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Non-Travel Awards 2017-2018


Dana Research Assistantships Academic Year Projects

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies/Muhajir Lesure ’20 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Contested Energy: From Pennsylvania to South Asia.”

Marcelo Borges, History/Elizabeth Marin ’18 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Patagonia Mosaic Digital Collection.”

Say Burgin, History/Teryon Lowery ’20 for spring semester to work on the project, “Black Power and the Myth of White Ejection.”

Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian/Allison Stroyan ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, “V.A. Petryshevsky: A Digital Archive.”

Christine Guardino, Psychology/Meredith Smith ’20 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Preconception and Prenatal Predictors of Cortisol in Preschool-Aged Children.”

Karen Kirkham, Theater & Dance/Amelia Merrill ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, “Assistant to the Executive Artistic Director, Pendragon Theater.”

Steven Malcic, English/Alexi Leah Struzenski ’20 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Digital Streaming Bibliography.”

Kathleen Marchetti, Political Science/Baylie Rubin ’18 for academic year to work on the project, “Gender and Lobbying, Gender and Coattail Effects, Interest Groups, and Social Media.”

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian & Film Studies/Madigan Kay ’18 & Amber Sands ‘18 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Gender/Sexuality/Italy.”

Emily Marshall, Economics /Alexandra Medeiros ’18 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Temporal Effects in Standard Evaluations of Teaching.”

Emily Marshall, Economics/Alexandra Medeiros ’18 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Temporal Effects in Standard Evaluations of Teaching.”

David O’Connell, Political Science/ Molly LaBelle ’19 for the fall semester to work on the project, “Instagram and the United States Congress.”

David O’Connell, Political Science/Benjamin Flemming ’19 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Instagram and the United States Congress.”

Claire Seiler, English/Noah Fusco ’18 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Midcentury Suspension.”

Cott[e]n Seiler, American Studies/Keson Bullock-Brown ’19  for the fall semester to work on the project, “The End of White Care:  US Liberalism in the 1970s.”

Farhan Siddiqui, Mathematics & Computer Science/Ashir Borah ‘19 for the spring semester to work on the project, “Security in the Internet of Things (loT).”

Naila Smith, Psychology/ Margaret Booth ’19 and Tran Tran ’18 for the academic year to work on the project, “The Impact of Media Representations of Caribbean Immigrants on their Educational Outcomes.”

Dana Research Assistantships Summer 2018

Santiago Anria, Political Science & Latin American Studies/Llana Gruber ’20 for the project, “Citizenship Rights and Democracy in Latin America.”

Christopher Francese, Classical Studies/Hugh Downs ’19 for the project, “Critical Edition of Maffei’s Historiarum Indicarum Libri XVI (1588).”

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry/Bryce Descavish ’20 for the project, “Pterdine Reductase Interface Peptides as Antileishmanial Agents.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Lissy Gold ’20 for the project, “Assist with Design, Build, and Run of a Day in Hollywood/A Night in the Ukraine.”

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian & Film Studies/Madigan Kay ’18 & Amber Sands ’18 for the project, “Gender/Sexuality/Italy.”

Matthew Pinsker, History/Cooper Wingert ’20, Rebecca Stout ’19 & Frank Kline ’19 for the project, “House Divided.” R&D awarded one student and additional funding was received from Digital Humanities monies.

Susan Rose, Sociology/Julia Bray ’19 for the project, “Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.”

Peter Schadler, Religion/Joseph Buatista ’20 for the project, “Novel Saints:  Novel, Hagiography and Romance form the 4th to the 12th Century.”

Vlad Tarko, Economics/Tucker Quinn ’21 for the project, “Bounded Rationality in Elinor Ostrom’s Work.”

Scholarly/Creative Fall 2017, Spring 2018 

Scott Boback, Biology to support the project, “Denning Ecology and Population of Western Rattlesnakes near Steamboat Springs, Colorado.”

Scott Boback, Biology & Benjamin Edwards, Earth Science to support the project, “A Digital Elevation Model of the Rattelsnake Butte Area, Steamboat Springs, Colorado.”

Rachel Eng, Art & Art History to support the project, “Lichens & Air Pollution.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the fall semester project, “Role of Extracellular Vesicles in Inflammatory Cellular Communication.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the spring semester project, “Cellular Interaction in Inflammation.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project, “Papermoon Puppet Theatre.”

Heather Lehman, Biology to support the project, “NFkB-mediated Cell Invasion in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma.”

Steven Malcic, English to support the project, “Role of Digital Streaming in Public Libraries.”

Tullio Pagano, Italian to support the project, “The Village of Sant'llario, betweem the Apennine Mountains and the Mediterranean.”

Peter Schadler, Religion to support the project, “Workshop:  Inclusion and exclusion in the Late Antique and Early Medieval Mediterranean.”

Jason Smith, Biology to support the project, “Community Analysis of Non-Target Effects of Insect Growth Regulation Pesticides.”

Naila Smith, Psychology to support the project, “The Impact of Media Representations of Caribbean Immigrants on their Educational Outcomes.”

Nikolaos Tsotakos, Biology to support the project, “Role of Long Non-coding RNAs in Diabetic Podocyte Injury.”

Megan Yost, Psychology and Women’s & Gender Studies to support the project, “Precarious Manhood and Womanhood:  Understanding Differences Related to Age, Race, Sexual Orientation, Religious Affiliation, and Education Level.

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the fall semester project, “The Psychology of Adopting a Dramaturgical Perspective.”

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the spring semester project, “Attitudes toward Cultural Appropriation.”

Scholarly/Creative Summer 2018

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History to support the creative project, “Summer 2018 Paintings, Drawings, Prints.”

Andrew Bale, Art & Art History to support the creative project, “The Ese’Eje People of the Amazon:  Connected by a Thread.”

Jeremy Ball, History to support the project, “Botany, Colonialism, and indigenous Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century Angola.”

Elise Bartosik-Velez, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project, “The History of Translatio Imperii and its Importance in the Independence Movements of British and Spanish America.”

Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the project, “An Ethnography of Solar Enerygscapes in India.”

Marcelo Borges, History to support the project, “Migration from Southern Europe through the Lens of Personal Letters and Photography.”

Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History to support the project, “Folklore Sculptures.”

Eva Copeland, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project, “Spanish Writers and Texts at the End of Empire in Cuba.”

James Ellison, Anthropology & Archaeology to support the project, “Fragmented Belonging:  Rural Social and Physical Infrastructures and Tanzania’s Post-Liberalization Development.”

Amy Farrell, American Studies & Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies to support the project, “Our Chalet, the First World Association of Girl Scouts and Girl Guides Centre.”

Lila Ellen Gray, Music to support the projects, “Amália Rodrigues:  Live at the Olympia” and “Tangibles, Intangibles, and a Precarious South.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the project, “Looking for Lida Moser.”

Nan Ma, Asian Studies to support the project, “Beyond the Body:  Choreography, Narrative, and Ideology in China, 1900s-1980s.”

Christofilis Maggidis, Archaeology to support the project, “Re-Discovering Glas:  Archaeogeophysical Survey, New Evidence and Interpretations.”

Kristine Mitchell, Political Science & International Studies to support the project, “Culture Shift:  Immigration and Transformation in Southhall, London after the Second World War.”

Jerry Philogene, American Studies to support the project, “Beyond Bodou Iconography:  Luce Turnier a Feminist Modernist in Haiti.”

Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the project, “United by Design:  Modern Art and Modern Literature in 1920s China.”

Adeline Soldin, French & Francophone Studies to support the project, “The Snob, the Invert, and the Jew:  Performing and Subverting Identity in A la Recherche du Temps Perdy.

Catalina Villamil, Anthropology to support the project, “Character Displacement in Hominin Evolution.”

Xialou Wang, International Business & Management to support the project, “Pricing Practices of Firms.”

Karen Weinstein, Anthropology & Archaeology to support the project, “Filombe and Uyole:  Biocultural and Ethnographic Investigations of Maize Seed Cultivation and Consumption in Smallholder Farmers in Southwest Tanzania.”

Amy Wlodarski, Music to support the project, “Three Projects at the Paul Sacher Stiftung.”

W. Evan Young, History to support the project, “Family, State, and the Genesis of Public Health in Modern Japan.”

Collaborative Student-Faculty Research Summer 2018

Shamma Alam, International Studies/Zayed Bin Shajahan ’20 to support the project, “The Great Recession.”

Qing Bai, INBM/Trung Nguyen ’19 to support the project, “The Tale of Two Crises:  Technology Spillovers as Sources of Risk Spillovers among U.S. Innovative Firms.”

Grant Braught, Computer Science/Ashir Aseesh Borah ’19 to support the project, “Self-Adaptive Chaotic Mutation Operators in Evolutionary Computation.”

Jeff Englehardt, Philosophy/Sarah Campbell ’19 to support the project, “Balkanized Knowledge of Enclaves and Semantic Oppression.”

Richard Forrester, Mathematics/Noah Hunt-Isaak ’20 to support the project, “A Computational Study of Solution Techniques for O-1 Quadratic Programs.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology/Shannon Bonner to support the project, “Communication between Immune Cells in Inflammatory Disease.”

Jason Gavenonis, Chemistry/Taylor Bednar ’19 to support the project, “Colorimetric Detection of Substitution Reactions in Living Cells.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy/Amanda Baylor ’20 to support the project, “Photometry of 10 Eclipsing Variables in the Field of NGC 2362.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Solomon Zisser ’20 to support the project, “Creation and Performance of Puppet Theatre Piece.”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/Joshua Bennett ’20 to support the project, “Stage Manager and Assistant to the EAD Pendragon Theatre.”

Emily Marshall, Economics/Daniel Byun ’19 to support the project, “Natural Disasters, Household Debt, and Inequality: County-Level Evidence from the United States.”

Hans Pfister, Physics & Astronomy/Sophie Kirkman ’19 to support the project, “Investigation of the Absorber Efficiency of a Gridded Single-Pass Solar Air Heater.”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies/Madaline Ritter ’19 to support the project, “Reconstructing the Effect of “Browning” on Algal Communities in Lakes.”

Alyson Thibodeau, Earth Sciences/Allison Curley ’19 & Kendra Bonsey ’19 to support the project, “Investigation of Lead Isotopes as Chronostratigraphic Markers for Lake Sediments in Northeastern Pennsylvania.”

Anthony Underwood, Economics/Yanqing Zhao ’19 to support the project, “Natural Disasters, Household Debt, and Inequality:  County-Level Evidence from the United States.”

Sabbatical Expense Support 2017-2018

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical projects.

David Ball, English to support the sabbatical project, “Breaking the Frame:  Comics and Modernism at the Intersections of Literary and Art History.”

Scott Boback, Biology to support the sabbatical project, “Denning Ecology and Population Biology of Western Rattlesnakes near Steamboat Springs, CO.”

Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project, “Hero Props.”

Jonathan Cogliano, Economics to support the sabbatical project, “Increasing returns to scale in the history of economic ideas (particularly the general equilibrium project), and an agent-based computational model of specialized production with increasing returns and decentralized exchange.”

Angela Delutis-Eichenberger, Spanish & Portuguese to support the sabbatical project, “Cervantes through the Eyes of Chilean Exiles: Reconstructing Santiago's Church of the Company of Jesus:  Poetization of Damage and Demise.”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the sabbatical project, “Cellular Interaction in Inflammation.”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the sabbatical project, “Studying the Work of and Working with Papermoon Puppet Theatre.”

Lynn Johnson, Africana studies to support the sabbatical project, “Alimentary School: The Educative Values of Psychodietetic Narration in African American Child Development.”

David Kushner, Biology to support the sabbatical project, “Continuing Studies on Viral Structure-Function Relationships, and work on Virus-Host Factor Interaction.”

Christofilis Maggidis, Archaeology to support the sabbatical project, “The Lower Town of Mycenae II:  Archaeological Excavations 2007-2013.”

Nicoletta Marini-Maio, Italian/Film Studies to support the sabbatical project, “A Specter is Haunting Italy:  Representations of the Moro Affair in Cinema, Television, and Theater.”

Windsor Morgan, Physics & Astronomy to support the sabbatical project, “Spatial Reasoning Ability in Introductory Astronomy Students.”

Benjamin Ngong, French & Francophone Studies to support the sabbatical project, “Effects of Slavery and Colonization on Post-colonial African Nations and Societies.”

Brett Pearson, Physics & Astronomy to support the sabbatical project, “High-Repetition-Rate, Two-Dimensional Pulse Shaping for 2D Spectroscopy.”

Peter Sak, Earth Sciences to support the project, “Residency at University of Utah to Integrate Topotoolbox with ArcGIS.”

Cindy Samet, Chemistry to support the sabbatical project, “Polymer Soft-Landing Isolation Studies:  A Novel Approach to Hydorgent Bonding in Polymers.”

Jacob Sider Jost, English to support the sabbatical project, “Interest in the Long Eighteenth Century.”

Shawn Stein, Spanish & Portuguese to support the sabbatical project, “Sun and Shadow:  Tackling Corruption and Gender Equality in Soccer Fiction from Latin America.”

Greg Steirer, English & Film studies to support the sabbatical project, “Narrative Inc.:  Intellectual Property Law and the History of the Narrative-Based Franchise.”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies to support the sabbatical project, “Understanding Climate-Driven Change in Boreal Lakes.”

Nicola Tynan, Economics to support the sabbatical project, “An Economic History of London's Water Supply.”

Karen Weinstein, Anthropology to support the sabbatical project, “Biocultural Perspectives on Energetics and Health in Farmers in the 21st Centruy.”

Amy Witter, Chemistry to support the sabbatical project, “Analysis of the Photoxidation Transformation Products from Sealcoat Weathering.”

Professional Development Academic Year Projects

Suman Ambwani, Psychology to support attendance at a professional development symposium.

Claire Seiler, English to support the attendance at the National Consortium for Faculty Development and Diversity Faculty Success Program.

Professional Development Summer 2018

Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre & Dance to support the project, “Trisha Brown Dance Company Intensive.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy to support the project, “Integrating Computation into the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum.”

David Jackson, Phsyics & Astronomy to support the project, “Integrating Computation into the Undergraduate Physics Curriculum.”

Janet Peck, Theatre & Dance to support the project, “Metamovements Mini Mosaic Cuba 2018.”

Chelsea Skalak, English to support the project, “Paleography Course at the rare Book School.”

Study Groups Summer 2018

Brenda Bretz, Institutional Effectiveness & Inclusivity for “Bridging the Gap between Diversity, Social Justice Work and Intercultural Competency.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy department for “Designing the New Advanced Laboratory Capstone in Physics.”

Helen Takacs, International Business and Management department for “Curricular Review and Development.”

Teaching Projects

Amy Steinbugler, Sociology to support the project, “Reimagining Quantitative Research Methods.”

Nikolaos Tsotakos, Biology to support the project, “Introduction of Inquiry-based Instruction in an Upper-level Cell Biology Course.”

Publication and Dissertation 2017-2018

Ishraq Ahmed, Economics to support the project, “Crowding Out of Government Health Spending: Evidence from Bangladesh.”

Tom Arnold, Biology to support the project,“21st Century Climate Change and Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in a Temperate Estuary: The Case of Chesapeake Bay.”

Marcelo Borges, History to support the publication, “Correntes de Ouro: Emigração Portuguesa para a Argentina em Perspectiva Regional e Transatlântica.”

Jonathan Cogliano, Economics to support the book project “Value, Competition, and Exploitation:  Marx’s Legacy Revisited.”

Rebecca Connor, Chemistry to support the project, “Adduction of Hsp72 in THP-1 Cells by Parthenolide.”

Benjamin Edwards, Earth Science to support the open access project, “Improved Estimates of Glacial Change Rate at Nevada Coropuna Ice Cap, Peru.”

Steven Erfle, International Business & Management to support the project, “Discussing Substitutes and Complements in an Economics Principles Classroom with Discrete Choice Consumer Utility Tables.”

Catrina Hamilton-Drager, Physics & Astronomy to support the project, “The Photometric Evolution of the Classical Nova V723 Cassieopea from 2006 through 2016.”

Emily Marshall, Economics to support the project, “Natural Disasters, Household Debt, and Inequality:  County-Level Evidence from the United States.”

Alberto Rodriguez, Spanish & Portuguese, “Cervantes y America Latina: Variaciones Criticas.”

Jason Smith, Biology to support the project, “Host Range of the Invasive Tomato Pest Tuta Absoluta (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on Solanaceous Crops and Weeds in Tanzania.”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies to support the project, “Increasing Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentrations in the Northern Boreal Lakes: Implications for Lake Water Transparency and Thermal Structure.”

Alyson Thibodeau, Earth Sciences to support the project, “George Rochberg's Road to Ars Combinatoria, 1943-63.”

Amy Wlodarksi, Music to support the project, “George Rochberg’s Road to Ars Combinatoria, 1943-63.”