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Non-Travel Awards 2022-2023

Dana Research Assistantships

Kirk Anderson, Educational Studies/Jessica Zinderman ’23, Val Cerna ’24, Westley Lennon ’23, Natasha Stein ’25 to work on the project “Trauma-Informed Pedagogy in Higher Education”

Alex Bates, East Asian Studies/Konoka Uematsu ’26 to work on the project “Documents related to the 1923 Korean Massacre”

Eren Bilen, Data Analytics/Heidi Beardsley ’25 to work on the project “Impact of Asymmetric Productivity Spillovers in Job-to-Job Transitions: Evidence from Labor Mobility in Academia”

Grant Braught, Math & Computer Science/Marcel Lee ’23 to work on the project “FarmData2 Development”

Maggie Douglas, Environmental Studies/Aleah Spiro ’23 to work on the project “Foraging behavior of the American toad toward pest and non-pest invertebrates” and “The American toad: Can this native generalist predator contribute to pest control?”

Steve Erfle, INBM/Scarlett Davidovich ’24, Ben Stoopak ’23 to work on the project “Combining Math and Art Education using Polygons and Electronic String”

Amy Farrell, American Studies/Alyssa Monsanto ’24 to work on the project “Girl Scouts of the USA and Gender and Fat”

Lev Fruchter, Math & Computer Science/Moss Bulter ’23 to work on the project “STEM Fiction Clearinghouse and Community”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Sky DiGregorio ’24 to work on the project “Design of the musical Next to Normal”

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Psychology/Heaven Smith ’23 to work on the project “Research for my book The Science of Risk”

John Katunich, Writing Program/Sarah Rice ’24 to work on the project “The Post-Pandemic Writing Center, a Digital Edited Collection”

Ebru Kongar, Economics/Francesca Kelly ’25 to work on the project “Feminist economics vs. Gender Economics? What Difference Does it Make?; Potential Impact on Parental Child Caregiving of Daycare Closures in Turkey; Gender Differences in Paid Work and Unpaid Work across the Life Cycle”

Helene Lee, Sociology/Mina Delloro-Suh ’23 to work on the project “Raising Asians, Aging Asians”

Sarah McGaughey, German/Abby Jones ’25 to work on the project “Digital Journal Publication”

Sarah Niebler, Political Science/Adam Mast ’25 to work on the project “Election Integrity in Pennsylvania”

David O'Connell, Political Science/Evelyn Braker ’25 to work on the project “Podcasts and American Politics: The Political Consequences of Listening to The Joe Rogan Experience”

Kevin O'Connor, Psychology/Olivia Ngai ’26 to work on the project “Developing Identities in the Local Foods Movement”

Mariana Past, Spanish & Portuguese/Hannah Tomblin ’25 to work on the project “Preparing the terrain for open-access publication / English translation of Hilario Batista's Nostalji san pwen ni vigil: pwezi kreyòl nan peyi Kiba”

Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology/Izzy Ferrazza ’24 to work on the project “Understanding the experiences of men living with Type 2 Diabetes in two Peruvian cities”

Antje Pfannkuchen, German/Grace Soler ’23 to work on the project “"Printing the Invisible: Photography as Medium and Cultural Technique"”

Matthew Pinsker, History/Charlotte Goodman ’23 to work on the project “House Divided Project”

Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese/Selena Yang ’24 to work on the project “Philosophy of language and semiotics in Jorge Luis Borges”

Cotton Seiler, American Studies/Walker Kmetz ’25 to work on the project “Transfers (journal) editorial assistant”

Claire Seiler, English/Anna Robison ’25 to work on the project “Racialization of polio in US literature (topic)”

Eddie Tu, Math & Computer Science/Dzung Dinh ’24 to work on the project “Project RattleCam – Building an interactive educational website to”

Xaiolu Wang, INBM/Liwen Li ’23 to work on the project “How Emotions Are Coded: A Diachronic Analysis of Chinese Pop Song Lyrics Using Big Data”

Forrest Watson, INBM/Erin Kilpatrick ’25 to work on the project “Consumer Behavior Research on Consumer Adaptation to AI and Consumption on the Grief Journey”

Megan Yost, Psychology/Kenzie Sheehan ’23 to work on the project “LGBTQ Individuals' Positive Experiences with Christianity”

Rui Zhang, Psychology/Mai Le ’25 to work on the project “Social network analysis of international students and students of color

at Dickinson”

Mengnan Zhu, INBM/Conner Grace ’24 to work on the project “ESG Ratings, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Impact Investing Inefficiency”



Andy Bale, Art & Art History to support the project “ARRIVALS: What's Left Behind, What Lies Ahead”

Alex Bates, East Asian Studies to support the project “Tanaka Shōzō, ecocritic”

Alex Bates, East Asian Studies to support the project “Tanaka Shōzō as an Ecocritic: Literature and Flooding in the late Meiji Era”

Matthew Biwer, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the project “An archaeological survey in the Caravelí

Valley of southern Peru”

Amy Boone-McCreesh, Art & Art History to support the project “Solo Exhibition of visual art - title TBD”

Amy Boone-McCreesh, Art & Art History to support the project “Solo Exhibition”

Marcelo Borges, History to support the project “Migration from Southern Europe through the Lens of Personal Letters and Photography”

Say Burgin, History to support the project “Organizing Your Own: The White Fight for Black Power in Detroit”

Carolina Castellanos, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project “The Representation of Brazilian Women Drug Traffickers”

Eleanor Conover, Art & Art History to support the project “Shaping space: metaphor, affect, and experience in painting”

Eleanor Conover, Art & Art History to support the project “Studio development, materials exploration, and a new body of work”

Robin Crigler, History to support the project “Prise and Enter: The Life of Casey Motsisi, Sophiatown Satirist”

Amy Farrell, American Studies to support the project “Girl Scouts of the USA: Race, Feminism, and American Empire”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project “Isolation of Monocytes from Human Blood”

Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project “Measuring miRNA Expression in Human Monocytes”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project “The Tempest at the Adirondack Lake Center for the Arts”

Marie Helweg-Larsen, Psychology to support the project “Preliminary work on NIH R-15 application”

Marcus Key, Earth Science to support the project “Geoarcheological source of the stone used in the colonial-era Sabine Hall, Warsaw, Virginia, USA”


Collaborative Student-Faculty Research

Shamma Alam, International Studies/Mai Hoang Nguyen ’24 for the project “Impact of Covid-19 in Vietnam: Understanding the impact on vulnerable populations”

Wande Benka-Coker, Environmental Studies/Alexander Clifton Jones ’25 for the project “Evaluating the environmental indicators of ambient air quality at a Carlisle midsize farm”

Xiaozhou Ding, Economics/Chuming Cheng ’26 for the project “Greasing the Wheel? The Impact of Talent Flows and Diversity on Economic Growth”

Andrew Dufton, Anthropology/Archaeology/Emily Angelucci ’24 for the project “11 Ancient Objects: ĢƵ, the Grand Tour, and the life of Jesse Duncan Elliott”

Jeff Engelhardt, Philosophy/Molly Moran ’24 for the project “Conceptual engineering and social-semantic relations”

Lars English, Physics & Astromony/Carys Chase-Mayoral ’26 for the project “Flat Bands and Compact Localized Modes in Electrical Lattices”

Azriel Grysman, Psychology/Carolina Carneiro ‘24, Alexas Harlan ’24 for the project “Retrieval-Induced Forgetting of Autobiographical Memories”

David Jackson, Physics & Astromony/Noah Lape ’26 for the project “Video explorations in physics”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance/Alexandria Lauff ’26 for the project “Collaboration on "The Tempest" at Adirondack Lakes Theatre Festival”

Xiexin Liu, Data Analytics/Sid Lamsal ’25 for the project “Covariate matching for classification problems”

Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology/Izzy Ferrazza ’24 for the project “Masculinity, Fatherhood and Chronic care management”

Karl Qualls, History/Emma Rodrigues ’25 for the project “What's Behind the Curtain: Revealing the History of the Carlisle Theatre”

Colin Rathbun, Chemistry/Julieta Bursztyn ’25, Emma Rizzella-Roberts ’25 for the project “Developing new mutant bioluminescent enzymes for cellular imaging”

Michael Roberts, Biology/Sophia Kovatsis ’24, Magdalena Lazraj ’24 for the project “Reprogramming Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Toward Cell Cycle Arrest and Death”

Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies/Prerana Patil ’24, Olive Stern ’23 for the project “Managing Harmful Algal Blooms in Pennsylvania Reserviors”

Xiaolu Wang, INBM/Evan Wong ’24 for the project “How Emotions Are Coded: A Diachronic Analysis of Chinese Pop Song Lyrics Using Big Data”


Sabbatical Expense Support

Mohammad Abu Shuleh, Middle East Studies to support the sabbatical project “Arts of the Islamic World course”

Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project “Develop new pieces that build on work you have created over the last two years”

Alex Bates, East Asian Studies to support the sabbatical project “Tanaka Shōzō as an Ecocritic: Literature and Flooding in the late Meiji Era”

Michael Beevers, Environmental Studies to support the sabbatical project “Environmental Peacebuilding and the Post-Carbon Transition (Book Project)”

Grant Braught, Math & Computer Science to support the sabbatical project “Professional Development in Free and Open Source Software”

Say Burgin, History to support the sabbatical project “Organizing Your Own: The White Fight for Black Power in Detroit”

Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project “Creative Scholarship Through Active Studio Practice”

Maggie Douglas, Environmental Studies to support the sabbatical project “Spatiotemporal patterns of pesticide use and their consequences”

Azriel Grysman, Psychology to support the sabbatical project “The Intergenerational Transmission of Meaning: Memories of the Holocaust across Three Generations”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the sabbatical project “Creative and development projects for sabbatical leave 2023-2024”

Marcus Key, Earth Science to support the sabbatical project “Evolution of Bryozoan Fouling”

Helene Lee, Sociology to support the sabbatical project “Postfeminist legacies of all girls schooling, two articles pending: "Kick Ass without Being Angry" and "'Fun, Fearless, Female' meets DEI"”

Helene Lee, Sociology to support the sabbatical project “The social meanings and significance of all girls education on gender, class, and racial identities that shape and impact the schooling experience.”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project “Thomas Mutter as Collector”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project “19th century disability with a focus on club foot”

James Martin, Music to support the sabbatical project “The working title is "Elysium - The Art Music of African American Composers"”

Siobhan Phillips, English to support the sabbatical project “Applications to various artist residencies to support fiction writing and collaboration in 2023”

Mireille Rebeiz, French to support the sabbatical project “They Came in Peace: U.S Marines in Lebanon 1982-1984”

Farhan Siddiqui, Math & Computer Science to support the sabbatical project “6G Wireless Communication”

Adrienne Su, Creative Writing to support the sabbatical project “Residency at Virginia Center for Creative Arts”

Adrienne Su, Creative Writing to support the sabbatical project “Residencies at Vermont Studio Center and Art Omi”

Luca Trazzi, Italian to support the sabbatical project “Gastrodiplomacy on Board: Cultural and Gastronomical Identities Served with Airline Meals”

Todd Wronski, Theatre & Dance to support the sabbatical project “Kurt Vonnegut: My Lives' Stories”


Professional Development

Rebecca Connor, Chemistry to support the project “NCFDD Faculty Success Program”

Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Professional Training Program at the Bates Dance Festival”

Jacquie Forbes, Educational Studies to support the project “RaceTalk as a Skill Workshop”

Holley Friedlander, Math & Computer Science to support the project “New connections between Physics and Number Theory Workshop”

Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Woodcarving Workshop through Puppeteers of America”

Paul Kinlaw, Math & Computer Science to support the project “1-2 Coursera courses in statistics &and/or cryptography”

Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance to support the project “"Consent Forward Certificate"”

Paul Ko, Economics to support the project “Professional Workshop for Structural Gravity Models”

Colin Rathbun, Chemistry to support the project “New Faculty Workshop lead by the American Chemical Society”

Colin Rathbun, Chemistry to support the project “2023 Active Learning in Organic Chemistry (ALOC) Workshop”

Crystal Reynaga, Biology to support the project “Linton-Poodry SACNAS Leadership Institute (LPSLI)”

Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Training course on social network analysis”

Mengnan Zhu, INBM to support the project “Natural Language Processing Training Course”


Teaching Projects

Bruno Grazioli, Dickinson In Bologna to support the project “Developing Communication in Italian, Self-Expression, and Social Skills Through Theater Techniques”


Study Groups

Dengjian Jin, INBM to support discussion “The Harmonization of INBM Courses”

Amy McKiernan, Philosophy to support discussion “Ethical Reasoning in Senior Seminars Across the Curriculum”

Antje Pfannkuchen, German to support discussion “Summer Study Group for Discussion of German Curriculum”

Jerry Philogene, American Studies to support discussion “Review of AMST 303 Topics and Workshops in Cultural Theory and Honors Process”


Publication and Dissertation Support


Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the publication of “The Great Goa Land Grab”

Say Burgin, History to support the publication of “Organizing Your Own: The White Fight for Black Power in Detroit”

Maggie Douglas, Environmental Studies to support the publication of “Putting pesticides on the map for pollinator research and conservation”

Ben Edwards, Earth Science to support the publication of “Cryospheric impacts on volcano-magmatic systems”

Ben Edwards, Earth Science to support the publication of “The Complex Construction of a Glaciovolcanic Ridge with Insights from the 2021 Fagradalsfjall Eruption”

Rachel Eng, Art & Art History to support the publication of “Debris”

Lars English, Physics & Astromony to support the publication of “An Ising machine based on networks of subharmonic electrical resonators”

Amy Farrell, American Studies to support the publication of “The Contemporary Reader of Gender and Fat Studies”

Michael Fratantuono, INBM to support the publication of “The Imperative—and the Challenges—of Introducing a Citizen-Leader Development Program in an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Setting”

Paul Ko, Economics to support the publication of “Dissecting Trade and Business Cycle Co-movement”

Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the publication of “"Matisse's Therapeutic Modernism" (my essay within the edited volume)”

Janine Ludwig, German to support the publication of “Yearbook of the International Heiner Müller Society”

Nan Ma, East Asian Studies to support the publication of “When Words Are Inadequate: Modern Dance and Transnationalism in China”

Karl Qualls, History to support the publication of “Від руїн до реконструкції. Міська ідентичність у Рад Севастополь після Другої світової війни (Ukrainian translation of my first book From Ruins to Reconstruction. Urban Identity in Soviet Sevastopol after World War II )”

Mireille Rebeiz, French to support the publication of “The Israel-Lebanon Maritime Border Agreement and the Issue of Statehood: Does Lebanon Recognize the State of Israel?”

Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the publication of “"Art by the Book: Jiang Xin's Book Cover Design and Modern Chinese Art in Republican China (1919-1949)"”

Cotton Seiler, American Studies to support the publication of “White Care: Race and Infrastructure in the United States”