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Non-Travel Awards 2009-2010

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2009-2010

Dana Research Assistants -- Academic Year 2009-2010

Grant Braught, Computer Science/Russell Toris - to support his project, “Interfacing dLife to layer/Stage/Gazebo Open-Source Robot Simulators.”

James Ciarrocca, Academic Technology/Casey Michalski - to support his project, "Development of Spatial LIteracy within the Dickinson Community."

Elizabeth Lewis, Education/Lauren Amoros - to support her project, “Studying Adolescent English Language Learners’ Literacy Development through a Summer Writing Program.”

Matt Pinsker/John Osborne, History/Shane Harding/Morgan Mintz - to support their project, “House Divided Project.”

Dana Research Assistants -- Spring 2010:

Stephanie Gilmore, Women’s and Gender Studies/Chelsea Allen – to support her project, “Groundswell:  Grassroots Feminist Activism in Postwar America.”

Stephanie Gilmore
, Women’s and Gender Studies/Paula Lima, Diversity Initiatives/ Megan Yost/ Psychology/Jennifer Chmielewski – to support their project, “LGBT Campus Climate Focus Groups.”

Patricia van Leeuwaarde Moonsammy, Africana Studies/Quinnelle Gomez – to support her project, “Caribbean Media Representations.”

Simona Perry
, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education/Tomas Sanguinetti – to support her project, “Playing for Keeps Along the Susquehanna: A Community-Integrated GIS of Land and Water Uses and Rights in Rural Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Play.”

Matteo Salvadore
, History/Shannon Givens – to support his project, “XIX Century Discourses on the Nature of Ethiopians.”Cotten Seiler, American Studies/Wuji Zeng— to support his project, “Chinese Automobility and U.S. Rhetorics of Identicality.”

Sarah C. Sherwood
, Anthropology/Amy Oechsner – to support her project, “Geoarchaeology at Joara and Fort San Juan:  Colonialism and Household Practice at the Berry Site, North Carolina.”

Amy Steinbugler
, Sociology/Margaret O'Brien – to support her project, “Intimate Racework: The Daily Lives of Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Interracial Couples.”

2009 Fall Projects


Suman Ambwani, Psychology - for her project, “Temporal Sequencing of Affect, Interpersonal Stress, and Maladaptive Eating Behaviors.” 

Jeremy Ball, History - for his project, “From the Colonial Period to Civil War; Disruption in the Agro-Industrial Sector—a Two Case Study.”

Grace Jarvis, Spanish & Portuguese - (in conjunction with a sabbatical budget grant) for her project, Melting Pot or Pressure Cooker, Educational Factors in Assimilation in First Generation Immigrants.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance - for her project, “Orson Welle’s ‘Moby Dick Rehearsed’ at the Pendragon Theater.”

Dave Kushner, Biology - for his project, “Analysis of the Phosphorylation Levels of the Ism1 Protein in WT or Mutant Yeast Stains Expressing Replicating Brome Mosaic Virus.”

Professional Development:

Marie Helweg -for her project, “Introduction to AMOS [SPSS statistical software].”


Marie Helweg Larsen,  Jim Hoefler and Jon Page - for their project, “Intracellular trafficking of neurotransmitter receptors

2010 Winter/Spring Projects

Professional Development:

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance - to assist with expenses associated with her Professional Development project, “Attendance at USITT Professional Development Workshop on Creating a Digital Portfolio.”

Sharon Kingston/Suman Ambwani
, Psychology - to assist with expenses associated with their Professional Development project, “Professional Development and Training in Hierarchical Linear Modeling for Professors Ambwani and Kingston.”

Jessica Westin/Sarah Sherwood
, Anthropology - to assist with expenses associated with their Professional Development project, “Additions to the Anthropology Department Skeletal Cast Collection.”


Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History - to assist with expenses associated with his Creative project, “2010 Painting Series.”

Patricia Moonsammy
, Africana Studies - to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Rapso Warriors Book Manuscript Research.”

Sharon O’Brien
, American Studies - to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “"Dear William Styron": Readers' Challenge to the Stigma of Depression.”  

Publications/Dissertations 2009-10

John Henson, Biology - toward, "Cost of color figure reproduction in a peer-reviewed publication."

Carol Ann Johnston, English - toward her project, “Theorizing Typography: Printing, Page Design, and the Study of Free Verse.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History- toward her project, “When Sailors Kiss: Picturing Homosexuality in Post-World War II America.”

Karen Lewis, Physics & Astronomy - toward her project, “Long-Term Profile Variability of AGN with Double-Peaked Balmer Emission Lines.”

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, French & Italian - toward her project, “Dramatic Interactions: Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Cultures through Theater - Theoretical Approaches and Classroom Practices (title to be finalized).”

Wendy Moffat, English - toward costs or fees, royalties and scans for her project, “A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of E. M. Forster.”

Jeff Niemitz, Geology - toward color photo costs for publication of his project, “Long-Term Field Based Studies in Geoscience Education.”

Sean Parr, Music - toward his PhD dissertation “Melismatic Madness: Coloratura and Female Vocality in Mid Nineteenth-Century French and Italian Opera.”

Alberto Rodriguez, Spanish & Portuguese - toward his project, “Cervantes y Cuba: aspectos de una tradición literaria.”

Jorge R. G. Sagastume
, Spanish & Portuguese - toward publication costs for his projects, “El viejor” and “Distorsiones.”

Andrew Wolff, Political Science & International Studies - toward his project, “Explaining NATO Expansion into Central and Eastern Europe, 1989-2004: An Analysis of Geopolitical Interest.”

Sabbatical Expenses Support 2010-11

Grant Braught - in support his 2010-11 sabbatical project, “dLife Development and Evolutionary Robotics.”

Lynn Helding – in support of her 2010-11 sabbatical project, “Voice Science and Neuroscience of Music.”  

Pam Nesselrodt, Education - in support of her 2010-11 sabbatical project, “Curriculum Design Textbook for Pre-Service Secondary Teachers.”  

Dave Richeson – in support of his 2010-11 sabbatical project, “Travel to India to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians and speak at a satellite conference.”

Blake Wilson – in support of his 2010-11 sabbatical project, “Orpheus in Florence: the 

Fall 2010

Kim Lacy Rogers
- in support of her fall 2010 sabbatical project, “Sikh Dharma: Convets & Narratives in New Mexico.”  

Adrienne Su –  in support of her fall 2010 sabbatical project, “Returning Residency, Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown.”  

Stephen Weinberger -  in support of his fall 2010 sabbatical project, “Bosley Crowther Reconsidered.”  

Spring 2011

Jeffrey Niemitz
- in support of his spring 2011 sabbatical project, “Nutrient and Trace Element Fluxes from Legacy Sediment Re-mobilization: Modeling the Yellow Breeches Creek Watershed.”  

Susan Rose - in support of her spring 2011 sabbatical project, “Global Clothesline Project: Gender Violence in Cross-Cultural Perspective.”

Todd Wronski - in support his spring 2011 sabbatical project, “Mark Twain Abroad.”  

Summer 2010 Study Groups

Cotten Seiler
/American Studies - toward books to support a summer study group: Advanced Cultural Theory Course Reading Group.

Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2010

Scott Boback, Biology/Kevin Wood ’11- supports research on the topic of Population Ecology of Central Pennsylvania Snake Communities for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Grant Braught, Math & Computer Science/Russell Toris ’11- supports research on the topic of Studying Self-Adaptive Mutation Rates in a Competitive Co-Evolutionary Game of Robot Tag, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

John Henson, Biology/Anastasia Gianakas ’12- supports research on the topic of Mechanisms of Cell Process Formation in Sea Urchin Embryos, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Kristi Humphreys, Chemistry/Tianju Zhou ’12- supports research on the topic of Linking Antimetastatic Acitivity to Reduction Potential and Rate of Hydrolysis in a Series of N-alkyl substituted NAMI-A derivatives, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Elizabeth C. Lewis, Education/Eliza Cutler ’11-  supports research on the topic of Young Writers Program for English Language Learner (ELLs) - Summer 2010, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Mary (Missy) Niblock, Biology & Neuroscience/Marianne Hutt ’11- supports research on the topic of Immunohistochemical Characterization of Sexually Dimorphic Cells in the Retrotrapezoid Nucleus of the Mouse Brainstem for the period of five (5) weeks.

Jonathan Page, Psychology and Neuroscience & Teresa Barber, Psychology and Neuroscience/Marlini Milla ’11 & Gina Norato ’12- supports research on the topic of Developing a Methodology to Electronically Measure Pain, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Brett Pearson, Physics & Astronomy/Matthew Murray ’11 - supports research on the topic of Pulse Shaping for Enhanced Discrimination in Multiphoton Microscopy, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

David Richeson, Math & Computer Science/Fabio Drucker ’11- supports research on the topic of Symbolic Dynamics for Overlapping Partitions, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Sarah St. Angelo, Chemistry/Erica Hartz ’11- supports research on the topic of Synthesis via Green Chemistry and Characterization of Metal and Mixed Metal Anisotropic Nanoparticles for Assembly into SERS Substrates, for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Dana Research Assistants – Summer 2010

William Bellinger, Economics/Jue Wang ’12- supports research, (1) Causes of the retail gap in Smaller Central Cities, with emphasis on Pennsylvania Cities; (2) The economic impact of Dickinson Summer Programs, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Christine Bombaro, LIS/W. John Monopoli ’11- supports research on the topic, Finding History (book project), by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of six (6) weeks.

Ben Edwards, Geology/Katherine Anderson ’11- supports research on the topic, Curation of the Ellis mineral collection with emphasis on related to African resource extraction, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Andrew Takoch ’11 - supports research on the topic, Design and construction of costumes for 3 productions, by providing wages for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Ann Hill, Anthropology/Wuji Zeng ’12- supports research on the topic, Translating and Interpreting China’s Southwestern Frontier, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of six (6) weeks.

Kristi Humphreys, Chemistry/Alice Duchon ’11- supports research on the topic, Synthesis of a Copper-Distamycin Conjugate and its Reactivity with DNA, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/Kristin Bodall ’11- supports research on the topic, Stage Manager/Dramaturg for "Eurydice" at Pendragon Theater, by providing wages and off-campus housing for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Matt Pinsker, History and John Osborne, History/Rebecca Solnit ’12, Brenna McKelvey ’12, Jake Rainwater ’11- supports research on the topic, House Divided Project, by providing wages and room for two student research assistants for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese/Eric Seymour ’12- supports research on the topic, Semana Poética 9, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of eight (8) weeks.

Amy Steinbugler, Sociology/Maggie O'Brien ’11 - supports research on the topic, Intimate Racework: The Daily Lives of Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Interracial Couples, by providing wages for eight (8) weeks and room for six (6) weeks for a student research.