Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2004-2005
Dana Research Assistants--Academic Year 2004-2005
David Crouch/Aimee Richardson - "Use a Bismuth Salt - Silica Gel Mixture as a Reagent in the Deprotection of Silyl Ethers."Lucile Duperron/Sarah Hoch - "Processing Instruction in the Content-based Language Classroom."
Benjamin Ehigie/Megan Taylor - "Customer Expectation, Perceived Service Performance, Satisfaction and Loyalty: A Survey of ĢƵ Services for Students."
Steve Erfle/Holly Kirkpatrick - to conduct further research for his book which involves interactive learning materials that help students learn economics.
Matthew Pinsker/Andrew Ferguson – to experiment with the idea that professors and students at the Consortium schools like Dickinson might be able to offer nonpartisan, often historically minded, policy research to requests from the Pennsylvania Governor’s office.
Karen Weinstein/Gabrielle Russo – “Body proportions and human biological diversity in pre-Contact Americas.”
Dana Research Assistants - Spring 2005
Wendy Moffat/Laura Harbold –sabbatical research for the completion of a manuscript of a gay cultural biography of E. M. Forster.Wendy St. Jean – “Role of Eighteenth-Century Chickasaw Women in War and Captivity.”
Shalom Staub/Anya Malkova -“’Unity’ Examined: Carlisle’s Response to the Westboro Baptist Church.”
Dana Research Assistants - Summer
David Crouch/Anna Williams - Organic Synthesis on Solid Supports: Application to the preparation of a new adrenergic agonistLars English/Ritoban Basu Thakur- Exploring Pattern Formation in Two Nonlinear Lattices
Sherry Harper-McCombs/Sara Gafgen - $3,895.60 supports her project for the design and execution of costumes for three productions at the Greenbrier Valley Theatre, Lewisburg, WV.
Matthew Pinsker/Alissa Zawoyski - $4,927.60 supports your project to create a website, House Divided: A View of America, 1846-1862
Dan Schubert/Ashley Haywood- $4,927.60 supports your research, The Montserrat Diaspora in the United States and England
Nicola Tynan/Jonathan Rogers - $4,927.60 supports your research, Compensating Losers: Is it all Politics?
Fall Projects - Scholarly/Creative
Richard Abrams –to pay students participating in his study on “Time Course and Level of Analysis in Unconscious Visual Semantic Processing.”Lucile Duperron –statistical analysis fee associated with her research project, “Processing Instruction in the content-based Language Classroom.”
Benjamin Ehigie - “Customer Expectations, Perceived Service Performance, Satisfaction and loyalty: A Survey of ĢƵ services for students.”
Ken Laws - “The Physics of Dance.”
Andy Skelton - funds for cash prizes to students participating in his project, “Task interpretation and memory in symptom questionnaires.”
Fall Projects - Professional Development
Abraham Quintanar - expenses associated with his attendance at a two-day workshop/symposium covering advanced topics for users of the TEI Guidelines, to be held at the University of California-Berkeley, November 4-6, 2004.Dissertation
Jeffrey Brackett - expenses for travel, lodging, photocopying and shipping for his dissertation project, “Practically Hindu: Contemporary Conceptions of Hanumān-Mārutī in Maharashtra.”Grant Braught –expenses for binding of his dissertation project, “The Effects of Learning on Evolvability and its Evolution.”
Pre-tenure Sabbaticals – 2005-06
Kirsten Guss - support of her sabbatical project during academic year 2005-06, “Genetic and computational analysis of scalloped function.” She is planning to complete one or two research manuscripts to be submitted to peer-reviewed journals in 2006-07 and 2007-08.Christofilis Maggidis - support of his sabbatical project during spring 2006. He is planning to travel to Athens, Greece to conduct research for his book, “The Royal Workshops of Mycenae: The Artisans’ Workshop and the House of Columns.”
Karen Weinstein - in support of her sabbatical project during academic year 2005-06. She is planning to complete four articles that are based on her research, “Comparative Skeletal Morphology of Modern Humans and Macaques from High and Low Altitudes.”
Nicola Tynan (Spring 2006) – to support her sabbatical project during spring 2006, “Externalities in London’s Water Supply During the Nineteenth Century.”
Ted Merwin –expenses for reproduction of images, indexing, and other allowable costs associated with the publication of his book, In Their Own Image: New York Jews in Jazz Age American Popular Culture.Neil Diamant - copyright fees for the image that will appear on the cover of his co-edited volume, Engaging the Law in China: State, Society and Possibilities for Justice
Benjamin Ehigie – page charges for article, “Roles of Personality Attributed in the Practice of Total quality Management,” in Individual Differences Research.
Martin Helmke - page charges, reprints, and shipping for his article, “Fracture-Controlled Nitrate and Atrazine Transport in Four Iowa Till Units,” published in the Journal of Environmental Quality.
Nancy Mellerski/Michael Kline - Photocopying, indexing and postage costs for a co-authored book, Issues in the French-Speaking World.
Ute Metje - page charges for the publication of her book, “At home in Transition. Young women and girls in Hamburg’s Central Station (Germany).”
Jorge Sagastume - subvention subsidy for the publication of his project, “Un tal Koslowski y otras miniatures surtidas.”
Reassigned Time – Spring 2005
Minglang Zhou - to allow him to guest-edit a special issue of the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication on the topic of varieties of standard modern Chinese.Stephanie Larson - to allow her to study how the public and public opinion is represented in the mass media during presidential elections, for an article, “Public Opinion in Television News Election Coverage, 1968-2004.”
Philip Grier - to allow him to complete his project of editing, annotating and polishing the 22 chapters of a draft of his translation of a two-volume commentary on Hegel (657 pp), published in 1918, from the original Russian.
Teresa Barber - to enable her to devote her time to redeveloping Psych 125 as it unfolds when taught for the first time as part of the proposed neuroscience major.
Dave Richeson - to allow him to complete a draft of a book about the Euler characteristic, which he plans to begin during his pre-tenure sabbatical in fall 2004.
Lucile Duperron - to allow her to complete work on an article on time-sensitive data from her dissertation on the acquisition of the imperfect/preterit contrast, “The role of focused input on the acquisition of L2 French tense and aspect.”
Reassigned Time – Fall 2005
Marcus Key - to allow him to finish a research project on Paleoclimatic change funded by the Petroleum Research Fund.Carol Ann Johnston - to allow her to complete her manuscript on the seventeenth-century English poet Thomas Traherne and his relation to technologies of visual representation, “Heavenly Perspective: Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Traditions.”
Sabbatical Support - Spring 2005
Pamela Nesselrodt - in support of her sabbatical project during Spring 2005. She plans to conduct research on resilience in urban teachers.Sabbatical Support – Fall 2005
Grace Jarvis - in support of her sabbatical project during fall semester 2005. She plans to conduct research on multilingualism/multiculturalism observed through case studies and legislation in the United States and Spain.Windsor Morgan – for Fall 2005 to investigate various modes of pedagogy for introductory astronomy and develop a new introductory astronomy curriculum. He is requesting funds travel to Boulder, CO or Tucson, AZ to work with astronomy colleagues.
Sabbatical Support – Academic year 2005-06
Ashton Nichols - Romantic Natural Histories: 1750-1859 - for academic year 2005-06. He is also a recipient of a sabbatical supplement award.Gisela Roethke –in support of her sabbatical project during academic year 2005-06, “Uses of the Demeter and Persephone Myth in 20th Century German Novels.” You plan to travel to Germany to visit archives containing manuscripts and other materials on three major German language authors.
Cindy Samet –in support of her project for academic year 2005-06 to continue her studies of hydrogen-bonding phenomena involving C-H---N and C-H---O linkages under her current NSF grant and to begin exploration of new areas. She is also a recipient of a sabbatical supplement award.
Student Faculty Research – Winter 2005
David Kushner/Benjamin Tiede – 3 weeks/January 2005 - continuing research on the topic “Host gene expression induced by the brome mosaic virus la protein.”Student-Faculty Research - Summer 2005
Teresa Barber/Tiffany Kimbrough - Study of the relationship between arousal and learning.Ashfaq Bengali/Laura Bahorich/Amy Grunbeck - The transition metal-arene bond: A laxer flash photolysis study. (**Supplement to American Chemical Society grant)
David Crouch/Rebecca Harkre - Design, Synthesis and Assay of Cyclopropane-containing Analogs of α-Adrenergic Agents. (**Supplement to Research Corp grant)
Ben Edwards/ Chira Endress - Origin of magmatic inclusions from Centre Hills volcano,Montserrat, West Indies.
Kirsten A. Guss/ Jennifer Havens - scalloped expression during Drosophila embryogenesis. (student stipend, etc being paid through Beckman)
Marcus Key/ Kristen Miller - Bryozoan colony growth rates: a proxy for carbonate production in cool-water limestones. (**Supplement to American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research grant)
Karen Lordi/Ellen Joffred - Stage Manager for Pendragon’s “Angels in America.”
Brian Pedersen/Robert C. Hanifin - Influence of Deer Herbivory on Light Utilization by Forest.
Anthony Rauhut/Kathleen Dougherty - Norepinephrine and the Behavioral Effects of Nicotine.
Peter Sak/Adrian Biscontini - Late Cenozoic Drainage Capture, Evolution of the Arkansas River, Central Colorado, and the recent cutting the Royal Gorge.
Tim Wahls/Ben Krause - Executing JML Specifications with Constraint programming
HHMI/SFR Summer 2005
David Crouch/Nicole Perry - Incorporation of nanoscience into the Chemistry Curriculum at the Introductory Level. (**Supplement to NSF-Nanotechnology Undergraduate Education grant)Pamela Higgins/Amanda Matz - Synthesis and Characterization of Nuclease Activity of Amino Acid Containing Compounds.
David Kushner/Patrick Millet - Continued analysis of role of the phosphatase siw14p in BMV RNA replication.
Michael Roberts/Eleonore Werner - DNA Microarray Analysis of Retinoic Acid-Induced Granulocyte Differentiation of Human Leukemia Cells.
HHMI Internships - Summer 2005
Jason Ader –to work with Dr. Andrew Pekosz at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, MO. - Characterizing specific properties of the newly identified SARS coronavirus proteins 7a and 7b.Elizabeth Ruszak –to work with Dr. Gary Clawson, at the Gittlen Cancer Research Institute, Hershey Medical Center - Chloromethyl protease inhibitory effects of HPV infected keratinocytes.
Blake O’Shaughnessy –work with Dr. Kathleen Sward, in the Clinical Studies Program at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Graduate School of Public Health in Pittsburgh, PA - Heart S.C.O.R.E.Jing Xiang Tang –to work with Dr. Jim Xiao, Department of Biochemistry, Boston University School of Medicine - The Role of Pin 1 In Regulation of p63, a p53 Protein Related to Human Tumorigenesi.
Summer Projects – 2005
Dickinson Summer Scholar Award – David Strand - He is planning to travel to Hunan Province, Nanjing, and Beijing to collect materials and carry out observations and study needed to complete a book manuscript, “Getting Up and Giving a Speech Isn’t Easy”: Scenes from Public Life in Early Twentieth Century China.Summer Projects – 2005 - Scholarly/Creative
Mark Aldrich - to travel to Malaga to conduct research for his project, “Word & Image: Unpublished Masterworks from the Rafael Pérez Estrada Archive.”Sandra Alfers - to travel to Prague and Terezín, Czech Republic, to continue research for her project, “Camp Poetry – Poetry From Theresienstadt.”
Michael Fratantuono - to participate in a Pearl River Delta Faculty Development Program. This program is co-sponsored by the Hong Kong America Center and ASIANetwork, and is funded by Fulbright-Hayes money from the U.S. Department of Education.
Dan Schubert - to conduct oral history interviews with members of the Montserratian diasporas for his project, “The Diasporic Imagination of Montserratians.”
Wendell Smith - to travel to Granada and Córdoba to conduct research for his project, “Illegal Immigrants at Home: Redefining History in the Poetry of Aztlán and Al-Andalús.”
Brooke Wiley - to attend a 3-week clay workshop at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts on Deer Isle, Maine.
Summer Projects – 2005 - Professional Development
Lynn Helding - to attend a hands-on training session in the computerized voice-analysis system, VoceVista, at the University of Illinois.Robert Pound - to update his knowledge and skills in electronic media by taking a series of tutorials in electronic music with Jason Price, Technical Director of Alarm Will Sound.
Michael Frantantuono - to cover the Program fee, visa application, immunizations, and related travel expenses associated with his participation in a Pearl River Delta Faculty Development Program. This program is co-sponsored by the Hong Kong America Center and ASIANetwork, and is funded by Fulbright-Hayes money from the U.S. Department of Education.
Abraham Quintanar – to attend the Intensive Introduction to TEI at Brown University in Providence, RI.
Summer Projects – 2005 - Teaching Projects
Akiko Meguro - to assist with expenses associated with her project to develop listening comprehension exercises using video clips of TV programs in conjunction with the Can8 language learning system for Elementary and Intermediate Japanese courses.Winter/Spring Projects – 2004-05 - Professional Development
Sherry Harper-McCombs - to assist with expenses associated with attending a Professional Development Workshop on workplace health and safety practices and standards of the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) through the United States Institute of Theatre Technology.Winter/Spring Projects – 2004-05 - Scholarly/Creative
Michael Fratantuono - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, “Case Study: Kip Kokinakus and Aura Communications-Riding the Wireless Wave.”William Jeffries - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, “A survey of pedunculate barnacles of the genus Octolasmis and their hosts in the Gulf of Thailand.”
Vivian Montgomery - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, “Anonymous Publication of Women’s Vocal and Keyboard Works in American Periodicals and Collections, 1780-1870.”
Jorge Sagastume - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, “Sujeta Bhatt: Poesías Selectas.”
Blake Williams - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, an art series titled “Relics/Remnants.”
Vasumathi Vijayraghavan - to assist with expenses associated with your scholarly project, “French corporate governance project.”