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Cost of Attendance

Billing Policies

Students are billed for tuition, fees, housing and food (and health insurance, if applicable), amounts for books and supplies are estimates since these amounts will vary depending upon whether the student purchases used books, the courses selected and the student's personal expenditures.  To learn more about student billing, please visit Student Accounts.

Grants and loans are subtracted from the student's billed charges, but potential work study earnings are not.  Instead, students are paid every two weeks for the work they have performed and may use these funds to assist with payment for books or other educational expenses.

Student bills are generated in early July for the fall semester and early January for the spring semester. Students can view their bill by logging into their Dickinson Gateway and locating the EBilling and Financial Aid Channel to view their current bill. If your student has enrolled you as their proxy, proxy users can view the monthly statements by logging into their .

Students with a financial aid offer can estimate their bill using our billed cost simulator.