Degree Requirements & Interdisciplinary Electives
NOTE: "pass/fail work should not be included among courses taken for the major or minor program requirements or to satisfy any specific graduation requirement.” College Bulletin
Degree Requirements for Students Matriculating Fall 2015 or later
Searching for Degree Requirements, Interdisciplinary Electives, or Other Special Classes Online
Eligible courses for the graduation requirements can be found by using Attributes in your search on Banner Self-Service. Attributes are also used to code classes with various subjects, which fulfill requirements in a variety of interdisciplinary fields. Here's how to search for those classes.
- On the page or the Search for Classes Link on Banner Self-Service, choose a single (or more than one) subject from the subject menu.
- From the Attribute Type menu, click on the type of course you wish to find - example, Writing in the Discipline, Film Studies Electives, FLIC, etc.
- Click on the Class Search button. This will return a list of all courses (or all within the specified subject) which have the chosen attribute.
Degree Requirements & Interdisciplinary Contacts
For more information on the following graduation requirements, please contact:
- Global Diversity - Professor Shawn Bender (for Spring 2025),
- Distribution & Language Requirements - contact the Department Chair of the subject for the course
- Sustainability - Neil Leary, Director - Center of Sustainability Education,
- US Diversity - Jorge Sagastume,
- Quantitative Reasoning - Dana Somers,
- Writing Intensive/Writing in the Discipline - John Katunich, Director of the Writing Program,
-For assistance in determining whether or not to proceed with your WR/WID request, review this checklist.
For more information on interdisciplinary majors/programs, please contact the department chair/coordinator as indicated on the academic department's Web page.