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Registrar's Information for Alumni

Address & Phone Number Changes

If we do not have your current contact information, including e-mail address, please contact the Office of Alumni & Parent Engagement at 717-245-1373 or alumni@dickinson.edu to update your records.

Degree Verification

Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ is contracted with the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to verify degrees.  Employers and other agencies wishing to verify a degree go to .

Diploma Re-order

Please send your signed request to the Registrar's Office with a $40.00 check payable to "Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ." 

Our mailing address is:
                                                     Registrar's Office
                                                     PO Box 1773
                                                     Carlisle, PA 17013-2896

Requests must come from the graduate and include the name on the original Diploma, date of graduation, degree, any honors earned.
Include the mailing address to which the diploma should be sent.
We mail for FREE to US locations.
For all addresses outside the U.S., you must include a current MasterCard or VISA # along with the expiration date and a current phone number.
Delivery time usually takes 4-6 weeks. 
**Replacement diplomas will NOT be printed in Latin**

Please be sure to complete the below form:

Apostille Process

  1. If a diploma is needed for the apostille process, the following steps will need to be taken:
  2. You will need to either send us your original diploma or order a replacement copy of your diploma. See Replacement Diploma Form above.
  3. There is a $40 replacement fee and checks should be made payable to Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ.  Please note that diploma copies are not kept in our office so there is a processing time of 3-4 weeks for the diploma to be re-printed and returned to us to then be processed for the apostille.
  4. Our mailing address is:

                                                     Registrar's Office
                                                     PO Box 1773
                                                     Carlisle, PA 17013-2896

      5. Send any inquiries to Marcia Golembeski at golembem@dickinson.edu

Please review the FAQ’s page for obtaining an apostille at the.

You will also need to send to us:

  1. The completed Request for (found on the Pennsylvania Department of State website)
  2. The check or money order made payable to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for $15 for each document.
  3. A prepaid envelope (trackable is recommended-UPS suggested. Fed Ex and DHL are not permitted) addressed to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Please check with the Pennsylvania Department of State for their physical walk-in address. We will use this envelope to send the notarized diploma to the State. 
    The diploma is 8.5" x 11" in size so you may want to use an envelope large enough to enclose the unfolded diploma.
  4. A prepaid envelope (trackable is recommended-UPS suggested. Fed Ex and DHL are not permitted) that the Pennsylvania Department of State will use to send the finalized documents.
    This envelope should be addressed either to the graduate (if you want the documents returned to yourself) or to the ultimate recipient (if you want them sent directly).
    We will include this envelope with the diploma/transcript that we send to the State.