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Non-Travel Awards 2016-2017

Dana Research Assistantships Academic Year Projects

William Bellinger, Economics/ Yanqing Zhao ’19 for the spring semester to work on the project, "Regional Economic Impact of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet."

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies/ Caroly Rynar ’17 for the fall semester to work on the project, "German Users of the Hybrid Assisted Limb."

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian/ Allison Stroyan ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, "Digital Domostroi:  Keywords on the Russian Middle Class."

Tiffany Frey, Biology/ Zoey Miller ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, "The Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on the Inflammatory Response of Blood Cells."

Lynn Johnson, Africana Studies/ Naji Thompson ’19 for the spring semester to work on the project, "Psychodietetics and the Anxieties of Wellness in the African American Literacy Imagination."

Sarah Kersh, English/ Shannon Nolan ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, "Poetry of Michael Field and Victorian Queer Archive."

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/ Sarah Benemati ’18 for the spring semester to work on the project, "Assistant to the Executive Artistic Director."

Elizabeth Lewis, Education/ Jessica Lizardo ’17 for the academic year to work on her project, "Studying the Literacy Skill Development and Practices of Migrant & English Language Learning Youth through a Summer Writing Program."

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian & Film Studies/ Thera Iversen ’17 And Delphine Dall'Agata ’17 for the spring semester to work on the project, "Gender/Sexuality/Italy."

Emily Marshall, Economics/ Trang Pham ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, "Time Inconsistent Preferences and Student Performance:  An Investigation of Assignment Frequency."

Antje Pfannkuchen, German/ Courtney Rogers ’17 and Carol Rynar ’17 assistant for the academic year to work on the project, "Unconditional Surrender:  The Legacy of Friedrich Kittler."

Susan Rose, Sociology/ James Gerencser and Malinda Triller-Doran, Archives/ Linda Genser ’17 and Ida Linda Moussavi ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, "Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center."

Naila Smith, Psychology/ Margaret Booth ’19 for the academic year to work on the project, "Measuring Change over Time:  A Longitudinal Study of Parent Involvement and Student Engagement across Two School Transitions."

Shawn Stein, Spanish & Portuguese/ Monica Thapa ’17 and Domenica Romo ’20 for the academic year to work on the project, "Latin American Soccer Fiction Archive."

Greg Steirer, English and Film Studies/ Sam Portelance ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, "The Comic Book Industry and Hollywood."

Megan Yost, Psychology/ Katherine DeBroeck ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, "Sexual Consent:  Pleasure and Danger."

Scholarly/Creative Fall 2016, Spring 2017

Thomas Arnold, Biology to support the project, "A Bench Test for Screening of Marine Natural Products Able to Interfere with Aβ Protein Aggregation in Alzheimer’s Disease."

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the project, "Life, Labor, and Land after the Mining Ban in Goa, India."

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies to support the project, "Paro Users in Denmark."

Amy Boone-McCreesh, Art & Art History to support the project, "Taste and Privilege, Visual Arts body of work."

Rachel Eng, Art & Art History to support the project, "Hydraulic Fracking & Devonian Landscape."

Andrew Farrant, Economics to support the project, "Milton Friedman Book Project."

Scott Farrington, Classical Studies to support the project, "Petrach's Horace at the Morgan Library."

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project, "The Effect of Isoprenoid Depletion on the Inflammatory Response of Blood Cells."

Peter Leavitt, Psychology to support the project, "Perceptions of Social Class among College Students and the General Public."

Kimberly McNair, Africana Studies to support the project, "Cotton Framed Revolutionaries:  T-Shirt Culture and the Black Protest Tradition."

Tullio Pagano, Italian to support the project, "L'ultimo di Sant'llario."

Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the project to support the project, "Republican Period Chinese Book Cover Designs."

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project, "The Psychology of Adopting a Dramaturgical Perspective.”


Scholarly/Creative Summer 2017

Thomas Arnold, Biology to support the project, “The Loss of Dietary Plant Phenolics in Nature: A Cause of Increased Aβ Protein Aggregation Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease?”

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the project, “Coal, Carbon Space, and Climate Change: Indian Social Movement Protest Narratives.”

Marcelo Borges, History to support the project, “Migration from Southern Europe through the Lens of Personal Letters.”

Neil Diamant, East Asian Studies & Political Science to support the project, “The History of Veteran Privilege in Comparative Perspective.”

Lila Ellen Gray, Music to support the project, “Ethnographic Examination of Processes of Memory and Heritage Making in Relation to Expressive Culture, Music, or Artisanal Practice in a Contemporary European Context.”

Marisol LeBron, American Studies to support the project, “Policing Life and Death:  Race, Violence, and Resistance in Puerto Rico.”

Kathleen Marchetti, Political Science to support the project, “Gender and Lobbying.”

Karl Qualls, History to support the project, “Digitizing the Experience of Spanish Civil War Refugee Children in the Soviet Union.”

Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the project, “Library and Archival Research on Republican Period Graphic Design in China.”

Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project, “Principles of Civic Engagement in the Work of Rodolfo Walsh.”

Sarah Skaggs, Theatre & Dance to support the project, “How/l.”

Shawn Stein, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project, “Sun and Shadow: Tracking Corruption and Gender Equality in Soccer Fiction from Latin America.”

Xiaolu Wang, International Business & Management to support the project, “Pricing Practices of Firms.”

Amy Lynn Wlodarski, Music to support the project, “The Postwar Legacy of George Rochberg:  A Series of Conversations.”


Dana Research Assistantships Summer 2017

Kent Barrett, Theatre & Dance/ Sarah Blocher ’18 to support the project, "Assistant to the Production Manager."

William Bellinger, Economics/ Yanqing Zhao ’19 to support the project, "The Regional Economic Impact of the Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet."

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian/ Anastasiya Klopina ’18 to support the project, "V.A. Petrushevsky: A Digital Archive."

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/ Kaliph Brown ’20 to support the project, "Design and Construction of Costumes for Summer Season."

Matthew Pinsker, History/ Rachel Morgan ’18 and Sam Weisman ‘18 to support the project, "House Divided."

Jacob Sider Jost, English/ Noah Fusco ’18 to support the project, "Eighteenth-Century Poets Connect."

Collaborative Student-Faculty Research Summer 2017

Jeffrey Engelhardt, Philosophy/ Sarah Campbell ’19 to support the project, "The Sociology of Concepts."

Scott Farrington, Classical Studies/ Catalaine Ionescu ’19 and Ian White ’19 to support the project, "The Rise of the Roman Republic:  A Gaming Simulation.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology/ Marissa Rusia ’19 to support the project, "Cellular Interaction in Inflammation."

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry/ Alissa Resnikoff ’18 and Emily Atkinson ’19 to support the project, "Cleavage of Fluoroaromatic Thioethers."

David Jackson, Physics & Astronomy/ Natalie Ferris ’18 to support the project, "Double-Slit Interference using One Beam of a Quantum-Entangled Light Source."

Marcus Key, Earth Sciences/ Niomi Phillips ’18 to support the project, "Comparing Methods of Pre-Treatment for Removal of Organic Material for C and O Isotope Analysis of Carbonate Shells."

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/ Sarah Benamti ’18 to support the project, "Stage Manager and Assistant to the EAD Pendragon Theatre."

Kathleen Marchetti and Sarah Niebler, Political Science/ Thomas Kozdron ’18 to support the project, "Gubernatorial Elections and Coattail Effects of Female Candidates."

Brett Pearson, Physics & Astronomy/ Hongyi Li ’18 to support the project, "Interference with Incoherent Sources."

Peter Sak, Earth Sciences/ James Fisher ’18 to support the project, "Unraveling the Central Appalachian Fold-Thrust Belt, Pennsylvania."

James Sias, Philosophy/ Amy Halstead ’19 to support the project, "What is Mental Illness?"

Stephen Strickland, Physics & Astronomy/ Michael Kmetz ’19 to support the project, "Does the Bloch Theorem of Quantum Mechanics Apply in Analogous Hydrodynamic Systems?"

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies/ Lydia Fox ’19 to support the project, "A Comparative Study of Long-Term Change and Short-Term Variability in Lake Ecosystems."

Vlad Tarko, Economics/ Mengting Chao ’20 to support the project, "Entrepreneurship, Minority Games, and the Impossibility of Economic Equilibrium."

Laura Watson, Physics & Astronomy/ Hieu Le ’19 to support the project, "Construction of a Comprehensive Catalogue of Possible Cosmic Topologies."

Dana Wohlbach, Biology/ Courtney Gamache ’18 to support the project, "Experimental Evolution of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Paradoxus Yeasts." 


Sabbatical Expense Support 2016-2017

Jeremy Ball, History to support the project, “Commemoration and Nationalism in Colonial and Independen Angola.”

Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies to support the project, “Iterating Welfare Robotics:  Paro, HAL, and the Packaging of Care in Japan.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy to support the project, “Multi-Color and Spectroscopic Observations of M268 with the Micahel Britton and McDonald Observatories.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the project, “Therapeutic Culture:  Health and Illness in Late Nineteenth-Century American Art.”

Karl Qualls, History to support his sabbatical projects.

Susan Rose, Sociology to support the project, “Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.”

Adrienne Su, English to support her fifth book of Poems.

Blake Wilson, Music to support the project, “Dominion of the Ear:  Memory, Orality, and Performance in Renaissance Italy.”

Amy Wlodarski, Music to support the project, “The Postwar Humanism of George Rochberg.”

Todd Wronski, Theatre & Dance to support the project, “On Foot to Edinbuggh:  A Journey with Ben Jonson.”

Megan Yost, Psychology to support the project, “Sexual Consent:  Pleasure and Danger.”


Professional Development Academic Year Projects

Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese to support attendance for the, "Cuban Youth Cinema and the Independent Cinema 'Attitude.”

Jennifer Halpin, Food Studies to support attendance for the, “Study Tour of Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia:  Exploring and Mapping Traditional Agriculture and Foodways.”


Study Groups Summer 2017

Suman Ambwani, Psychology to support, "Curricular Revision:  Statistics and Research Methods."

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian and Film Studies to support, "Designing a Certificate Program or a Major in Film and Media Cultures."


Professional Development Summer 2017

Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre & Dance to support attending the, “Teacher Training Workshop at the Bates Dance Festival.”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian to support attending the, “International Moscow Film Festival.”

Claire Seiler, English to support attending the, “Elizabeth Bishop and the Literary Archive.”


Teaching Projects

James McMenamin, Italian to support the project, "Redesigning Italian 231."

Adeline Soldin, French & Francophone Studies to support the project, “Food, France, and Cultural Identity.”


Publication and Dissertation 2016-2017

Andrew Bale, Art & Art History to support the project, “Ese’Eja- The True People."

Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish to support the book project, "The Roman Inheritance in British and Spanish America during the Age of Revolution."

Donna Bickford, Women’s and Gender Resource Center to support the publication, “Understanding Marge Piercy.”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian to support the project, “Generation M:  Merab Mamardashvili and Recent Russian Film.”

Beverly Eddy, Emeritus German to support the project, “Erika and Klaud Mann and their Dream America.”

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry to support the project, “Essential Multimeric Enzymes in Kinetoplastid Parasites:  A Host of Potentially Druggable Protein-Protein Interactions.”

Marcus Key, Earth Science to support the project, “Intracolony variation in colony morphology in reassembled fossil ramose stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA.  Journal of Paleontology.”

Sharon Kingston, Psychology to support the project, “A Qualitative Study of the Context of Child and Adolescent Substance Use Initiation and Patterns of Use in the First Year for Early and Later Initiators.”

Andrea Lieber, Religion to support the project, “Crossing Boundaries in Early Judaism and Christianity:  Ambiguities, Complexities, and Half-Forgotten Adversaries. Essays in Memory of Alan Segal.”

Emily Marshall, Economics to support the publication, "Housing and Endogenous Default."

Casey Nichols, History to support the project, “The Most Least Discussed Problem of Poverty in the Southwest:  The Watts Rebellion Chicano Moratorium, the Model Cities Program in Los Angeles.”

Katie Oliviero, Women’s & Gender Studies to support the project, “Precarity Politics.”

Jerry Philogene, American Studies to support the project, “Art as Caribbean Feminist Practice.”

Robert Pound, Music to support the project, "Songs Composed for the 2013-2014 Stellfox Prize."

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the publication, “Self-Consistency in Bicultural Persons: Dialectical Self-Beliefs Mediate the Relation between Identity Integration and Self-Consistency.”