Dana Research Assistantships
Eren Bilen, Data Analytics/Tap Dang ’25 & Michael Krause ’24 to work on the project “Masks, facial-expressions, and strategic interaction: Evidence from Word Series Poker”
Alyson Caine, Anthropology/Archaeology/Emma Glosson ’24 to work on the project “Assessing Stress in the Lisht Skeletal Sample”
Alyson Caine, Anthropology/Archaeology/Matthew Harrington ’26 to work on the project “Vitamin D Deficiency at Lisht”
Alyssa DeBlasio, Russian/Alexander Wallis ’27 to work on the project “InteLnet: Russian Philosophical Thought on the Early Internet”
Angela DeLutis-Eichenberger, Spanish & Portuguese/Anna Blackmon ’27 to work on the project “"Part 1. Antagonizations for the “Good of the Nation": Lastarrian Liberal Discourse" (Original Title of Part 1 of a 3-Part Book Manuscript in Progress)”
James Ellison, Anthropology/Archaeology/Naomi Mathewson ’27 to work on the project “Green Belt: Anthropocene Infrastructures in a Mid-Atlantic Capital City”
Jeff Engelhardt, Philosophy/Molly Moran ’24 to work on the project “Conceptual engineering and social-semantic relations”
Nancy Farber, Psychology/Nancy Farber ’24 to work on the project “It's Never To Late To Learn Music!: The Impact of Choir Participation on the Mental Health of Individuals with Dementia”
Jacquie Forbes, Educational Studies/Destiny McFalls ’24 & Indra Sokhomsan ’26 to work on the project “The Education of Black Youth in NYC Amid COVID and Beyond”
Azriel Grysman, Psychology/Carolina Carneiro ‘24 & Alexas Harlan ’24 to work on the project “Retrieval-Induced Frogetting in Autobiographical Memory”
Ye Jiang, Economics/Lizi Maisashvili ’24 to work on the project “The Economic Gains/Losses of Bottom Workers in the Digital Revolution”
Ye Jiang, Economics/Anne Pham ’26 to work on the project “Labor Market Entry Conditions and Bottom Workers’ Fertility”
Nan Ma, East Asian Studies/Ruoning Fang ’27 to work on the project “"Loose Essays": Contemporary Sinophone Literary Essays and the New Pan-East Asian Identity”
Chauncey Maher, Philosophy/Sabrina Craciun ’24 to work on the project “Might Plants Be Conscious?”
Katie Marchetti, Political Science/Noah Marrison ’25 to work on the project “Women's Organizations and Adminstrative Lobbying”
Emily Marshall, Economics/Fiker Nigussie ’24 to work on the project “The impact of interest rate changes on purchases that make real estate "greener"”
Sarah McGaughey, German/Abigale Jones ’25 to work on the project “Publishing Online: Glossen Wende-Reader Pt. 2”
Wendy Moffat, English/Jezzele Repalbor ’24 to work on the project “Archival and Bibliographic Research for Wounded Minds”
Katie Oliviero, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies/Grace MacDougall ’24 to work on the project “Complicity's Political Possibilities and Discontents”
Matthew Pinsker, History/Etsub Taye ’26 to work on the project “House Divided Project”
Colin Rathbun, Chemistry/Suong Tran ’24 to work on the project “Synthesis and characterization of molecular sensors of fluoride”
Mireille Rebeiz, French/Kayleigh Vith ’27 to work on the project “Remembering the Beirut Veterans”
Crystal Reynaga, Biology/Sara Penuela ’24 to work on the project “Investigating tendon ultrastructure and mechanics in specialized locomotor modes”
John Rufo, American Studies/Minal Saldivar ’27 to work on the project “Black Radical Icons Abroad: Exploring Archives of Freedom”
Deb Sinha, Environmental Studies/Ella DeGrenier ’25 to work on the project “Removing Lead Service Lines in Carlisle: Reducing Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water through GIS Applications”
Greg Steirer, English/John Triant ’24 to work on the project “The Tortuous History of Copyrights in Superhero: Superman vs. Captain Marvel”
Alyson Thibodeau, Geosciences/Kate Little ’25 & Kate Wilcox ’26 to work on the project “Analysis of Mercury in Aquatic Sediments from Pennsylvania”
Xiaolu Wang, INBM/Yuxuan Chen 2024 & Evan Wong ’24 to work on the project “How Emotions Are Coded: A Diachronic Analysis of Chinese Pop Song Lyrics Using Big Data”
Forrest Watson, INBM/Connor Frederickson ’24 to work on the project “Grief & Consumption”
Rui Zhang, Psychology/Mai Le ’25 to work on the project “Social network analysis of international students and students of color at Dickinson”
Nadia Alahmed, Africana Studies to support the project “Expanding the Geography of Black Diaspora: Afro-Palestinians and Shifting Discourse on Race and Ethnicity in the Middle East and Africa”
Andy Bale, Art & Art History to support the project “What's Left Behind, What Lies Ahead”
Andy Bale, Art & Art History to support the project “Arrivals: What's Left Behind, What Lies Ahead. Culture on Climate Conference in Galway Ireland in Sept. 2024”
Jeremy Ball, History to support the project “Transnational Commemorations of the Liberation of Southern Africa”
Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the project “Goan Land Grabbing, Phase I: Examining Planning and Environmental Documents”
Eren Bilen, Data Analytics to support the project “When AI Gives Bad Advice: Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Chatbots on Students’ Critical Thinking”
Anthony Cervino, Art & Art History to support the project “Objecta Ephemera: Souvenirs of Fading Places (tentative)”
James Ellison, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the project “An Ethnography of the Greenbelt: An Anthropocene Infrastructure in a Mid-Atlantic Capital City”
Rachel Eng, Art & Art History to support the project “To level out a hill or top off a ditch”
Amy Farrell, American Studies to support the project “Girl Scouting and Japanese American Incarceration”
Scott Farrington, Classical Studies to support the project “Hellenic and Roman Library Visit”
Jacquie Forbes, Educational Studies to support the project “The Education of Black Youth Amid COVID and Beyond”
Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project “Role of microRNA (miR)-155 in the Autoinflammatory Disease Mevalonate Kinase Deficiency”
Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project “Impact of Cellular Isoprenoid Depletion on Extracellular Vesicles”
Ellen Gray, Music to support the project “Tangibles, Intangibles and a Precarious South: Heritage Labors in Portugal”
Kamaal Haque, German to support the project “Global Mountain Cinema (edited volume)”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Creating and performing work with the Mighty Women’s Mini Puppet Collective”
Sarah Kersh, English to support the project “Disability and the Writings of Eugene Lee-Hamilton (1845-1907)”
Karen Kirkham, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Adirondack Shakespeare Festival- Hamlet”
Jed Kuhn, American Studies to support the project “Traces of Intimacy: Native Americans and Mexican Americans in the Sierra Borderlands”
David Kushner, Biology to support the project “Pilot: testing the use of a minION device to sequence viral RNAs from an infected plant”
Helene Lee, Sociology to support the project “Raising Asians, Aging Asians: Parenting and Elder Care as Asian Americans in the Sandwich Generation”
Helene Lee, Sociology to support the project “: Inflection points of Asian Americanness: Facilitating Strong or Weak Ethnic and Racial Identities through Asian American Second Generation Parenting”
Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the project “Muybridge and the Medical Science of Mobility”
Sarah McGaughey, German to support the project “Peer-review online software for Glossen journal”
David O'Connell, Political Science to support the project “Podcasts and American Politics: The Political Consequences of Listening to "The Joe Rogan Experience"”
Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the project “Indigenous perspectives of water insecurity through photovoice”
Karl Qualls, History to support the project “Transforming Childhood in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Stalin’s USSR, and New Deal America”
Mireille Rebeiz, French to support the project “Remembering the Beirut Veterans”
Wei Ren, Art & Art History to support the project “Surface Matters: The Covers of Gongxian and Modern Design in 1920s China”
John Rufo, American Studies to support the project “From Activism to Artwork: Black Abolition Visions, 1960-1990”
Jorge Sagastume, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project “Understanding US/Latin America Relationships Through Imagery”
Daniel Schniedewind, American Studies to support the project “Complicit Ecologies: Landscape and Violence in the Hudson Valley of New York State”
Dan Schubert, Sociology to support the project “Anti-Habitus: Bourdieu, Reflexivity, and Emancipatory Practice”
Adeline Soldin, French to support the project “Eccentric Pleasure as Power: The Taste of the Colonies in Rachilde’s La Jongleuse”
Greg Steirer, English to support the project “A Writer's World: Brian Keene and the Contemporary Horror Genre”
Kristin Strock, Environmental Studies to support the project “Methane Dynamics in Glacial Melt Systems of the Canadian Rockies”
Alyson Thibodeau, Geosciences to support the project “Trace Metal Geochemistry of Two Legacy Sediment Sites in Cumberland County, PA”
John Truden, American Studies to support the project “Reform, Revolution, Backlash: Native America in the 1970s (Dawnland Extension)”
John Truden, American Studies to support the project “Hampton Boarding School Research Gathering Project”
John Truden, American Studies to support the project “Revolution, Backlash: Native America in the 1970s (Maine Expansion)”
Ty Vanover, Art & Art History to support the project “Aging and Ageism in the Work of Käthe Kollwitz”
Xiaolu Wang, INBM to support the project “How Emotions Are Coded: A Diachronic Analysis of Chinese Pop Song Lyrics Using Big Data”
Forrest Watson, INBM to support the project “Consumer Behavior: Artificial Intelligence and Grief”
Amy Wlodarski, Music to support the project “The International Reception of Viktor Ullmann’s Der Kaiser von Atlantis”
Evan Young, History to support the project “Fickle Hosts: Doctors as Houseguests in Early Modern Japan”
Evan Young, History to support the project “Virtuous Healing: Therapeutic Knowledge in Women’s Educational Literature in Early Modern Japan”
Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Friendship networks and adjustment among international students at Dickinson”
Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Friendship networks and adjustment among students of color at Dickinson.”
Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Integrating Psychological Research on Political and Cultural Differences”
Collaborative Student-Faculty Research
Shamma Alam, Economics/Phuong Hoang ’26 & Tu Tong ’26 for the project “Impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on food security, nutrition, and pregnancy-related healthcare access in developing countries”
Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies/Van Uyen Nha ’26 for the project “Starring the Nation: Globalization, Cuisine, and the Pursuit of Recognition in Vietnam”
Wande Benka-Coker, Environmental Studies/Alexander Clifton Jones ’25 for the project “Low-Cost Neighborhood Air Quality Assessments in Carlisle, PA”
Matthew Biwer, Anthropology/Archaeology and Sydney Cooper ’26 for the project “The Role of Botanical Resources in Early Highland South American Subsistence Practices”
Grant Braught, Math & Computer Science/Khawaja Shahir Ahmed ’25 for the project “Broadening Participation through Authentic, Collaborative Engagement with Computing for the Greater Good”
Allyssa Decker, Environmental Studies/Conor Caneday ’25 & Lucy Scott ’27 for the project “Tome Hall Research Green Roof”
Jeff Engelhardt, Philosophy/Lily Grace Hogan ’25 for the project “Social-Semantic Relations and Disability Rights Movements”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance/Roma Cervino ’27 for the project “Public making and performance – community creation of masks and puppets for presentation in the West Virginia Water Festival Parade”
David Jackson, Physics & Astromony/Adi Bejoy Chacko ’27 for the project “Video Explorations in Physics: Schlieren Optics”
Carol Ann Johnston, English/Patrick Henry Caffrey ’25 for the project “Ways of Seeing”
Emily Marshall, Economics/Nathan Caldwell ’26 for the project “Impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on health outcomes of young adults”
Crystal Reynaga, Biology/Shubhashree Bhatt ’26 for the project “Limb form and function in anuran quadrupedal walking”
Michael Roberts, Biology/Madison Brown ’25 for the project “Reprogramming Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells Toward Cell Cycle Arrest”
Peter Schadler, Religion/Ian Trabuco ’26 for the project “Identity Theory and Medieval Hagiography”
Alyson Thibodeau, Geosciences/Angelina Treglia ’25 for the project “Trace Metal Geochemistry of Two Legacy Sediment Sites in Cumberland County, PA”
John Truden, American Studies/Andrew Russell ’26 for the project “Indigeneity, Race, Gender, and Class on Oklahoma: A Photo Essay”
Xiaolu Wang, INBM/Melantha Chen ’24 & Evan Wong ’24 for the project “How Emotions Are Coded: A Diachronic Analysis of Chinese Pop Song Lyrics Using Big Data”
Sabbatical Expense Support
Todd Arsenault, Art & Art History to support the sabbatical project “Develop new pieces that build on work you have created over the last two years”
Alex Bates, East Asian Studies to support the sabbatical project “Tanaka Shōzō as an Ecocritic: Literature and Flooding in the late Meiji Era”
Heather Bedi, Environmental Studies to support the sabbatical project “Municipal Renewable Electricity Adoption, Motivations, and Environmental Justice Implications”
Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies to support the sabbatical project “The Future of Farming”
Scott Boback, Biology to support the sabbatical project “Effect of maternal attendance on predation risk in juvenile rattlesnakes”
Grant Braught, Math & Computer Science to support the sabbatical project “Professional Development in Free and Open Source Software”
Say Brurgin, History to support the sabbatical project “"You Can't Jail a Revolution" and "We must first face the problem of racism in ourselves": Pam Allen, Black Power and Women's Liberation”
Azriel Grysman, Psychology to support the sabbatical project “The Intergenerational Transmission of Meaning: Memories of the Holocaust across Three Generations”
Kristen Guss, Biology to support the sabbatical project “Submission of Yorkie manuscript and drafting of DSD primer”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the sabbatical project “Creative and development projects for sabbatical leave 2023-2024”
Windsor Morgan, Physics & Astromony to support the sabbatical project “Developing Digistar 7 Programming for the new planetarium system in the Charles M. Kanev Planetarium and Engaging the Public”
Mariana Past, Spanish & Portuguese to support the sabbatical project “Unbroken Nostalgia: Haitian Kreyòl Poetry in Cuba”
Brett Pearson, Physics & Astromony to support the sabbatical project “Advancing Multidimensional Spectroscopies: Development of boardband, temporally shaped UV laser pulses using an adaptive pulse shaper”
Karl Qualls, History to support the sabbatical project “Transforming Childhood in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Stalin’s USSR, and New Deal America”
Luca Trazzi, Italian to support the sabbatical project “Gastrodiplomacy on Board: Cultural and Gastronomical Identities Served with Airline Meals”
Professional Development
Shamma Alam, Economics to support the project “Advancing Sustainable Development: Exploring Demographic Dynamics and SDG Challenges at MPIDR”
Erin Crawley-Woods, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Professional Training Program at the Bates Dance Festival”
Maggie Douglas, Environmental Studies to support the project “Bee Course: A workshop on the identification, biology, ecology, and biodiversity of wild bees”
Tiffany Frey, Biology to support the project “National Center for Faculty Diversity & Development Post-Tenure Pathfinders Program”
Margaret Frohlich, Spanish & Portuguese to support the project “Embodied Documentary Filmmaking workshop - Body of the Earth”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Studying Cherokee Mask Carving at the John C. Campbell Folk School”
Sherry Harper-McCombs, Theatre & Dance to support the project “Attendance at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center’s National Puppetry Conference”
Carol Ann Johnston, English to support the project “Book Proposal Accelerator for "Heavenly Perspective: Thomas Traherne and Seventeenth-Century Visual Culture"”
Emily Marshall, Economics to support the project “Economic Education Professional Development”
Antje Pfannkuchen, German to support the project “Workshop in EcoMedia”
Adrienne Su, Creative Writing to support the project “Sixth book of poems - gathering with residency cohort, attendance at concert”
Alyson Thibodeau, Geosciences to support the project “2024 Summer Faculty Success Program offered by NCFDD”
Karen Weinstein, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the project “Workshop on R programming for data science”
Rui Zhang, Psychology to support the project “Network analysis”
Teaching Projects
Adeline Soldin, French to support the project “Green Cuisine: An Exploration of French Culture, Food Systems, and Economics”
Study Groups
Katie Oliviero, Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies to support the discussion “WGSS Department Summer 2004 Curriculum, Policies and Practices Study Group”
Publication and Dissertation Support
Nadia Alahmed, Africana Studies to support the publication of “Black Intifada: Black Power, Palestinian Resistance and the Roots of Black and Palestinian Solidarity”
Thomas Arnold, Biology to support the publication of “Epigenetic Weapons in Plant-Herbivore Interactions: Sulforaphane Disrupts Histone Deacetylases, Gene Expression, and Larval Development in Spodoptera Exigua while the Specialist Feeder Trichoplusia Ni is Largely Resistant to these Effects”
Shawn Bender, East Asian Studies to support the publication of “Feeling Machines: Japanese Robotics and the Global Entanglements of More-Than-Human Care”
Eleanor Conover, Art & Art History to support the publication of “"Home and Away" A two-person show of work by Eleanor Conover and Katie Batten”
Rachel Eng, Art & Art History to support the publication of “Unearth”
Jeff Engelhardt, Philosophy to support the publication of “Nonideal Theory and Content Externalism”
Ellen Gray, Music to support the publication of “Publication Support for the indexing and foreign language proofing of book, 'Amalia Rodrigues: Live at the Olympia Theater'”
Marcus Key, Geosciences to support the publication of “Bryozoan fouling of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) following the 1999 die-off in Long Island Sound, USA”
Elizabeth Lee, Art & Art History to support the publication of “Matisse's Therapeutic Modernism (part of Modernism, Art, Therapy book)”
Janine Ludwig, German to support the publication of “Yearbook of the International Heiner Müller Society”
Mariana Past, Spanish & Portuguese to support the publication of “Unbroken Nostagia: Haitian Kreyòl Poetry in Cuba”
Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the publication of “I want to be there for my children: Fatherhood, diabetes, and temporality among Peruvian men”
Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the publication of “Men with Type II Diabetes in Peru: The Role of Masculine Gender Norms within a Family Health Experience”
Amalia Pesantes Villa, Anthropology/Archaeology to support the publication of “Ensuring Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Services Amidst a Pandemic: Experiences from Health Workers in Lima, Peru”
Adrienne Su, Creative Writing to support the publication of “Hot Sour Salty Sweet (essays on food and poetry)”
Ty Vanover, Art & Art History to support the publication of “Sex, Sign, Subversion: Symbolist Art and Male Homosexuality in 19th-Century Europe”