Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2008-2009
Dana Research Assistants -- Academic Year 2008-2009
David Ball, English—Meredith Milnes ’11 - support for his research for a project, “False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism,” by hiring a student research assistant.
Daniel Kenny, Political Science—Michael O’Brien ’09 - support for his research for a project, “Seizing Domestic Tranquility: Federal Military Intervention Between the World Wars (1919-1940),” by hiring a student research assistant.
Ted Merwin, Religion—Rebecca Stanger ’09 - support for his research for a project, “A Museum Exhibit on the History of the Jewish Deli,,” by hiring a student research assistant.
Matthew Pinsker and John Osborne, History—Russell Toris ’11/ Benjamin Lyman ’11/ Trey Boone ’12-support for their research for a project, “House Divided,” by hiring three student research assistants.
Karl Qualls, History—Azul Mertnoff ’11-support for his research for a project, “Las Casas de los Ninos,” by hiring a student research assistant.
Avis Vila, IB&M—Amanda West ’10 -support for her research for a project, “Role of State Governments in Attracting and Regulating Foreign Direct Investment,” by hiring a student research assistant.
Fall 2008:
Amy Wlodarski, Music—Megan Conlon ’09 - support for her research for a project, “Philadelphia Orchestra’s ‘Getting to Know You’ Series: Arnold Schoenberg’s Kammersympohonie No. 1” by hiring a student research assistant.
2008 Fall Projects
Professional Development:
Dan Cozort, Religion—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Tibetan Translator’s Workshop.”
Abraham Quintanar, Spanish & Portuguese—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “TEI Workshop at Wheaton College, Norton, MA, October 10-12, 2008.”
Megan Yost, Psychology—to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Integrating the Psychology of Men into the Psychology of Women and Gender.”
2009 Winter/Spring Projects
Professional Development:
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance—to assist with expenses associated with the two-day workshop, “Make it or break it mold making techniques,” which is part of the United States Institute of Theatre Technology Conference in the spring of 2009.
Suman Ambwani, Psychology—to support her project, “Temporal Sequencing of Affect, Interpersonal Stress, and Maladaptive Eating Behaviors.”
Tom Arnold, Biology—to support his project, “Impacts of Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment on Calcifying Reef Algae: Are Reefs Coming Unglued?”
Andrew Bale, Art & Art History—to assist his project, “Photographic Documentation of the College Farm.”
Gisela Roethke, German—to support her project, “Hermann Broch’s Novel Die Verzauberung.”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese—to conduct research on his sabbatical projects, 1) two book-length translations and 2) two scholarly articles accompanying the translations.
Itzchak Weismann, History—to support his project, “The Collective Hero: Mythologies of Origin in the Globalizing Muslim Public.”
Dana Research Assistants – Spring 2009
Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish & Portuguese—Kristin Beach ’09 - support for her research for a project, “Christopher Columbus in the Americas” by hiring a student research assistant.
Malinda Triller, Library Services/Jim Gerencser, Archives & Special Collections—Caroline Radesky ’09/Michelle Hadley ’09/Natalie Cortez ’09 - support for their project, “125 Years of Coeducation at ĢƵ,” by hiring 3 student research assistants.
Publications/Dissertations 2008-09
Elena Aysakova, Russian—toward travel to defend her PhD dissertation in Moscow.
David M. Ball, English—toward image permissions and cover design expenses for his project, “Critical Approaches to the Comics of Chris Ware (UP of Mississippi).”
Neil Diamant, Political Science—toward expenses for his project, “Embattled Glory: Veterans, Military Families and the Politics of Patriotism in China, 1949-2007.”
Ann Hill, Anthropology/Minglang Zhou, East Asian Studies—toward expenses for their continuing project, “The Challenge of Inequality: Perspectives on China’s Affirmative Action Policies for Minority Education” toward copy editor expenses.”
Dave Kushner, Biology—toward page charges for his project, “Structural plasticity and rapid evolution in a viral RNA revealed by in vivo genetic selection” to be published in volume 83, issue 2 of the Journal of Virology in 2009.
Helene K. Lee, Sociology—toward travel to defend her PhD Dissertation: “Bittersweet Homecomings: Ethnic Identity Construction in the Korean Diaspora” and photocopying, copyright and binding expenses.
Benjamin Ngong, French & Italian—toward costs associated with the final preparation of his dissertation, submission, traditional publication, printing and copyright.
Glen Peterman, Corporate & Foundation Relations—toward publication expenses for his project, “The Archaeological Expedition to Khirbet Iskander and its Environs, Volume 1.”
Karl Qualls, History—toward graphics prep and indexing expenses for his project, “From Ruins to Reconstruction.”
Sak, Peter, Geology—toward expenses for his project, “Rough Crust Subduction, Forearc Kinematics, and Quaternary Uplift Rates, Costa Rican Segment of the Middle American Trench.”
Sabbatical Expenses Support Spring 2009
Tullio Pagano, French & Italian—to support his project, “The Eclipse of Landscape in Liguria, Italy.”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese—to support his project, “Conduct research on 1) two book-length translations and 2) two scholarly articles accompanying the translations.”
Sabbatical Expenses Support 2009-10
Ann Hill, Anthropology - in support of her sabbatical project during academic year 2009-10, “Tribalization in Southwest China.”
Jim Hoefler, Political Science - in support of his sabbatical project during academic year 2009-10, “Continuous Deep Sedation (CDS) in End-of-Life Care: British Principles and Practice.”
Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance - in support of her sabbatical project during academic year 2009-10, “Directing Project.”
Minglang Zhou, East Asian Studies - in support of his sabbatical project during academic year 2009-10, “Between Integration and Segregation: Models of Nation State Building and Language Education for Ethnic Minorities in China, 1949-2009.”
Fall 2009
Grace Jarvis, Spanish & Portuguese - in support of her sabbatical project, Melting Pot or Pressure Cooker, Educational Factors in Assimilation in First Generation Immigrants.”
Spring 2010
Ward Davenny, Art & Art History - in support of his sabbatical project during spring 2010, “Observation and Documentation of Severe Weather and Human Interaction.”
Melinda Schlitt, Art & Art History - in support of her sabbatical project during spring 2010, “Exemplum and Panegyric in the Arch of Constantine.”
Candie Wilderman, Environmental Science - in support of her spring 2010 sabbatical project, “Develop and pilot protocols for the monitoring of the impact of Marcellus shale gas well drilling and extraction on ground and surface water resources.”
Summer 2009 Study Groups
Mara Donaldson, Religion—in support of a Religion summer study group: Department Curriculum Revision—Phase One.
Kirsten Guss, Biology— in support of a Biology summer study group: Faculty study group to evaluate biology curriculum.
Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy— in support of a Physics & Astronomy summer study group: Quantum Optics and Core Curriculum Transformation Workshop.
Robert Ness, English— in support of an African Studies summer study group: Interdisciplinary Professional Development for Africana Studies. (The College anticipates forthcoming support from the Mellon Foundation, which will be the source of funding for this study group.)
Jeffrey Niemitz, Geology— in support of a Geology summer study group: The Dickinson Geology Curriculum: A useful education for sustaining the Earth and its inhabitants in the 21st century.
Dave Richeson, Math & Computer Science— in support of a Math & Computer Science summer study group: The Future of Calculus at ĢƵ.
Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2009
David M. Ball, English/ Eliza Cutler ’11—supports research on the topic of False Starts: The Rhetoric of Failure and the Making of American Modernism, 1850-Present for the period of eight (8) weeks.
David Crouch, Chemistry/ Catherine Campbell ’12—supports research on the topic of Microwave-mediated Favorskii Reactions, for the period of eight (8) weeks.
Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy/ Anubhav Mohan ’11—supports research on the topic of Rotational Velocites, Radii, and Spectral types of Pre-main Sequence Stars in NGC 2362, for the period of eight (8) weeks.
John Henson, Biology/ Mary Buckley ’10—supports research on the topic of Structural Organization of the Contractile Ring during Cell Division in Sea Urchin Embryos, for the period of eight (8) weeks.
Pamela J. Higgins, Chemistry/ Joshua Foong ’11—supports research on the topic of Synthesis and Characterization of an Iron-Salen-Glutamic Acid Molecule, for the period of eight (8) weeks.
Karen Kirkham, Theatre/Dance/ Kristin Bodall ’11—supports research on the topic of Stage Manager/Dramaturg for Pendragon Theater, for the period of eight (8) weeks for the student and the period of four (4) for the professor.
John MacCormick, Computer Science/ Fabio Drucker ’11—supports research on the topic of Fast Superpixel Algorithms, for the period of six (6) weeks.
Kristine Mitchell, Political Science/International Studies/ Jillian Laux ’10—supports research on the topic of Investigation of the socialization effect of the European Union's ERASMUS university exchange program, for the period of eight (8) weeks.
Michael Roberts, Biology / Jeffrey Forrester, Math & Computer Science—supports Prof. Forrester's research on the topic of Exploiting the Synergy of Mathematical and Molecular Biological Approaches in Studying a Complex Problem, for the period of eight (8) weeks. This complements the NSF grant which supports Prof. Roberts and six students.
Cindy Samet, Chemistry/ Jeff Rodgers ’10—supports research on the topic of Infrared Matrix Isolation Studies of the Hydrogen Bonding Involved in Layer-by-Layer Assembly of Nanoparticles: Pyridine as a Hydrogen Bond Acceptor, for the period of six (6) weeks.
Dan Schubert, Sociology/ Gabriela Uassouf ’10—supports research on the topic of Living Positive in South Central Pennsylvania, for the period of eight (8) weeks. The grant includes support from Assistant Provost Staub’s Community-Based Research Fund.
Sarah St. Angelo, Chemistry/ Erica Hartz ’11—supports research on the topic of Synthesis of Bimetallic Collidal Triangles for Surface Enhanced Raman, for the period of eight (8) weeks
Dana Research Assistants – Summer 2009
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/ Tiffany Kintigh ’10—supports her research, Design and construction of costumes for 3 productions, by providing wages for a student research assistant.
Sinan Koont, Economics/ Alexander Bloom ’11—supports his research, Book manuscript on Cuban Urban Agriculture, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant.
Jeffrey Niemitz, Geology/ Alyssa Chaplin ’10—supports his research, Development and Assessment of Critical Thinking Skills in First-Year Students Taking Introductory Geology Courses and Beyond, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant.
Matthew Pinsker, History/ David Gillespie ’11 and David Park ’10—supports his House Divided Project, by providing wages and room for two student research assistants.
C. Helen Takacs, International Business & Management/ Pauline Hovy ’10—supports her research, The Relationship Between Corporate Social and Financial Performance: What's the Role of Strategy?, by providing wages and room for a student research assistant for the period of (8) weeks.
Malinda Triller / Jim Gerencser, LIS/ Allyson Glazier ’11 and Allison Schell ’11— supports your research, "Women's Experiences at Dickinson" Exhibit, by providing wages and room for two student research assistants.
Amy Witter, Chemistry/ Minh Nguyen ’11—supports her project, “Assembling CHEM 131, 132, and 141 Labs for the 09-10 Academic Year.”
Summer Projects – 2009
Tom Arnold, Biology—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Impacts of Free Ocean Carbon Enrichment: Deployment of F.O.C.E. System at the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundations Marine Station.”
Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History / Ward Davenny, Art & Art History—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Severe Weather Visual Documentation.”
Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Engineering Intelligent Machines for an Aging Society: Robotics and the Technology of Care in Japan.”
Kristi Humphreys, Chemistry—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Elucidation of the Intermediates Responsible for DNA Cleavage by Pyridyl-Ligated Copper Complexes.”
Windsor Morgan, Physics/Astronomy—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “History of Women Scientists at Dickinson: Research on Jennie Taylor (Class of 1889).”
Wendell Smith, Spanish & Portuguese—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “From Round Table to Revolt: Amadis de Gaula and the Comuneros.”
Blake Wilson, Music—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Heinrich Isaac: Secular Vocal Works for Renaissance Florence, A Critical Edition.”
Professional Development:
Scott Boback, Biology—to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Evolutionary Developmental Biology of Snake Head Shape.”
Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese—to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Catalan Language.”
Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance—to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Ideokinesis-Neuromuscular Repatterning Class.”
Amy Wlodarski, Music—to assist with expenses associated with her Professional Development project, “Advanced Choral Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques.”