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Faculty FAQs


What are registration overrides?
Why am I unable to select the upcoming term?
How do I enter a registration override for a student?
Can I remove a registration override?
Does the capacity override raise the capacity of my class?
I've entered a Capacity Override, why can't the student register for my class?
Where do I find the Alternate PINs for my first-year & sophomore advisees?

What are registration overrides?

Registration overrides are codes that a professor can put on a student’s record via Banner Self-Service that will permit the student to enter a specific class online for which they would not normally be eligible. These codes DO NOT register the student for the class. Rather, once on the student’s record, they permit the student to request the class via Banner Self-Service.

How do I enter a registration override for a student?

  1. From the Faculty & Advisors tab in Banner Self-Service, select Registration Overrides.
  2. Choose the term for which you wish to apply an override from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the ID of the student for which you wish to apply an override. The ID can be either the first part of the student’s Dickinson email address in ALL CAPS (ex. STUDENT@dickinson.edu) or their 9-digit Banner ID #, which begins with a “9”.
    • NOTE: In order to use the name query, the student MUST BE either your advisee or already registered for one of your classes.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click on the student name at the bottom of the screen.
  6. From the Override drop-down menu, select the type of override you wish to apply. Your choices are:
Type of Overrides: Error received by student Used to permit student to register even though....
(only available during
Schedule Adjustment & Add/Drop Periods)
 Closed Section
or Reserve Closed
 ...the class enrollment already
meets/exceeds capacity.  When seats
are reserved for FY students, this
override allows an upperclass student
to add him-/herself to one of those seats.
 Class Year Restriction  Class Restriction  ...the student has a class year (FY/SO/JR/SR)
that is prohibited from taking the class.
 Corequisite  Corq_(subj crse#) Req  ...the student hasn't also added the
corequisite class.
 Major Restriction  Major Restriction  ...the student has a major that is prohibited
from taking the class
 Override All Except
Cap & Time
 Any one or more of
the following:
-Class Restriction-
-Corq_(subj crse#) Req
-Major Restriction
-Permission of Instruc
-For First-Year Students
-Preq and Test Score
 (see explanations in corresponding
box above/below)
This override is useful when you're unsure
of the exact error received by the student.
 Permission of Instr  Permission of Instruc - or -
For First-Year Students
 ...the student has been coded with a
Permission of Instructor Required
code. This override does NOT work
for any other errors, including
prerequisite, class/major restrictions, etc.
 Prerequisite  Preq and Test Score- Error  ...the student hasn't completed the necessary
prereq, whether that be a specific course(s)
or placement test.
 Time Conflict  Time conflict with (CRN)  ...the time overlaps with another class
(even by as little as one minute).

NOTE: The following errors received by students CANNOT be overridden:

  • Dupl Crse/Equiv/Xlst With Sec -(CRN) - This means the student is already registered for the course (or it's equivalent or cross-listing).
  • Rpt Count/Hours Exceed (#) - This means the student has already successfully completed the class and it's not repeatable.

Maximum Hours Exceeded - This means the student has already requested/registered for 4.5 credits.

  1. From the Course drop-down menu, select the class for which you wish to apply the override. This menu will only contain the classes to which you are assigned for the term selected
  2. You may add more overrides for this student on the same screen by clicking the Add Overrides button.
  3. Click Submit. If successful, a saved message will appear in green at the top right of your screen.

Keep in mind that entering an override DOES NOT register the student for your class. Rather, once the override is entered, the student can then go onto Banner Self-Service and enter the class.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will want to keep track of how many capacity overrides you enter for your classes. Example…

You place an override on Student A for your class, which normally has a capacity of 25. Student A adds the class, bringing your enrollment to 26. Student A then drops your class, lowering the enrollment back to 25. You place an override on Student B for the same class. Student B adds the class, bringing the enrollment back to 26. Student A then changes his mind and adds the class once again, raising the enrollment to 27. The capacity override does not go away just because the student dropped the class.

Why am I unable to select the upcoming term?

During Course Request Processing (the last day of Course Request after 4:00 pm up until Schedule Adjustment Opens) faculty, staff and students are unable to select the upcoming term in Banner Self-Service. This option will again be available beginning with Schedule Adjustment. Overrides are unable to be entered during Course Request Processing. You will be able to do so once Schedule Adjustment opens.

Can I remove a registration override?

Only the Registrar's Office can remove a registration override once it has been submitted via Banner Self-Service. If you have mistakenly entered an override on a student's record contact reg@dickinson.edu

Does the Capacity override raise the capacity of my class?

No. The capacity override permits that particular student to register for the closed class. If another student drops the class, no one else can add themselves until the enrollment falls below the capacity.

For classes that have seats saved for incoming first-year students (example: a class has a capacity of 35 with 10 seats saved for first-years): Anytime prior to the First-Year Students' Course Request Period in July, adding a capacity override doesn't really overenroll the class. When the first-years register in July, and 2 out of the 10 seats saved for them are already taken by upperclass students by override, only 8 first-years will be registered for the class - keeping the capacity at 35. Only after first-year registration will capacity overrides raise the number of students enrolled above the cap.

I've entered a Capacity override, why can't the student register for my class?

When students are given a Capacity Override for a class, they have to register for the class using the Add or Drop Classes link on Banner Self-Service, not the Search for Classes link. The reason is that the Search for Classes link will still show the course as Closed, instead of listing an open checkbox beside the class for the students to check and register.

So what the students need to do is log into Banner and, from the Course Selection menu, click on the Add or Drop Classes link. At the bottom of that screen there will be several boxes. They should enter the CRN of your class (the 4-digit number assigned to classes in Banner) in one of the boxes and click the Submit Changes button. This should add the class to their schedules.

Where do I find the Alternate PINs for my first-year & sophomore advisees?

Alternate PINs are assigned to first-year & sophomore students based on their expected graduation dates.  The Alternate PINs for advisees can be found in two places:

  1. on your Advisees list on CLIQ :
    1. Once logged into CLIQ, click on Student Listings (beta) in the top left corner, then click Advisees.
    2. Your list of advisees will appear and in the green oval will be the Alternate PIN. NOTE:  If that is blank for a particular student, that student is not required to enter an Alternate PIN when choosing classes.
  2. -and- on the Advisee Listing on Banner Self-Service. Once you have logged in to the Gateway and are on the SSB Button:
    1. From the Main Menu, select Faculty & Advisors
    2. From the Faculty & Advisors Menu, select Term Selection and choose the term for which students will be registering (not the current term) from the drop-down and click Submit.
    3. From the Faculty & Advisors Menu, select Student Information Menu
    4. From the Student Information Menu, select Advisee Listing
    5. If prompted, select the desired term from the drop-down menu and click Submit.
    6. The fourth column contains the Alternate PIN numbers. If there is no Alternate PIN listed for a student, then the student will not be required to enter one in order to submit their class requests.