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Non-Travel Awards 2007-2008

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2007-2008

Photograph of a studentDana Research Assistants -- Academic Year 2007-2008

William Bellinger /Benjamin Rafetto (fall 07) - Ke Zhou (spg 08) - support for his research project, “Measurement and Analysis of the Income Density (Income Per Acre) Patterns of Small Towns.”

Miguel Centellas/Juliana Horwath - support for his research project, “Bolivian Political Parties Database.”

Neil J. Diamant/Caitlin C. Steirman - support for his research for completing his book manuscript for final submission to the press, “Like Donkeys Killed After Grinding the Wheat: Veterans, Military Families and the Politics of Martial Citizenship and Patriotism in China.”

Carol Ann Johnston/Tom Elrod - support for her research project, “ ‘Heavenly Perspective’: Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Tradition.”

Thomas Nadelhoffer/Tatyana Matveeva - support for his research project, “Multiple Tasks and Titles,” (to include editing a moral psychology anthology for Blackwell Press, working on a book manuscript entitled The Uses (and Abuses) of Intuitions in Philosophy, organizing the third installation of the On-line Philosophy Conference, and conducting a series of studies on moral cognition).

Matthew Pinsker/John Dickinson, John Osborne/Joanne Williams, Jim Gerencser/James Chapnick - support for their research project, “House Divided.”

Meagen Pollock/John J. Davidson - support for her research project, “Petrographic and Geochemical Study of Icelandic Crust.”

Fall 2007:

Amy Wlodarski/Sara Yester - supports continuation of her summer research project, “Reconsidering the Arts in German Democratic Republic: An Interdisciplinary Conference (October 25-27, 2007).”

Spring 2008:

Marcello Borges/Anabella Atach/Elitsa Gosheva/Elizabeth Stokely -to support research for his project “Patagonia Mosaic Virtual Museum and Resource Center.”

James Ellison/Kaitlin Irvin - to support his research for your project, “Hereditary Status Groups and Neoliberal Reforms in Ethiopia.”

Christopher Lemelin/Mariana Past/Megan Browndorf - to support research for their project, “Editorial Assistant for Sirena: Poetry, Art, Criticism.”

Karl D. Qualls/Andrea Dominquez/Evan Sparling - to support his research project, “Exiled Spanish Youth in the USSR, 1937-51.”

Cotten Seiler/James Watson-Krips - to support research for his project, “The Impact of Automobility on Chinese Society, 1920-Present.”

Vanessa Tyson/Layne Feldman - to support research for her project, “Research on the Congressional Women’s Caucus.”

Adis Vila/Kirsten Midura - to support her research project, “Role of state governments in attracting and regulating foreign direct investment.”

2007 Fall Projects

Professional Development:

Jennifer Halpin, Environmental Studies— to assist with expenses associated with her Professional Development project, “Organic Bee-Keeping Workshop.”


Jennifer Halpin, Environmental Studies—to assist with expenses associated with her Teaching project, “Sustainable Systems Comparison: United States and Venezuela.”


Richard Abrams, Psychology—to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Semantic and Orthographic Elements of Unconscious Priming.”

Dan Cozort, Religion— to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Female Buddhas.”

Ward Davenny, Art & Art History—to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Photographic Research and Presentation.”

Barbara Diduk, Art & Art History— to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “The Vase Project.”

Anne Murtagh, Psychology—to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Attention and Memory Study.”

Meagen Pollock, Geology—to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Preliminary Petrographic and Geochemical Analyses of Icelandic Crust.”

Victoria Sams, English—to assist with expenses associated with her Scholarly project, “Documentary Theatre Article Research/Tamasha Theater Company Article Research.”

J. A. (Andy) Skelton, Psychology—to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Evaluating Health Accessibility Measures.”

Gregory J. Smith, Psychology—to assist with expenses associated with his Scholarly project, “Class of 2011: The Transition to College Study.”

2008 Winter/Spring Projects

Professional Development:

Lynn Helding, Music— to support her “Singing Voice Specialist Apprenticeship” with Dr. Anat Keidar at her New York City clinic.
Jim Hoefler, Political Science—to support his project, “Advanced European Bioethics Course.”


Sandra Alfers, German—to support her project “Poetry from Theresienstadt: Work and Life of Gertrud Kantorowicz (1876-1945).”

Michael Fratantuono, IBM—to support his project, “Case Study: The Peace Medical Company.”

Marcus Key, Geology—to support his project, “Radiocarbon Dating of Jaw Sample from Archeological Site in Virginia.”

Hemlata Mistry, Biology—to support her project “Uncovering the Lineage and Axonal Projections of Neurons Expressing Hb9, Lim3 or Islet Transcription Factors in the Embryonic Central Nervous System of Drosophila melanogaster.


Dan Cozort, Religion—to support his project, “Female Buddhas.”

Karen (Lordi) Kirkham, Theatre & Dance—to support her project, “Handcart’s ‘Oedipus at Colonus’.”

Robert Pound, Music— to support his project, “Incidental Music to Support Professor Kirkham’s NYC Production of Oedipus at Colonus.”

Dana Research Assistants – Spring 2008

Marcello Borges, History— to support research for his project “Patagonia Mosaic Virtual Museum and Resource Center.”

James Ellison, Anthropology— to support his research for your project, “Hereditary Status Groups and Neoliberal Reforms in Ethiopia.”

Christopher Lemelin, Russian — to support research for their project, “Editorial Assistant for Sirena: Poetry, Art, Criticism.”

Karl D. Qualls, History—to support his research project, “Exiled Spanish Youth in the USSR, 1937-51.”

Cotten Seiler, American Studies—to support research for his project, “The Impact of Automobility on Chinese Society, 1920-Present.”

Sabbatical Supplements – 2008-09

Marcello Borges, History Using immigrant letters, he plans to examine migratory strategies and transnational practices among Portuguese families during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. In particular, he will focus on “call letters” sent by Portuguese migrants to ask family members to join them abroad. His analysis will consider these letters as both a rich source to write a sociocultural history of migration from a family and gendered perspective, and as products of popular writing with their own form, style, and conventions.
David Commins, History He plans to research and write on the modern Islamic reform tendency known as Salafiyya. The tendency has evolved and changed shape from its emergence in the 1700s to the present. He will work on a unifying conceptual framework to explain the specific forms Salafi Islam has assumed at different historical stages.

Publications/Dissertations 2007-08

Scott Boback, Biology—to support his project, “A Test of Reproductive Power in Snakes.”

Ann Hill, Anthropology/Minglang Zhou, East Asian Studies—to support their project, “The Challenge of Inequality: Perspectives on China’s Affirmative Action Policies for Minority Education.”

Carol Loeffler, Biology—to support her project, “Morphological Analysis of Shooting Star Populations (Dodecatheon, Primulaceae) in Pennsylvania.”

Marc Mastrangelo, Classical Studies—to support his book project, The Roman Self: Prudentius and the Poetics of the Soul.

Nancy Mellerski, French & Italian/David Kranz, English & Film Studies—to support their project, “In/Fidelity: Essays on Film Adaptation.”

Meagen Pollock, Geology— to defend her dissertation in Durham, NC.
Cotten Seiler, American Studies—to support his project, “Republic of Drivers: A Cultural History of Automobility in the United States.”

Edward Webb, Political Science and International Studies— to defend and deposit his dissertation: “Civilizing Religion: Jacobin Projects of Secularization” and microfilm and copyright fees.

Blake Wilson, Music—to support his project, “Singing Poetry in Renaissance Florence: The ‘Cantasi Come’ Tradition, ca. 1375-1550.”

Sabbatical Expenses Support Spring 2008

Catherine A. Beaudry, French & Italian— to support her project, “Jeanne Guyon: Swallow of Blois Final Research for Chapters 4 and 5, ‘Jeanne Before the French Inquisition’, and ‘The Swallow Sends the Message Forth’.”

R. Leon Fitts, Classical Studies— to support his project, “Publication of Excavations: Lease Rigg, N. Yorkshire Moors; Kirk Sink; Gargrave; Airedale; Yorkshire.”

Michael K. Heiman, Geography and Environmental Studies— to support his project, “A Comparative Assessment of US and European Renewable Energy Policy (including research and manuscript preparation).”

Marc Mastrangelo, Classical Studies— to support his project, “A Commentary on the Psychomachia of Prudentius (in collaboration with Professor Francese).”

Sabbatical Expenses Support 2008-09

Marcello Borges, History—to support his project “Immigrant Letters: Migratory Strategies and Transnational Practices in the Correspondence of Portuguese Migrant Families, 1870s-1920s.”

David Commins, History—to support his project “From Wahhabi to Salafi.”

Mara Donaldson, Religion—to support her project, “The Hero Revisited.”

Amy Farrell, American Studies—to support her project, “Fat Shame: Stigma, Fatness and American Culture,” in particular the chapter entitled “Feminism and Fat.”

Lorelei Koss, Mathematics & Computer Science—to support her project “Dynamics of the Elliptic Function à + b.”

David Kushner, Biology—to support his project “Virus-host interaction in brome mosaic virus and in vivo evolution of turnip crinkle virus satellite C RNA.”

Sylvie Toux, Toulouse—to support her projects, “Curriculum Development for Study Abroad” and “The Memory of a Village: Three Portraits of Centenarians.

Jessica Wahman, Philosophy—to support her project, “Researching and Writing a Monograph that Challenges Psychological Reductionism by Appealing to George Santayana’s Ontology and Theory of Knowledge.”

Summer 2008 Study Groups

Jeremy Ball, History/Kim Lacy Rogers, History/Amy Wlodarski, Music—to support their study group to: “…read the theoretical and historical literature from the South African history, the history of the Civil Rights movement in Mississippi, and the ethnomusicology of social movements and musical protest…design and finalize lesson plans.”

Stephen Erfle, International Business and Management—to support an INBM study group: Curricular Reform. (Also extended to Summer 2009 to complete final part of the project.)

Sharon O’Brien, American Studies/Susan Rose, Sociology—to do intensive reading and course development for the South Asian Diaspora Mosaic.”

Amy Witter, Chemistry—to support a Chemistry study group to discuss curricular issues with all members of the department and consider any appropriate changes to the Chemistry curriculum.

Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2008

Lars English/Mara Anderson ’10 - Nonlinear Localization and Pattern Formation in Two-Dimensional Electrical Lattices

Kristi J. Humphreys/ Yurina Shim ’09 - Investigating the Interactions of Mononuclear Copper Compounds with Biomolecules

John Henson/Rachel Jones '10 - Structural and Molecular Characterization of a Newly Isolated Bacteriophage Virus

Mary (Missy) Niblock/ Elizabeth Jeffress ’09 - Characterization of Central Chemoreceptors in the Mouse Cerebellum

Jeffrey Niemitz/ Courtney Haynes ’09 - Nutrient and Trace Element fluxes from Legacy Sediment Release: Implications for the environmental degradation of the Chesapeake Bay

Brett Pearson Physics & Astronomy/ Zachary Carson ’10 - Biological Imaging with Ultrafast Lasers

Julie Vastine/ Danielle Cioce ’08 and Jack Treichler ’08 - Burma Environmental Curriculum Development and Implementation

Dana Research Assistants – Summer 2008

Steve Erfle/Michael Geosits '09 , Conversion of course materials to Excel 2007.

Sherry Harper-McCombs/Paige Meredith '09 , Design and construction of costumes for 3 productions.

Karen Kirkham/Erin C. Ryan '09 , Assistant Director/Dramaturg/Stage Manager Pendragon Theater.

Matthew Pinsker, John Osborne, and Jim Gerencser/Anna Lovett '10 , House Divided Project.

Jorge R. Sagastume/Rachel Warren '09 , Semana Poética VII.

Todd Wronski/Megan Nussle '09 , One-person play on the life and writings of William Saroyan.

Summer Projects – 2008


Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History —to support an exhibition of his paintings at Galeria Fucares in Almagro, Spain.

Alex Bates, East Asian Studies —to support his project, “Osaka Literary Modernism and Representations of the Great Kanto Earthquake.” His award letter will include a caveat that his report for this award and all future proposals should include more detail to explain the project.

Neil Diamant, Political Science — to support his project, “Like Donkeys Killed after grinding the Wheat: Veterans, Military Families and the Politics of Patriotism in China.”

Barbara Diduk, Art & Art History —to support her project, “Ceramic Sculpture.”

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Psychology —to support her project, “Moralization, Risk Perceptions, and Smoking Cessation in Denmark.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance —to support her project, “Directing for Pendragon Theater.”

Sarah McGaughey, German —to support her project, “Stylizing the Interior: Contemporary Housing Design and Style in Hermann Broch’s Die Schlafwandler.” Her award letter will include a caveat that she should use language for a lay audience in future proposals.

Todd Wronski, Theatre & Dance —to support his project, “In My Case an Exception Should be Made: An Audience with William Sarovan.”

Professional Development:

Scott Boback— to support his project, “Workshop: Beginning a Research Program in the Natural Sciences at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution.”

Robert Dean—to support his project, “Attendance of Introduction to ArcGIS I& II.”
Sherry Harper-McCombs—to support her project, “Felt face making – felt as a non-traditional mask making medium.”

Cotten Seiler—to support his project, “Futures of American Studies Institute, Dartmouth College.”

Summer Scholar Awards:

Pauline Cullen—to support her project, “European Union Social NGOs and the Citizens Initiative.”

Carol Ann Johnston—to support her project, “ ‘Heavenly Perspective’: Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Traditions.”

Sinan Koont—to support his project, “Urban Agriculture in Cuba.”

Elizabeth Lee—to support her project, “The Grotesque Body Meets Modern Medical Science: Ivan Albright Paints in Post-WWI America.”

Minglang Zhou—for his project, “Guest-Editing an Issue of Chinese Education & Society on the Topic of Language Harmony in China.”

Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Expenses Support 2008-09

Sarah Bair, Eduation (Fall 2008)—to support her project, “History of the Scotland School for Veterans’ Children.”