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Final Grades

Final Grading

Fall 2024


Final grades are entered using Banner (or Banner Self-Service) through the . 

Below are important details about:

Entering grades
Grade status emails
Posting grades to transcripts
Changing grades

If you have any questions regarding grading, feel free to contact the Registrar's Office - reg@dickinson.edu .


  1. Using Chrome, go to the
  2. Enter your User Name (your Dickinson e-mail address without @dickinson.edu) & Password, then click the Login button
    • NOTE: If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link.
  3. Click on the SSB Button
  4. Select Faculty & Advisors Menu
  5. Select Banner Grading (Roll Call and Final Grades)
  6. Select the Final Grades tab
  7. Select the row of the section you wish to grade
    • NOTE: To bring your most recent sections to the top of your list, click on the Term Column header to sort by term.
  8. To enter grades one at a time, continue with Step 9. For instructions on importing your grades, click here.
  9. Select the appropriate grade for each student listed from the drop-down menu:
    • Incomplete:
      • If you wish to submit an incomplete for a student, you must complete the Incomplete Grade Report Form, which is available electronically from your CLIQ class roster. Choose Incomplete Grade Report from the drop-down beside the student's name on your CLIQ roster 
        • Please complete the report and be sure to list your expectations for when the material is due (but no later then the end of the add/drop period of the following semester). This is not the same date as when the grade will be submitted.
        • Note: Grades for an approved Incomplete are due no later than by one week after the Add/Drop period of the following semester.
        • You may set a date sooner, depending upon how much time is needed to complete the outstanding assignments. Please be specific in stating your expectations on the form.
        • The process then automatically generates an email for the student (Marcia Golembeski in our office is also notified by email).
      • On the Final Grade screen in Banner, leave the grade blank for the student
    • Pass/Fail: If the student is taking the course pass/fail, the only drop-down options will be PA & FA
    • Auditing
    •       If the student is auditing your course and has:
      • Not completed the course, send an e-mail to Marcia Golembeski (golembem@dickinson.edu) indicating the student hasn't completed the audit.
        Completed the course, select AU from the drop-down menu
      • Student has Withdrawn:
        • If the student has officially withdrawn from your course or the college, a W grade will already be entered and posted to the student's transcript. You Do Not need to enter any grade.
      • Case Pending
        • If there is a case pending regarding a student's grade, send an e-mail to Marcia Golembeski (golembem@dickinson.edu) letting her know.
      • Penalty Grade
        • If the student has already received a penalty grade in your course, that grade will already be entered and posted to the student's transcript.
      • FLIC
        • If the student should receive a FLIC indication for your course, please send an e-mail to reg@@dickinson.edu with this information (including the language).
  10. Leave the Last Attend Date field BLANK
  11. Click Save
  12. If the grades were submitted successfully, the message, “Save successful” will be listed in a green box at the top right corner of the screen.
  13. To grade your next course, select the row of the section at the top.


Once a day, a process will run that will send an email to any faculty member who has submitted at least one grade during the previous day. The email will contain a list of all students in that professor’s courses, which can be used to verify the grades that have been submitted and the grades which still need to be entered.

If there are 2 or more professors assigned to a course and 1 professor enters grades, both professors will receive a copy of the email message.


Note: Any underclass grades entered prior to the senior deadline, will be rolled to transcripts when the senior grades are rolled.

Grades will be posted to students' transcripts on the grade due date. This means that you can enter grades at any time between now and "the deadline" and students will not see those grades until the grades have been rolled. Subsequently, we will post grades again after any late grades that may be entered after the deadline.

The ability to enter grades will be temporarily turned-off when the process to roll grades to students' transcripts is being run. This will occur on the afternoons of the deadline (and possibly a few other times, if needed) and shouldn't last more than 1/2-hour.


Up until the time that students' grades are posted to their transcripts (Note: Any underclass grades entered prior to the senior deadline, will be rolled to transcripts when the senior grades are rolled.), you can make any corrections/changes via Banner. Just log in, select the appropriate section, then select the correct grade from the drop-down menu and click Save.

Grade Change Report Form - Now available electronically through the professor's CLIQ class roster. Choose Grade Change from the drop-down beside the student's name. Guidelines on Grade Changes.