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Archaeology Labs

Dickinson Environmental Archaeology Lab

Julia McMahon ’16 using a microscope to look at seeds in DEAL

Julia McMahon ’16 using a microscope to look at seeds in DEAL

Understanding the dynamic interrelationships of past humans and their environments is a primary goal of Dickinson's archaeology program, and the Dickinson Environmental Archaeology Laboratory (DEAL) is designed to give students hands-on experiences in investigating these relationships. Currently, the lab is equipped for the study of macroscopic plant remains from archaeological sites. Students gain experience analyzing, photographing and organizing this material into databases through courses (Environmental Archaeology ARCH 260), independent studies, volunteering and research assistantships.

Materials for analysis come primarily from the Lake Titicaca Basin on Bolivia, as part of the Taraco Archaeological Project, but have also included analysis of plant remains from other regions of Bolivia and North America.

Carbonized Capsicum sp. seed from Charazani, Bolivia (photo by Ben West '14)

Carbonized Capsicum sp. seed from Charazani, Bolivia (photo by Ben West '14)

Student projects:

Student Project
Justin Burkett '20 GIS database creation and analysis of archaeobotanical remains from Kala Uyuni, Bolivia.
Marc Morris '19 Completion of Research Report for Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Archaeological at Camp Michaux (2017-2018).  Creation of GIS database of artifacts from Camp Michaux and analysis of patterns in material culture.
Alexia Orengo Green '19 Creation of GIS database of artifacts from Camp Michaux and analysis of patterns in material culture.
Erin Summers ’19

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Michael Sinclair ’18

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Nicholas Beard ’18

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Julia McMahon ’16

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Rachel Provazza ’16

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Solai Sanchez ’15

Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.

Chloé Miller ’15 Analysis of Tiwanaku period (AD 500-1100) macrobotanical samples from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia.
Benjamin West ’14

Photography of archaeological seeds from Charazani, Bolivia. Analysis of macrobotanical samples from Kala Uyuni and Sonaji, Bolivia. Senior Thesis research on macrobotanical remains from Sonaji, Bolivia.

Patrick Merrigan ’13 

Digital photography, measurements, and analysis of Chenopodium seeds from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia using light microscopes and Scanning Electron Microscopy (housed in Earth Sciences Department).

Tucker Deady ’14

Digital photography, measurements, and analysis of Chenopodium seeds from the Taraco Peninsula, Bolivia using light microscopes and Scanning Electron Microscopy (housed in Earth Sciences Department).

Tessa Cicak ’13

Archaeobotanical database development for Charazani, Bolivia. Organized plant comparative collection.

Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ Archaeological Project at Camp Michaux

(Michaux State Forest, Cumberland County, PA)

Mackenzie Jones '20, Lucy Sowerby '19, and Katie Knothe '19 screening at the Camp Michaux site.

Mackensie M. Jones '18, Lucy Sowerby '19, and Katie Knothe '19 screening at the Camp Michaux site.

As part of the Archaeological Methods class (ARCH 300), students gain hands-on experience conducting archaeological research at the nearby site . Students do archaeological survery, excavation, feature mapping and artifact analysis through this project. 

Student Presentations &Theses




Marc Morris '19 Life at Camp Michaux: A view from the artifacts.  Conference:  90th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology. Maria C. Bruno
Alexia Orengo Green '19 Life at Camp Michaux: A view from the artifacts.  Conference:  90th Annual Meeting of the Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology. Maria C. Bruno
Mackensie M.  Jones '18 Archaeology at Camp Michaux: A productive collaboration between Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, Cumberland County Historical Society, and Governmental agencies in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
Conference: 2018 Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting
Maria C. Bruno
Isabel Katherine Figueroa '19 Archaeology at Camp Michaux: A productive collaboration between Ä¢¹½ÊÓƵ, Cumberland County Historical Society, and Governmental agencies in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania
Conference: 2018 Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Annual Meeting
Maria C. Bruno
Justin Michael Reamer '15 Maria C. Bruno
Victoria A. Cacchione '15 Bunker Hill Farm in Camp Michaux State Forest: An Intricate History of Hardship.  (2017) Pennsylvania Archaeologist 87(2):65-76 Maria C. Bruno