Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2001-2002
Professional Development Project
Jennifer Blyth - traveled to Toulouse for rehearsal time for an upcoming performance, and to Munich for an audition with the Munich Chamber Orchestra.Grant Braught - "An N Step Algorithm for Receiving a Ph.D. in Your Spare Time: Step 9"
Barbara Diduk – will be further developing the work begun during her Kecskemet (Hungary) artist residency in June 2001.
Jim Gerencser – attended a five-day workshop at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. This workshop, Digitization for Cultural Heritage professionals: An Intensive Program, provided professional development to support the ongoing “Chronicles” online project as well as future web-based pedagogical and informational initiatives centered in the ĢƵ Archives and Special Collections.
Lynn Helding –attended the University of Iowa’s summer Vocology Institute (SVI) at the Denver Center for the Performing Arts in Denver, Colorado.
John Henson – participated in the Wellcome Trust Advanced Course in Functional Genomics in Cambridge, England.
Etsuko Inoguchi - attended an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Workshop organized by the American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, where teachers of foreign languages learn to test and rate the learner's oral proficiency through face-to-face interviews.
Christophe Ippolito – attended an Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) Workshop organized by the American Council of the Teaching of Foreign Languages, where teachers of foreign languages learn to test and rate the learner's oral proficiency through face-to-face interviews.
Pamela Nesselrodt –participated in a Summer Institute hosted by the Harvard Graduate School of Education in Cambridge, Massachusetts, titled “Connecting the Mind, Brain, and Education: Exploring New Connections and Promising Possibilities in the Fields of Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, and Educational Practice.”
Brian Pedersen –traveled to Davos, Switzerland, to participate in the International Conference on Forest Dynamics and Ungulate Herbivory.
Brian Pedersen –traveled to Mt. St. Helens, Washington, to attend a National Science Foundation sponsored Short Course for College Teachers (Chautauqua Faculty Development Program.
Robert Pound –pursued conducting studies in Prague, The Czech Republic, and Tanglewood, Massachusetts.
Karl Qualls –attended a 10-day seminar on the Concentration Camp System at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies in Washington, D.C.
Richard Rischar –attended the Rene Clausen Choral School at Concordia College in Morehead, MN.
Yvette Smith - attended a seminar on the history of typography in France, 1450-1830 at the l'Institut d'histoire du livre, learning onsite and by demonstration a history of typography and calligraphy, from 1450-1830.
Yvette Smith - "Typography in Paris" - Continuing the comparison of Lyon to Paris as sites of the material production and culture of texts from the late Medieval period to early print culture, she planned a series of informal sessions and study in Paris relative to the history of the book.
John Henson – PublicationCosts for page charges, color figures, and reprint charges for the article “Wound Closure in the Lamellipodia of Single Cells: Mediation by Actin Polymerization in the Absence of an Actomyosin Purse String,” in the journal, Molecular Biology of the Cell.
Windsor Morgan - Publication
Presented results of analyses of observations of the X-ray source 2A 1704+241 with the ROSAT Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) and the High Resolution Imager (HRI). 2A 1704+241 was first associated with the M-giant star HD 154791 based upon observations with the HEAO 1 SMC and the Einstein IPC and analysis of a spectrum of HD 154791 obtained with the International Ultraviolet Explorer.
Elizabeth Lee – Dissertation
”White fantasies: dirt, desire and art in late nineteenth-century America.” This dissertation aims to show how a pervasive interest among late nineteenth-century American artists in the subject of female “purity” was underwritten by a fear and fascination with “dirt.”
Carol Magee - Dissertation
"Representing Africa? American Displays of African Material Culture in the United States in the 1990s" - This dissertation explores the production of knowledge about Africa by U.S. museums in the 1990s. As the primary means by which most Americans come into contact with African cultural products, exhibitions are important sites for the constriction of meaning about Africa and its peoples.
Andrew Rudalevige – Publication
Indexing charges for his book Managing the President’s Program, which was published in the summer of 2002
Yongyi Song – Publication
Publication subvention for photocopying, indexing, editing, and translation of the book The Bibliography of the Chinese Cultural Revolution Database, which he has edited.
Minglang Zhou - Publication.
Editing a book on the theory and practice of language policy in China for publication in late 2002 or early 2003.
Reassigned Time
Sharon Hirsh - Reassigned Time - spring 2002To work on completing two manuscripts currently under contract, Art, Culture, and National Identity in European Fin-de-Siècle, and Symbolism and Modern Urban Society.
Noel Luna - Reassigned time-spring 2002
To work on a project leading to the publication of an anthology of my poetic works, La poesia no importa: 1992-2002 (Poetry doesn't matter: 1992-2002).
Ashton Nichols - Reassigned time-spring 2002
*Romantic Natural Histories: Poetry and Science from Erasmus Darwin to Charles Darwin* -- Recent emphasis on ecological literature reminds us that our contemporary concern for the natural world has its roots in the natural history of the nineteenth century. A specifically Romantic natural history links "animated nature" to what Coleridge calls "the one Life within us and abroad" (1796) and Charles Darwin will describe by saying that "all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth may be descended from some one primordial form" (1859). Houghton Mifflin has contracted with me to prepare such an anthology by June 2002. This anthology of writings will be a useful addition to the New Riverside series.
Blake Wilson - Reassigned time-spring 2002
To work on a group of projects related to a planned book on “Music in the Culture of 15th-century Florence.”
Marc Papé – Reassigned time fall 2002
To work on a second dissertation, titled “Hope and Impediments of Democratic Transitions in Francophone Africa,” in the Political Science Department of Florida State University.
Kim Rogers – Reassigned time fall 2002
To work on the final manuscript of a forthcoming book, Life and Death in the Delta: African American Narratives of Violence, Resilience, and Social Change.
Scholarly/Creative Project
Beverley Eddy – Scholarly ProjectThis project included a month-long research trip to Vienna, Austria, and Zurich, Switzerland, in order to do background investigation for a biographical/literary study of the Austrian Felix Salten.
Alison Hirsch - Scholarly project
"Hannah Penn and Other Quaker Women Who Traveled to Pennsylvania" - This project investigates the lives of Hannah Penn, acting proprietor and Governor of Pennsylvania from 1713-1726, and other English Quaker women who visited or immigrated to Pennsylvania in the 17th and 18th centuries, analyzing their experiences as immigrants and their role in the creation of British America's first self-consciously pluralistic society.
Wendy Moffat - Scholarly Project
For research on a chapter of a gay cultural biography of modern British novelist, E.M. Forster: travel to Hartland, VT and Ridgefield, CT, to conduct interviews with two artists who befriended Forster during his visits to America in 1947 and 1949.
Sharon Hirsh - Creative project
Research trip to the National Library of Medicine in order to do final research and acquire photographs related to the chapter on "The Sick City" for her book Symbolism and Modern Urban Society. This research would include additional medical information for the three diseases discussed (in relation to late 19th century art) - degeneracy, tuberculosis, and syphilis.
Sherri Kimmel – Scholarly Project - traveled to Germany to conduct interviews for her article Encounters with Evil: Inside Nazi Germany's Tokyo Embassy with Erwin Wickert ’36.
Elizabeth Lee – Scholarly Project - traveled to Washington, D.C., New York City, and New Haven, CT, to conduct research for an article, “White fantasies: dirt, desire and art in late nineteenth-century America.”.
Susana Liso - Scholarly Project - "Untold Histories: A Documentary on the Sandinista-Miskitu Conflict in Nicaragua" - A 45-minute film that is designed to promote an awareness and understanding of the history, culture, and daily reality of indigenous communities on the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua. This is a joint project with faculty from several other U.S. universities and additional funding will be obtained from other sources.
Blake Wilson – Scholarly Project - traveled to Florence, Italy, to work with a professional paleographer on his project, “The Medici as Patrons of Music – The Evidence of Their Letters in The Florentine Archives.”
Student-Faculty Research
Karen Lordi - Mellon Student Faculty Research Grant - Jan. 2002A student/faculty collaboration to direct August Strindberg's Dance of Death at Jean Cocteau Repertory Theatre in New York City. The production opened on February 7, 2002, at the Bouwerie Lane Theatre in New York City.
Summer 2002 Student-Faculty Research Awards
Whitaker-HHMITom Brennan/Paul Kretzer -- Testing the Biological Activity of Cis and Trans Photoisomers of Phenylpropanoid Compounds
R. David Crouch/Candice Romany -- Viability of bismuth salts to remove silyl protecting groups
Kirsten A. Guss/Jonathan Emlet -- Specificity of selector gene activity during Drosophila development
John H. Henson/Sarah Kolnik/Heidi Murray -- The Role of the Cytoskeleton in the Cytotoxic Functions of Sea Urchin Coelomocytes
Michael Roberts/Jacey Bennis -- A DNA Microarray Analysis of Gene Expresssion During Human Cell Differentiation
Amy Witter/Nick Ferenz --Effects of Nutrient limitation on phytoplankton-derived organic matter and consequences for bacterial community structure
Amy Witter/Denise Sharbaugh -- Effects of Nutrient limitation on phytoplankton-derived organic matter and consequences for bacterial community structure
Teresa Barber/Christina Phillippi -- An investigation of spatial learning in Wistar-Kyoto rats
Ashfaq Bengali/Trent Stumbaugh -- Substitution reactions of the CpARe(CO)2(THF) Complex
Cindy Samet*/Alex Baker -- Infrared Matrix Isolation Studies of Cyclic Hydrocarbons
* Balance of 10 week project to be funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Marcus Key/Matthew (Dustin) Moore -- Developing a new technique for determining the age of living and fossil bryozoan colonies
Carol Loeffler/Katherine Siddoway/Michael Salvatore -- Ecology, demography, and recovery of a rare wildflower Euphorbia purpurea
Jeff Niemitz/Clarence Dingman -- Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Carbonate-enriched Black Shales: Implications for Millenial-scale Cyclicity in early Mesozoic Lake sediments, eastern US
Janet Wright/Chris Magel/Laura Pell -- Radiotelemetry Study of Summer Movements in Allegheny Woodrat (Neotoma magister) Populations
Carol Ann Johnston/Abigail Watson -- Seventeenth-century English poetry
Stephanie G. Larson/Amy Schaadt -- Television News Coverage of Speaker of the House 1969-2001
Karl D. Qualls/Laura Dettloff/Regan Winn -- Comparative Urban Biographies: The Naval Cities of Sevastopol and Annapolis
Sharon Stockton/Katie Ginn -- Writing about Rape: The Economics of Fantasy
Summer – 2002
Steve Erfle and faculty teaching in ISB&MReevaluation of course content of financial accounting
Summer Scholar Award
Karen Weinstein--“Adaptations to High Altitude and Cold Stress in Human Skeletal Remains from the Andes.” She will be traveling to the Field Museum in Chicago, Illinois, to work with the human skeletal remains from Ancón, Peru and to the Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, to collect data from the human skeletal remains from Machu Picchu, Peru.Teaching Project
William Bellinger - "Economic Impact of ĢƵ on Carlisle, PA, and Economic Impact of the Arts in South Central Pennsylvania "- Undertaken with the participation of members of the Economic Analysis of Policy class in the spring of 2002, this represents an update and expansion of a study completed in 1995.Kirsten Guss –.Attended the Developed Biology Teaching Workshop and Laboratory hosted by the Darling Marine Center of the University of Maine.
Lynn Helding - Attended the Annual Winter Workshop (University of Arizona) sponsored by the National Association of Teachers of Singing.
Wakaba Tasaka –.Attended the “Virginia Japanese Pedagogy Workshop” at The University of Maryland, College Park, MD