Electrified Goddess: Augustus Saint-Gardens, Stanford White and Diana at Madison Square Garden."
Marcus Key, Geology - toward publication costs for his article in press in the Journal of Paleontology.
Victoria Sams, English - toward subvention costs for her project, “Finding a Home in the Theatre: Immigration and Contemporary British Theatre.”
Amy Lynn Wlodarski, Music - toward copyright subvention expenses for her project, “Art Outside the Lines: New Perspectives on GDR Art Culture.”
Alla Semenova, Economics- toward her PhD Dissertation: "The Origins of Money: Evaluating Chartalist and Metallist Theories in the Context of Ancient Greece and Mesopatmia."
Sabbatical Expenses Support 2011-12
Barbara Diduk, Art- for expenses associated research for her project, "Vessels as Sculpture" and continuing work on her,"Vase Project."Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance- for expenses associated with her research on her project, “Advanced Study in Italian Mask-making.”
Christofillis Maggidis, Archeaology- for expenses associated with his project, “Beyond the Walls of Agamemnon: The Lower Town at Mycanae – Excavations and Geophysical Survey (2003-2011).”
Pam Nesselrodt, Education-for expenses associated with research on his project, “Curriculum Design Textbook for Pre-Service Secondary Teachers.”
Ashton Nichols, English- for expenses associated with research on his project, “A Romantic Natural History: 1750-1859.”
Karl Qualls, History- for expenses associated with research on his project, “Las Casas de los Ninos: Raising Spanish Children in Stalin’s USSR, 1937-51.”
Michael Poulton, International Business and Management- for expenses associated with doing a “faculty internship” with the Pavone Agency in Harrisburg, to work with them as they develop new and innovative uses of social media and the internet in their commercial marketing, which he plans to use as a syllabus for a new course.
Peter Sak, Earth Sciences- for expenses associated with his ongoing research investigating the geological origins of the sweeping arc in the folds of the Valley and Ridge Physiographic province exposed to the west and north of Carlisle. He also plans to continue processing the samples he collected while in Costa Rica.
Cindy Samet, Chemistry- for expenses associated with her research on her project, “Matrix Isolation and Polymer Thin Film Studies of Hydrogen-bonded Complexities.”
Amy Witter, Chemistry- for expenses for her project of completing a manuscript on the source of health implications and the environment from oxy-PAHs molecules. And to explore the research and teaching capabilities of new equipment acquired from the Chemistry Department.
Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2011
Scott Boback, Biology/ Matt Miller, ’13 and Nicole Davidson ’13 –for expenses associated with his project, “Ecological and environmental consequences of nest site selection in the Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta).”
Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/ Russel Holz ’13 – for expenses associated with her project, “Characterization and selection for association of the binding of BAG5 domains to potential molecular.”
Kristi Humphreys, Chemistry/ Emily Peterpaul ’13 and Gerard Mattei ’12- for expenses associated with her research on the topic of, “Reactivity of a Distamycin-Copper Conjugate with DNA.”
Elizabeth Lewis, Education/ Lauren Amoros ’12- for expenses associated with her research on the topic of, “Young Writers Program for Adolescent English Language Learners.”
Ashton Nichols, English/ Emily Arndt ’13- for expenses associated with his project, “A Romantic Natural History.”
Dana Research Assistants – Summer 2011
Sarah Bair, Education/Tom von Allmen ’12- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “History of the Scotland School for Veterans' Children.”
Christine Bombaro, Library and Information Services/Colin MacFarlane ’12- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, "Finding History" (book project).
Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/Myungsun Shin ’14- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “Reactivity of parthenolide with biological nucleophiles.”
Angela Delutis-Eichenberger, Spanish and Portuguese/Morgan Cheatham ’12- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “ Semana Poética 10.”
James Ellison, Anthropology and Archaeology/Bradley Roller ’14- for Summer 2011 in support of his project, “Analysis of Data from the 2011 Tanzania Field School: Health and Nutrition in an Interconnected World.”
Stephen Erfle, International and Business Management/Xiyu Li ’12- for Summer 2011 in support of his project, “Analysis of Active Schools Data from 2009-2011 school years.”
Laura Grappo, American Studies/Sarah Barr ’11- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, "Home and Other Myths: A Lexicon of Queer Inhabitation" (Manuscript revision).
Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics and Astronomy/ Kristen Recine ’11- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, "Modeling the Evolution of the Cataclysmic Variable System V723 Cas."
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance/ Lauren Brennan ’13- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “Design and construction of costumes for summer repertory season.”
Greg Howards, Environmental Studies/ Cailey Clark ’13 - for Summer 2011 in support of his project, “Portable PM2.5 Monitor Calibration and Validation for Diesel-Specific Air Pollution.”
Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/ Kathryn Rother ’12- for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “Dramaturg for Pendragon Theater .” (Stage Manager/Assistant Director)
Susan Rose, Sociology / Oanh-Nhi Nguyen ’13 - for Summer 2011 in support of her project, “Global Clothesline Project: Gender Violence, Inequality, and Health.”
Todd Wronski, Theatre and Dance/ Elizabeth Holland ’13- for Summer 2011 in support of his project, “Mark Twain Abroad.”
Summer Projects – 2011
Professional Development:
Mara Donaldson, Religion- for expenses associated with her project, “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Mind-Body Medicine.”
Phillip Earenfight, Art- for expenses associated with his project, "Getty Leadership Institute."
Stephanie Gilmore, Women's and Gender Studies- for expenses associated with her project, "Globalizing Women's Studies: Pedagogy and Praxis."
Jennifer Kniesch, Art and Art History- for expenses associated with her project, "Visual Resources Association Summer Educational Institute for Visual Resources and Image Management."
Dawn Springer, Theatre and Dance- for expenses associated with her project, "New Choreography for Four Female Dancers."
Thomas Arnold, Biology- for expenses associated with his project, "Assessing the impact of climate change on marine plant communities using the naturally-acidified waters near the underwater hydrothermal vents at the Isle of Vulcano, Sicily."
Greg Howards, Environmental Studies- for expenses associated with his project, "Studying air pollution in diesel-polluted environments."
Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance- for expenses associated with her project, "Directing for Pendragon Theater."
Elizabeth Lee, Art and Art History- for expenses associated with her project, "Therapeutic Culture: Health and Illness in Turn-of-the-Century American Art."
Brett Pearson, Physics and Astronomy- for expenses associated with his project, 'Rapid Pulse Shaping for Biological Microscopy."
Kim Rodgers, History and American Studies- for expenses associated with his project, "What Brought You Here?: New Religions, Immigrants and Converts in New Mexico."
Sarah Skaggs, Theatre and Dance- for expenses associated with her project, "Dancing Post 9/11."
Douglas Stuart, International Studies- for his expenses associated with his project, "Teaching 9-11."
Todd Wronski, Theatre and Dance, for expenses associated with his project, "Mark Twain Abroad."
Megan Yost, Psychology- for expenses associated with her project- "Exploring idealized cultural models of gender and sexuality across Latin America."
David Ball, Dominique Laurent, and Elizabeth Lee,with expenses associated with their project, "Transatlantic Modernism Mosaic."
Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Expenses Support 2011-12
Todd Arsenault, Art- for completing work on his, "Panting and Drawing Series."
John MacCormick, Computer Science- for conducting research on his project, "Creating a Video Chat with Novel Camera Configurations."
Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian- for conducting research for her manuscript, "I Am Yours: Preserving Patriarchal Agendas Through Hyper-sexualization of the Female Body in Italian Film and Media from the 1970's to Date."
Benjamin Ngong, French and Francophone Studies- for conducting research for his publication, "Edouard Glissant and the 'Slavery Blame-Game' in the Francophone World."
Mariana Past, Spanish- for conducting research on her project, "What's in a name? Reading Transformative Farce in Cesaire's La Tragedie du roi Christophe and Najman's 'Royal bonbon.'"
Brett Pearson, Physics and Astronomy- for conducting research on his project, "Rapid Pulse Shaping for Biological Microscopy."
Jerry Philogene, American Studies- for conducting research on her project, "Unearthing the New Modern Haiti: Cultural Citizenship and National Bodies," and "Ghetto Superstar: The Politics of Dead Citzenship."
Helen Takacs, International and Business Management- for conducting research on her project, "Exploring the relationship between a firm's financial and social performance throuigh the lens of strategic corporate social responsibility."