Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2006-2007
Dana Research Assistants -- Academic Year 2006-2007
Eugenia Amditis/Cara Roney - support for her research project, “Carlisle Area Homelessness and Income Density in Small Pennsylvania Towns.”
Bill Bellinger/Evgeniya Gencheva - support for his research project, “Carlisle Area Homelessness and Income Density in Small Pennsylvania Towns.”
Sherry Harper-McCombs/Claire Angelilli - support for her research project, “Costume Storage Database.”
Edward McPhail/Chris Dumbroski - support for his research project, “The Political Economy of Charles Nisbet.”
Matt Pinsker, John Osborne, James Gerencser/Caitlin Kingsley, Richard Robinson, David Schwerin - support for the continuation of their project to create a website, House Divided: A View of America, 1846-1862.
Scholarly Fall Projects – 2006
Mark Overstreet, Spanish & Portuguese, for his project, “Enhancing the Learners’ Attention: An Online Study of Textual Enhancement.”Gregory J. Smith, Psychology, for his project, “The College Experience.”
Amy Wlodarski, Music, for her project, “Unseen Subjects: Cinematic Suture and Narratological Strategies in Reich’s Different Trains (1988).”
Reassigned Time – Spring 2007
Amy Farrell – “Fat Shame: A Cultural History of Stigma, Weight Loss and the Fat Activist Movement.” Reassigned time to complete this project. Two presses, New York University Press and Palgrave-Macmillan, have indicated serious interest. Both indicated that they want the final draft—with reader revisions, a strong conclusion, and all permissions—completed by May 2007, preferably earlier.Lucile Duperron – “Study-abroad article completion and content-based instruction and processing instruction article completion.” Reassigned time to complete work on two projects. The first project is an article about language preparedness and linguistic outcomes in the study abroad context, in collaboration with Mark Overstreet, for submission deadline of March 1, 2007 to Frontiers. The second project refocuses her previous research on content-based instruction and targets a specialized second language acquisition (SLA) audience with a view to submitting an article to the Journal of French Language Studies in June 2007.
2007 Winter/Spring Projects
Professional Development:Rachel Boggia and Emily Lawrence, Theatre & Dance, to create a concert of original choreography and videodance to be shown in Mathers Theatre on January 26 and 27, 2007.
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance, to cover the course and conference fees for a Professional Development Workshop, “Monumental Styrofoam Carving and Cutting” in order to learn new methods in Styrofoam sculpting and to get the latest safety information on working with Styrofoam.
Thomas Nadelhoffer, Philosophy, to cover the annual fee for a single Typepad professional account for two different academic blogs.
Lisa Streett-Liebetrau, Theatre & Dance, to assist with expenses for the USITT Conference in Phoenix, AZ, March 13-17, 2007, a Professional Development Workshop titled “Portrait Painting.”
Stephen Weinberger, History, to do a study on the 1915 D. W. Griffith epic film, “The Birth of a Nation” by examining Griffith’s personal papers housed in the film library of the Modern Museum of Art in New York City.
Rachel Boggia, Theatre & Dance, to create a multimedia dance performance entitled “Grove” that examines the process of searching for reliable truths in a highly complex, highly mediated society such as that of the contemporary United States of America. The results will be presented/reported to the broader community through publication, department seminar, conference paper, performance, etc.
Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History, to support a figurative sculpture project based on Pinocchio and exploring the nature of identity.
Paul O. Fregene, Chemistry, to support his “Synthesis and Stability of 1,2-diazetidine Derivatives” project.
Harry Pohlman, Political Science, to cover the cost of transcribing tapes of conversations with five federal judges, including Judge John Jones and Judge Margaret Rendell, regarding a book, “Judges Speak Out” that he plans to write in collaboration with Judge Jones that would respond in an appropriate way to recent attacks on federal judges.
Crispin Sartwell, Political Science, to cover the cost of obtaining and typing Josiah Warren’s works for publishing on the web and eventually in a book.
Peter Sak, Geology, toward the expense for 7 AMS Radiocarbon Dates needed in conjunction with his Student-Faculty Research and Scholarly awards for Summer 2007 for your project, Relationship Among Rough Crust Subduction, Interseismic Coupling, and Quaternary Uplift Rates, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
Dana Research Assistants – Spring 2007
Jeremy Ball/Ryan Sarno - supports his research project, “Digitizing Sources for African History.”Paul Fregene/Rebecca Driesen - supports his research with either his approved Spring 2007 Scholarly project, “Synthesis and stability of 1,2-diazetidine derivatives,” or his project “Functionalization of geminal and vicinal carbons in amino and carboxylic acid synthesis”
Wendy Moffatt/George Fitting - supports her research project, “Bibliographic Entry for Forster Biography.”
Mark Overstreet/Sarah McGowen - supports his research project, “Enhancing the Learners’ Attention: An Online Study of Textual Enhancement.”
Sabbatical Supplements – 2007-08
Regina M. Sweeney, History - Her project entails three different projects (2 small and 1 large) at different stages. One article on the symbolic and political uses of streets in WWI Paris will be submitted for publication very early in the sabbatical year. She will write a second article during the first half of her leave on the subject of history and music. Both these shorter pieces grew out of the monograph she published in 2001; based on extensive archival research, this work garnered positive reviews. Her article on Parisian streets speaks to French historians, World War I specialists and scholars interested in popular political culture. The second will address a broader audience of historians with both intellectual and pedagogical concerns. For the third, book-length project, she plans to complete the bulk of the research by September 2008. Her leave will allow her to make short strategic trips to France, New York, and Washington, D.C., taking into account the varying schedules of the French archives.Thomas Reed, English - He plans to complete two scholarly articles. The first will demonstrate and discuss the significance of Francis Ford Coppola’s debt to Jean Cocteau’s classic Belle et la Bête in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. The second will extend his series of essays on the poetry of Marie de France (12th century) treating the intended and unintended interpretive ambiguities of her lai Yonec.”
Dengian Jin, IB&M - His project is a four-volume book series titled The Great Knowledge Transcendence. He plans to use his full-year sabbatical to finish the first draft of the first volume: The Agony of Knowledge and the Rise of Modernity, which traces the cognitive and evolutionary foundations for the genesis of modern knowledge system.
Publications/Dissertations 2006-07
Andrea Lieber, Religion - toward indexing services for her project, “Heavenly Tablets: Interpretation, Identity and Tradition in Ancient Judaism.”Rebecca Marquis, Spanish & Portuguese - to defend her dissertation in Bloomington, Indiana
Edward Merwin, Religion - to cover photo—rights and reproduction for a photo for his project "The Deli as an Icon of Secular Jewish Identity."
Edward Merwin, Religion - to cover an additional publication expense (a photo of an advertising clock from a kosher meat company) for his project "The Deli as an Icon of Secular Jewish Identity."
Amanda Moras, Women's Studies - toward travel expenses for her project, “Paying for Domestic Work: White Women Negotiating Family, Labor and Privilege.”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese - to assist in the production of 1,000 copies of his book, “Responsabilidad ética en la lectura del texto teatral.”
Doug Stuart, International Studies & Political Science - to cover travel expenses to Princeton, the cost of printing the manuscript at ĢƵ’s Print Center, and the purchase of a Power Stick to leave with Princeton Press for his project, “Phalanx: A History of the Creation of the National Security State.”
Sabbatical Expenses Support 2007-08
Richard Abrams, Psychology - to write and submit two manuscripts for publication in peer-reviewed publications (Spring 2007).Thomas M. Arnold, Biology - to visit the Max Plank Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany for training to assist your research on induced invertase activities as a common first step in plant wound responses (Fall 2007).
Dengjian Jin, International Business & Management - to work on his book project, “The Great Knowledge Transcendence” (AY 07-08).
Theodore Pulcini, Religion - to conduct research at Georgetown University’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding for his project, “Approaches to Da`wah in American Islam” (Fall 2007).
Gregory J. Smith, Psychology – to conduct interviews for his project, The College Experience: Follow-Up Study (Spring 2007).
Summer Study Groups
Jim Hoefler, Political Science; Dan Schubert, Sociology; Dave Sarcone, International Business & Management to support a summer study workshop: Proposal for Health Studies textbook.Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2007
Teresa A. Barber/Megan Haggarty ’08– Acetylcholine, Glutamate, and Learning in a Model of Alzheimer's DiseaseGrant Braught/Ryan Zeigler ’08– A New Approach for Speeding the Evolution of Robot Controllers
Catrina Hamilton-Drager/James Martin ’08 – Determining Rotation Periods of the Stars in NGC 2362: Extending the Timeline for Angular Momentum Evolution
Anthony Pires/Jennifer Langston ’08 – Neurochemical Control of Development in Larvae of Marine Polychaete Worms
Abraham Quintanar/Thomas Elrod ’08 – Medieval Manuscript Project (MSMS)
Susan Rose/Gabriela Uassouf ’10- Women in the Bolivarian Revolution
Cindy Samet/Kyle Hess ’08 – Infrared Matrix Isolation Studies of Meldrum's Acid with Nitrogen and Oxygen Bases
Peter Sak/Whitney Hoffman ’09 – Relationship Among Rough Crust Subduction, Interseismic Coupling, and Quaternary Uplift Rates, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Chuck Zwemer/M. Caitlin Strahota ’08 – The Role of 5' - AMP in reflex hypometabolism in mice
Dana Research Assistants – Summer 2007
Ben Edwards/Alexandra-Selene Jarvis ’10 – U/Th-He Dating of Xenoliths from Tsekone Ridge and the Centre HillsSherry Harper-McCombs/Paige Meredith ’09 – Design and construction of costumes for 3 productions
David Kushner/Wai W. Lin ’09 – Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) - host interaction studies: in vivo evolution of TCV satellite RNA (completion of a laboratory research project originating from Biology 419) and analysis of host chemical response to TCV
Thomas Nadelhoffer/Tatyana Matveeva ’08 – Probing Folk Intuitions: The Trolley Problem Revisited
Matthew Pinsker, Jim Gerencser & John Osborne/Zachary Rosenberg ’09, Mofeyisayo Ayodele ’09, Michael Blake ’09– House Divided Project
Amy Wlodarski/Sara Yester ’09 – Reconsidering the Arts in the German Democratic Republic: An Interdisciplinary Conference (October 25-27, 2007)
Summer Projects – 2007
Professional Development:Sandra Alfers to attend the Twelfth Annual Summer Institute on the Holocaust and Jewish Civilization.
Lynn Helding to attend “Voice Management Techniques: A Practical Approach to Training and Healing,” a five-day course for diverse voice professionals taught by Dr. Anat Keidar.
David Jackson to attend a workshop, “Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute (PASI) on Interfacial Fluid Dynamics: From Theory to Applications.”
Mark Overstreet for a “Professional Development Seminar on Second Language Writing” presented at ĢƵ by Hiram Maxim currently the associate professor and curriculum coordinator in the German Department at Georgetown University.
Todd Arsenault to show his paintings and drawings at the “Gallery Exhibit at Keith Talent Gallery – London, England.
Shawn Bender toward expenses for three months lodging in New York City for close access to informants and research libraries to facilitate the revisions to his dissertation, “Taiko Boom,” in order to submit it for publication.
Pauline P. Cullen to conduct research to write an article which will analyze the relationship between the Irish community and voluntary sector and the Irish state system of corporatist public policy formulation known as social partnership for her project, “Social Partnership: Irish Civil Society and the Celtic Tiger.”
David Kushner for his project, “Research Support for Studies by a Dana Summer Fellow on Turnip Crinkle Virus (TCV) – host interaction: in vivo evolution of TCV satellite RNA and analysis of host chemical response to TCV.”
Elizabeth Lee for her research project, “The Grotesque Body Meets Modern Medical Science: Ivan Albright Paints in Post-WWI America.”
Thomas Nadelhoffer for his research project, “Probing Folk Intuitions: The Trolley Problem Revisited.”
Gisela Roethke to complete the work of her recent sabbatical project, “Christa Wolf’s Use of the Demeter and Persephone Myth in her Novella Leibhaftig (= In The Flesh).”
Kim Lacy Rogers for her project, “Great Matters of Life and Death: American Buddhist Converts Confront Again, Illness and Dying.”
Peter Sak for his project, Relationship Among Rough Crust Subduction, Interseismic Coupling, and Quaternary Uplift Rates, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica.
David Sarcone for his research project, Toward a State of Independence: A Review of Current Long Term Care Reform Efforts in Pennsylvania.
Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Expenses Support 2007-08
Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish & Portuguese - for her project, “Columbus in the Americas: Nationalism and a Transatlantic Discourse of Empire.”Pauline P. Cullen, Sociology – (Fall 2007) for her project, “Revisiting the Civil Dialogue: European Union Social NGOs and Advocacy for Social Rights.”
Pamela J. Higgins, Chemistry – (Fall 2007) for her project, “Specific Nuclease Activity of a Lysine-Ferrocene Conjugate.”
Marion Picker, German - for her project, “Poetic Justice: on the shifting role of literature in German-Jewish modernity.”
Regina Sweeney, History - for her project, “Music’s Resonance in History; Popular Nationalism in French Icons.”
Tim Wahls, Mathematics and Computer Science (Spring 2008) - for his project, “Executing JML Specifications with Constraint Programming.”