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Banner FAQs


Where do I find class priorities on the web?

Class priorities for each semester can be found on the Course Information page under .

How are priorities determined?

Each department makes the decision about the categories of students with priority in the course. They take in to consideration the numbers of majors who need the course, other majors who use the course as a requirement and/or elective, etc.

How many people can select a class during the Course Request Period?

The computer will accept an unlimited number of requests for each course; we turn off the 'capacity' restriction during this time period so that everyone who would like to request the class has access to do so. During processing, if demand exceeds capacity, students will be randomly assigned based on priority.

What does "random assignment" mean?

When there are more students who want to take a class than there are spaces in the class, the computer will first prioritize the students according to the priorities published on the web page. Then, if there are still more students who want the class than there are spaces available, students are randomly selected from within the category. In other words, assignment is not based on the first letter of your last name, or by when you entered your course request online.

What happens if I do not have high enough priority to be registered for a class?

If you request a course but are not registered once the students who have requested that course are matched with the priorities, your course request will be dropped.

Can I be placed on a wait list for a class?

Wait lists are not used in Banner. The College has determined that the waitlist functionality in Banner does not function efficiently for us. During the Schedule Adjustment and Add/Drop periods, you will be able to add yourself to a class if there is space available.