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Study Abroad

Study Abroad Course Equivalencies

University of East Anglia

   Dickinson Course Number  UEA Course Number

 Chem 243



 Chem 244

 CHE-5201Y (first semester)plus a second 10 UCU chemistry course


 Chem 342

 BIO-4013Y (Fall portion only)*


 Chem 347


Students who want credit for 241 and 242 must go for the year and enroll in CHE-4101Y (Students will also need to take CHE-4001Y, a lab course, to get 241/242 credit).

*Students who have plans to go to medical school or graduate school should NOT take UEA BIO 4013Y.  This is because such students need an in-depth coverage of this material to be ready for the MCATs or GREs, as well as for coursework that would be completed during medical or graduate school.  Such students should take BIOL/CHEM 342 at Dickinson during Spring of Junior or Senior year.  Taking UEA BIO 4013Y should be adequate for a student not interested in pursing graduate study in cell/molecular biology or biochemistry, or not planning to attend medical/vet/dental school, after Dickinson.

University of Queensland

 Dickinson Course Number University of Queensland Course Number
 Chem 243  Chem 2027 (Sem 1)
 Chem 244  Chem 2056 (Sem 2)
 Chem 342  Bioc 2000 (Sem 1)

Neither the University of East Anglia nor the University of Queensland offers a suitable course as a substitute for organic I (Chemistry 241) at Dickinson.  As a consequence: All science and pre-health majors need to take Organic I and II either before they go abroad, or during the summer. Both universities offer chemistry courses in clusters and neither has a single course that covers the material as we do at Dickinson (or at most other universities in the U.S.) The course taught at UEA is very different in content and in organization from the standard coverage at all US colleges and universities, including Dickinson.

With our new curriculum, students who wait until their sophomore year to begin chemistry will not be able to start the organic sequence until the fall of their junior year. Since no course at UEA or UQ covers the content of just Chem. 241, students in this position who wish to study abroad for the fall semester only will either have to wait until their senior year to complete organic chemistry at Dickinson or take an approved two-semester sequence of organic courses in summer school. Students studying at UEA for the academic year can fulfill the Chem 241, 242 sequence by completing CHE-1C1Y at UEA.  Students cannot fulfill organic chemistry at Queensland.