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Non-Travel Awards 2014-2015

Dickinson Non-Travel Awards 2014-2015

Dana Research Assistantships Fall 2014 and Academic Year Projects

Kimberly Dozier, Political Science/ Margaret Wiggins ’15- to assist with her project, “Resiliency and Special Operations and Intelligence Officers.”
Amy Farrel, American Studies/ Maretta Sonn ’17 and Johanna Fleming ’15- to assist with her project, “Fat Studies Scholarship and Girl Scouts of America.”
Carol Ann Johnston, English/ Kathleen Jarman ’16-to assist with her project, “Gathering Information on New John Milton Volumes Acquired by the Archives.”
Karen Kirkham, Theatre and Dance/ Jeremy Lupowirz ’15-to assist with her project, “Assistant to Executive Artistic Director Pendragon Theatre.”
Nicoletta Marini-Maio, French and Italian/Vivian Sicilla’15 -to assist with her project, “A Spector is Haunting Italy: Representations of the Also Moro Affair in Cinema, Television, and Theatre.”
Jennifer Musial, Women’s and Gender Studies/Leanna Diggs ’15-to assist with her project, “Pregnant Pause: Reproduction, Death, and Media Culture.”
Jerry Philogene, American Studies/Aaron Hock ’15- to assist with his project, “The Socially Dead and the ‘Dead Citizen:’ Cultural Contestations of Haitian Citizenship.”
Amy Steingbugler, Sociology/ Jessica Klimoff ’16- to assist with her project, “Northwest Philadelphia Neighborhoods Study.”
Greg Steirer, English/Genevieve Veres ’17 –to assist with his project, “Bioware and the Politics of Video Game Authorship.”

Scholarly/Creative Fall 2014, Winter-Spring 2014-2015

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies-to assist with expenses associated to her project, “Energy Extraction in India: Community Environmental Monitoring and Legal Contestation.”
Jennifer Blyth, Music-to assist with expenses associated to her project, “I Ear Eye Hear.”
Andrew Farrant, Economics-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Hayek Archives Work.”
Edward McPhail, Economics-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Milton Friedman’s Visit to Chile.”
Patricia Moonsammy, Africana Studies-to assist with expenses associated to her project, “Rapso & Revolution: Musical Performance, Activism, and the Postcolonial Subject in Trinidad.”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Cervantes in Latin America: A Critical Review on the Criticism Produced in 19th and 20th Centuries.”
Greg Steirer, English-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Re-authoring Hyboria: Robert E. Howard’s Conan and the Politics of Intellectual Property Development.”
Cotton Seiler, American Studies-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “A difference that Makes no Difference: Race and Capital in the American Century.”

Scholarly/Creative Summer 2015

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “New Studio Work (Paintings, Drawings, Prints, and Objects.”
Thomas Arnold, Biology-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Design of Monitoring Instrumentation for Coastal Ocean Acidification.”
Alex Bates, East Asian Studies-to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Nature Strikes Back: Human Interaction with Natural Forces in Literary Representations of Disaster.”
Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies-to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Everyday Energy Justice in Bangladesh.”
Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies-to assist with expenses associated with his project, “The Hybrid-Assistive Limbs were Made for Walking: Using HAL for Physical Therapy in Germany.”
Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History-to assist with expenses associated to his project, “Ejecta.”
Amy Farrell, American Studies-to assist with expenses associated with her project, “A History of the Girl Scouts of the USA.”
Marisol Lebron, American Studies-to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Policing Life and Death: Race, Violence, and Resistance in Puerto Rico.”
Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History-to assist with expenses associated with her project, “Therapeutic Culture: Health and Illness in Late Nineteenth-Century American Art.”
Brett Pearson, Physics & Astronomy-to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Time-Resolved Spectroscopy: An Experimental Perspective.”
Noel Potter, Earth Science-to assist with expenses associated with his project, “Re-suvery of Movement and Ice Wastage at Galena Creek Rock Glacier, Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming.”
Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance-to assist with expenses associated to her project, “maZe.”
Amy Lynn Wlodarski, Music-to assist with expenses associated to her project, “The Political Roots of Ars Combinatoria: George Rochberg’s Passion and Third Symphony.”

Dana Research Assistantships Spring 2015

Shamma Alam, International Studies/Elizabeth Grabowski ’17-to assist with his project, “Impact on Community Health Workers on Health Awareness and Use of Health Products in Rural Uganda.”
Jeremy Ball, History/Patrick Kennaly ’17-to assist with his project, “Creating Abstracts for Minker Letters Archives.”
Linda Brindeau, French/Sofie Anderson ’15-to assist with her project, “The Writing of Disaster in Contemporary Haitian Literature.”
Elizabeth Lewis, Education/Erin Malloy ’15-to assist with her project, “Studying English Language & Migrant Youths’ Literacy Practices &Development through a Summer Writing Program.
Jennifer Musial, Women’s and Gender Studies/Leanna Diggs '15- to assist with her project, “Pregnant Pause: Reproduction, Death, and Media Culture.”
Mariana Past, Spanish/Christopher Brokus ’15-to assist with her project, “English Translation of Michel Rolph Trouiloot’s ‘Ti dife boule sou istoua Ayiti.’”

Dana Research Assistantships Summer 2015

Shamma Alam, International Studies/ to assist with her project, “Immigrant Experience of the Great Recession and Job Displacement.”
Scott Boback, Biology/ Mairi Poisson ’16–to assist with his project, “Efficacy of the American Toad as a Biological Control of Insect Pests at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm.”
Grant Braught, Computer Science/ James Midkiff ’17-to assist with his project, “Investigating the Effects of Tool Design on Student Unit Testing Behavior.”
Jason Gavenonis, Computer Science/ Matthew Sansevere ’16-to assist with his project, “Development of new Tryanothione Reductase Inhibitors and Potential Therapeutics for Chaggas Disease.”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre and Dance/ Yuan (Wendy) Lin ’16-to assist with her project, “Design and Construction of Costumes for Summer Season.”
Brett Pearson and David Jackson, Physics and Astronomy/ Sean Jones ’17 and Tyler Richey-Yowell ’17-to assist with their project, “Updated Videos for Analysis in Introductory Physics.”                                                            Jerry Philogene, Africana Studies/ Samuel Drabkin ’17- to assist with her project, “The socially dead and the 'Improbable Citizen:' Cultural transformations of Haitian citizenship.”
Gregory Steirer, EnglishHarris Risell ’16 for the project “The comic book industry and Hollywood” 
Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies/ Tabea Zimmermann ’15 for the project “Understanding climate-driven change in the Boreal Lakes of Isle Royale National Park.”

Pre-Tenure Sabbatical Expense Support 2014-2015

Carolina Castillanos, Spanish-to assist in expenses associated with her sabbatical project. “Brazilian Female Drug Traffickers.”
Helene Lee, Sociology-to assist in expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Contested Koreanness: Ethnic Identity and Return Migration.”

Professional Development Fall 2014 & Winter-Spring 2015

Carol Ann Johnston, English-to assist in expenses associated with her professional development project, “Bookbinding I, a course at the North Bennet Street School in Boston, MA.”
Edward Muston, German-to assist in expenses associated with his professional development project, “The Legacy of East German Film in Contemporary Germany.”

Professional Development Summer 2015

Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre and Dance-to assist in expenses associated with her professional development project, “Professional Training Program at the Bates Dance Festival.”
Margaret Frolich, Spanish-to assist in expenses associated with her professional development project, “Ill Jornadas ACLES XXI-Redefinitions of Feminisms in the Spanish-speaking World.”
Anna Hudson, German-to assist in expenses associated with her professional development project, “Goethe Institute for advancing German language skills.”
Luca Trazzi, Italian-to assist in expenses associated with his professional development project, “Language of Food and Linguistic Identity.”
Nicola Tynan, Economics-to assist in expenses associated with her professional development project, “Learning to Use Stata.”
Todd Wronski, Theatre & Dance-to assist in expenses associated with his professional development project, “Shaw Festival Seminar.”

Publication & Dissertation 2014-2015

Thomas Arnold, Biology-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “Impacts of groundwater discharge at Myora Springs (North Stradbroke Island Australia) on the phenolic metabolism of eelgrass Zostera muelleri and grazing by the juvenile rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens.”
Jeremy Ball, History-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “The Colossal Lie: The Business of Forced Labor on an Angolan Sugar Plantatio, 1913-1977.”
Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies-to assist with expenses for her publication project, “Right to Food, Right to Mine? Competing Human Rights Claims in Bangladesh.”
Christopher Bilodeau, History-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “Before Carlisle: The Lower Susquehanna Valley as Native Space.”
Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian-to assist with expenses for her publication project, “The End of Russian Philosophy.”
James Haile, Philosophy-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “Thinking through Baldwin.”
Dengjian Jin, International Business & Management-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “The Great Knowledge Transcendence: The Rise of Western Science and Technology Reframed.”
Helene Lee, Sociology-to assist with expenses for her publication project, “Contested KoreannessL Return Migration and Identity Construction in the Korean Diaspora.”
Erik Love, Sociology-to assist with expenses for his publication project, “Islamophobia and Civil Rights: Race and Advocacy in the United States.”
Nicoletta Marini-Maio, French & Italian-to assist with her publication project, “A Very Sedictive Body Politics: Silvio Berlusconi in the Cinema.”
Ted Merwin, Religion-to assist with his publication project, “Pastrami on Rye: An Overstuffed History of the Jewish Delicatessen.”
David O’Connell, Political Science-to assist with his publication project, “God Wills It: Presidents and the Political Use of Religion.”
Mariana Past, Spanish-to assist with her publication project, “Rethinking an Icon: Toussaint Louverture and diasporic cultural production.”
Siobhan Phillips, English-to assist with her publication project, “Notes on a Chronic Illness.”
Melinda Schlitt, Art & Art History-to assist with her publication project, “Galileo’s Moon: Drawing in the Renaissance as Rationalized Observation and its Failure as Forgery.”
Adrienne Su, English-to assist with her publication project, “Entry fees for book awards.”
Amy Lynn Wlodarski, Music-to assist with her publication project, “Musical Witness and The Holocaust.”
Chuck Zwemer, Biology-to assist with his publication project, “Packed Red Blood Celles are an Abundant and Proximate Potential Source of Nitric Oxide Synthase Inhibition, PONE-D-4-28808R2.”

Sabbatical Expense Support 2014-2015

Sylvie Davidson, French & Italian-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Book Project ‘Le Arti e Cibo.’”
Douglas Edlin, Political Science-to assist with expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “Common Judging and the Rule of Recognition and the Rule of Law.”
Amy Farrell, American Studies-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Girl Scout of America.”
Carol Ann Johnston, English-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Computer Design and Letterpress Printing of Poetry.”
Lorelei Koss, Mathematics and Computer Sciences-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Connectivity of Julia Sets of Elliptic Functions.”
Luca Lanzilotta, French & Italian-to assist with expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “New Curriculum for Italian 116.”
Patricia Moonsammy, Africana Studies-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Research for Book Manuscript: Rapso and Revolution: Musical Performance, Activism, and the Postcolonial Subject in Trinidad.”
Tullio Pagano, Italian-to assist with expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “Sabbatical Research.”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish-to assist with expenses associated with his sabbatical project, “Cervantes in Latin America: A Critical Review on the Criticism Produced in 19th and 20th Centuryies.”
Sylvie Toux, French-to assist with expenses associated with her sabbatical project, “Sabbatical Projects.”

Collaborative Student Faculty Research Summer 2015

Shamma Alam, International Studies/Elizabeth Grabowski ’17-to assist with his project, “Do community healthworkers provide greater access to healthcare to women whose partners otherwise hinder their access? Evidence from Uganda.”
Teresa Barber, Psychology/Gabrielle Frenkel ’16-to assist with her project, “Behavioral Interventions in a Model of Alzheimer’s Disease.”
Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies/Wendy Gomez ’15-to assist with her project, “Everyday Energy Justice in Bangladesh.”
Scott Boback, Biology/ Mairi Poisson ’16-to assist with her project, “Efficacy of the American Toad as a Biological Control of Insect Pests at the Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Farm.”
Grant Braught, Computer ScienceJames Midkiff ’17-to assist in his project, “Tool Development for Research in Evolutionary and Developmental Robotics.”
Rebecca Connor, Chemistry/ Grace Crossland ’18-to assist with her project, “Characterization of the effect of sesquiterpene lactones on the heat shock response in leukemia cells.”
Ben Edwards, Earth Science/ Will Kochitzky ’16-to assist with his project, “Using lake sediments to investigate climate change at the Coropuna volcanic complex.”
Lars English, Physics & Astronomy/ Jiahou Han ’16-to assist with his project, “Experimental exploration of multi-frequency intrinsic localized modes in pendulum chains with subharmonic diving.”
Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry/ Matthew Sansevere ’16-to assist with his project, “Development of new Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors and Potential Therapeutics for Chagas Disease.”
Karen Kirkahm, Theatre & DanceDalton Maltz ’16-to assist with her project, “Stage Manager and Assistant to the EAD Pendragon Theatre.”
Karl Qualls, History/Madeline Chandler ’16-to assist with his project, “Raising Spain’s Children in the Soviet Union, 1937-1951.”

Study Groups 2014-2015 

Thomas Arnold, Biology-to assist in expenses associated with his study group, “Revision of ENST and ENSC program curriculum.”
Elizabeth Lee, Art History-to assist in expenses associated with her study group, “Revision of WGST Curriculum.”
Dan Schubert, Sociology-to assist in expenses associated with his study group, “Writing a National Science Foundation Grant Proposal: Health and Well-being in Underserved populations: Research Experience for Undergraduates.”