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Policy FAQs

Course Request Period

How many courses can I take each semester? How many courses is considered full time?

The normal course load for a full time student at Dickinson is four (4) course credits. A minimum of three (3) course credits must be taken by full time students. In Spring 2002, the faculty approved a resolution to allow students to request five (5) course credits for a maximum of two (2) semesters while attending Dickinson. Interested students will need to complete the Course Overload Form.   This fifth course cannot be added until the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester. And most importantly, once this form is submitted to our office, it is officially on your record as one of the two semesters permitted and cannot be revoked.

What is my status at the College?   When is my status determined?

Your status at the College is determined by the number of attempted credits. Full-time students must attempt a minimum of 3 course credits. Your status is determined at the official reporting date for the semester, which is at the end of the add/drop period.

How do I withdraw from a course?

If it is past the add/drop period and you wish to remove a course from your schedule, you must complete the Course Withdrawal Form.  This form must be submitted to the Registrar's Office no later than the deadline listed in the Academic Calendar for that semester.

Things to keep in mind when considering withdrawing from a course:

  • The option to withdraw from a course is limited to two (2) courses during a student's Dickinson career.
  • When a student withdraws from a course, it will be indicated on the student's record with a grade of "W".

For more details on course withdrawals, see the College Bulletin web page. From the Academic Policies and Procedures link, look for Late Changes in Course Schedule.

How do I request to take a course pass/fail?  How many courses can I take pass/fail?  Which courses can I take pass/fail?

Students may NOT register to take a course pass/fail on line. In order to be officially registered for a course on a pass/fail basis, the student must submit a completed Pass/Fail Permission Form no later than the end of the Add/Drop period.

Students may take no more than one course on a pass/fail basis each semester and no more than a total of four pass/fail courses among the 32 required for graduation.

There are certain courses which may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis. These courses are coded with the "Can't be taken pass/fail" attribute and can be found by using the feature on the Registrar's web page.

For more details about Pass/Fail courses, see the Academic Policies and Procedures section of the College Bulletin. Look for the paragraph marked "Pass/Fail Grading."