Marcus Key, Joseph Priestley Professor of Natural Philosophy
Department of Earth Sciences
Kaufman Building, Room 143
Carlisle, PA 17013-2896
Phone: 717.245.1448
1979-1981 University of Colorado; Boulder, CO; ; geology major.
1981-1983 University of Texas; Austin, TX; ; B.S. in 1983 with Highest Honors from the College of Natural Sciences and Special Honors from the Department of Geological Sciences; Honors Thesis title: Molluscan Species Richness from the K/T Boundary to the Upper Eocene; Thesis advisor: Thor A. Hansen.
1984-1988 Yale University; New Haven, CT; ; M.Ph. in 1986; Ph.D. in 1988; Dissertation title: Evolution of the Halloporid Clade (Bryozoa: Trepostomata) in the Ordovician Simpson Group of Oklahoma; Dissertation advisor: David E. Schindel.
Research Interests
My interest is in inferring evolutionary and sedimentary patterns and processes using fossil and living organisms. My current research involves marine biofouling, functional morphology, and carbonate production rates of bryozoans.
Geoarcheology, Chesapeake Bay, Virginia
Appraisal of fossil collections – I evaluate the value of fossil collections for estate settlements, making tax deductible gift donations, etc.
Publication List
Published Papers
(* indicates ĢƵ student co-author)
- Key, M. M., Jr., and R. K. Rossi*. 2024.Sourcing the early colonial knight's black "marble" tombstone at Jamestown, Virginia, USA. International Journal of Historical Archaeology. .
- O’Leary, M. J., I. Ward,M. M. Key, Jr., M. S. Burkhart*, C. Rawson, and N. Evans. 2017. Challenging the 'offshore hypothesis' for fossiliferous chert artefacts in southwestern Australia and consideration of inland trade routes. Quaternary Science Reviews. 156: 36–46.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N.,M. M. Key, Jr., and C. M. Reid. 2023. Skeletonisation in the stenolaemate bryozoan orders Cryptostomata (Suborder Rhabdomesina) and Trepostomata: the role of the Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI) as a taxonomic character. Pp. 169–181.In: M. M. Key, Jr., J. S. Porter, and P. N. Wyse Jackson (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2022.CRC Press/Balkema; Boca Raton, FL/Oxon, UK. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., J. Shaw, and I. Ward.2023. Three-dimensional imaging of fossil cheilostome bryozoans in Eocene chert by Synchrotron Radiation Micro-Computed Tomography. Pp. 55–63.In: M. M. Key, Jr., J. S. Porter, and P. N. Wyse Jackson (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2022. CRC Press/Balkema; Boca Raton, FL/Oxon, UK. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., and S. H. Decker. 2023. Fouling of the slipper lobster,Scyllarides latus, by cyclostome and ctenostome bryozoans in the Mediterranean Sea off Malta. Pp. 47–53In: M. M. Key, Jr., J. S. Porter, and P. N. Wyse Jackson (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2022.CRC Press/Balkema; Boca Raton, FL/Oxon, UK. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., and K. R. Schorr*. 2023. Bryozoan fouling of the American lobster (Homarus americanus) following the 1999 die-off in Long Island Sound, USA. Journal of Shellfish Research. 42 (3): 1–10. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, M. S. McDowell*, and M. K. Nestell. 2023. Astogenetic morphological variation in the bryozoan Prophyllodictya gracilis from the Middle Ordovician of Russia and inferred colony-wide feeding currents. Papers in Palaeontology. 9: e1492. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., A. M. Smith, B. Hanns, and P. Kane-Sanderson. 2023. Rare report of bryozoan fouling of rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii: Decapoda: Palinuridae) from the North Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. 57 (2): 229–241. .
- Reid, C. M., P. N. Wyse Jackson, andM. M. Key, Jr. 2023. Latitudinal influences on bryozoan calcification through the Paleozoic. Paleobiology. 49 (2): 271–283. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., and P. N. Wyse Jackson. 2022. History of micro-computed tomographic three-dimensional imaging in bryozoology. Pp. 57–72. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson and M. E. Spencer Jones (eds.), Annals of Bryozoology 7: Aspects of the History of Research on Bryozoans. International Bryozoology Association, Dublin, Ireland.
- Key, M. M., Jr., R. K. Rossi, and R. J. Teagle. 2021. Historical geoarchaeological approach to sourcing seventeenth- to eighteenth century black “marble” ledger stones from the Chesapeake Bay region, U.S.A. Markers. 37: 38-91.
- Key, M. M., Jr., and M. E. Hendrickx. 2022.Biflustra irregulata: A tsunami debris rafted Indo-Pacific bryozoan found in eastern Pacific. Zootaxa. 5128 (3): 340–354. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., S. T. Arnold*, and R. J. Teagle. 2021. New evidence for the Corotoman re-use hypothesis for the stone floor of colonial Christ Church, Irvington, VA. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 76 (3): 119-144.
- Key, M. M., Jr., R. K. Rossi*, and R. J. Teagle. 2021. Historical geoarchaeological approach to sourcing seventeenth- to eighteenth century black marble ledger stones from the Chesapeake Bay region, U.S.A. Markers. 37: 44-101.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and C. M. Reid. 2021. Trepostome bryozoans buck the trend and ignore calcite-aragonite seas. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments. .
- Ward, I., M. OLeary, M. Key, and A. Carson. 2021. Response to comment on Ward et al.s Insights into the procurement and distribution of fossiliferous chert artefacts across southern Australia from the archival record. Australian Archaeology. 87 (3): 330-332.
- Key, M. M., Jr., A. M. Smith, B. Hanns, and P. Kane-Sanderson. 2021. Rare report of bryozoan fouling of rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii: Decapoda: Palinuridae) from the North Island of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., A. M. Smith, N. J. Phillips*, and J. S. Forrester. 2020. Effect of removal of organic material on stable isotope ratios in skeletal carbonate from taxonomic groups with complex mineralogies. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry. 34:e8901.
- Key, M. M., Jr., S. B. Lieber*, R. J. Teagle. 2020. An historical geoarchaeological approach to sourcing an eighteenth century building stone: Use of Aquia Creek Sandstone in Christ Church, Lancaster County, VA, USA. Geoheritage. 12.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., M. M. Key, Jr., and C. M. Reid. 2020. Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI): a measure of the degree of calcification in stenolaemate bryozoans. Pp. 193-206. In: P. Wyse Jackson and K. Zágorek (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2019. Czech Geological Society, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 2020. Estimating colony age from colony size in encrusting cheilostomes. Pp. 83-90. In: P. Wyse Jackson and K. Zágorek (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2019. Czech Geological Society, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Smith, A. M., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2020. Growth geometry and measurement of growth rates in marine bryozoans: a review. Pp. 139-156. In: P. Wyse Jackson and K. Zágorek (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2019. Czech Geological Society, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., and A. C. L. Wood. 2019. Culturing large erect shelf bryozoans: skeletal growth measured using calcein staining in culture. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs, 52: 131-138. ISSN 2205-8877.
- Key, M. M., Jr., M. S. Burkhart, and M. OLeary. 2019. Eocene bryozoans preserved in chert from the Wilson Bluff Limestone, Eucla Basin, Western Australia. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs, 52: 85-90. ISSN 2205-8877.
- Wyse Jackson, P.N., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2019. Epizoan and endoskeletozoan distribution across reassembled ramose stenolaemate bryozoan zoaria from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA. Australasian Palaeontological Memoirs, 52: 169-178. ISSN 2205-8877.
- Ward, I., M. M. Key, Jr., R. Riera, A. Carson, and M. OLeary. 2019. Insights into the procurement and distribution of fossiliferous chert artefacts across southern Australia from the archival record. Australian Archaeology. 85 (2): 170-183. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., and C. E. Schweitzer. 2019. Coevolution of post-Palaeozoic arthropod basibiont diversity and encrusting bryozoan epibiont diversity? Lethaia. 53 (2): 183-198. .
- Ward, I., M. M. Key, Jr., M. OLeary, A. Carson, J. Shaw, and A. Maksimenko. 2019. Synchrotron X-ray tomographic imaging of embedded fossil invertebrates in Aboriginal stone artefacts from southwestern Western Australia: implications for sourcing, distribution and chronostratigraphy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 26 (August): 101840. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., R. K. Rossi*, A. M. Smith, S. K. Hageman, and W. P. Patterson. 2018. Stable isotope profiles of skeletal carbonate validate annually-produced growth checks in the bryozoan Melicerita chathamensis from Snares Pla form, New Zealand. Bulletin of Marine Science. 94 (4): 1447-1464.
- Key, M. M., Jr., M. Hyžný, E. Khosravi, N. Hudáčková, N. Robin, and M. Mirzaie Ataabadi. 2017. Bryozoan epibiosis on fossil crabs: a rare occurrence from the Miocene of Iran. Palaios. 32: 491-505.
- Key, M. M., Jr., L. P. Milliman*, M. A. Smolek, and S. D. Hurry. 2016. Sourcing a stone paver from the colonial St. Inigoes Manor, Maryland. Northeast Historical Archaeology. 45: 132-155.
- Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., Z. E. Henderson, V. C. Davis, and D. J. Winter. 2016. Pre-treatment for removal of organic material is not necessary for X-ray diffraction determination of mineralogy in temperate skeletal carbonate. Journal of Sedimentary Research. 86: 1425-1433. .
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and S. H. Felton. 2016. Intracolony variation in colony morphology in reassembled fossil ramose stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA. Journal of Paleontology. 90: 400-412
- Key, M. M., Jr. 2014. Skolithos in the Lower Cambrian Antietam Formation of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. Pp. 13-26. In: R. Anthony (ed.). Pennsylvania's Great Valley & Bordering Mountains near Carlisle. Guidebook for the 79th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harrisburg, PA.
- Key, M. M., Jr., 2014. Stop #3: Valley Quarries, Inc., Mt., Cydonia III Quarry. Pp. 106-112. In: R. Anthony (ed.). Pennsylvania's Great Valley & Bordering Mountains near Carlisle. Guidebook for the 79th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harrisburg, PA.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, L. W. Falvey, and B. J. Roth. 2014. Use of fossil bryozoans for sourcing lithic artifacts. Geoarchaeology: An International Journal. 29: 397-409. doi 10.1002/gea.21487
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2014. Epizoic Bryozoans on cephalopods through the Phanerozoic: a review. Studi Trentini di Scienze naturali. 94: 283-291.
- Key, M. M., Jr., and P. N. Wyse Jackson. 2014. Use of fossil bryozoans as provenance indicators for dimension stones. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali. 94: 131-138.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., M. M. Key, Jr., and S. P. Coakley. 2014. Epizoozoan trepostome bryozoans on nautiloids from the Late Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, U.S.A.: An assessment of growth, form and water flow dynamics. Journal of Paleontology. 88 (3): 475-487.
- Smith, A. M., J. Berman, M. M. Key, Jr., and D. J. Winter. 2013. Not all sponges will thrive in a high-CO2 ocean: Review of the mineralogy of calcifying sponges. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 392 (2013): 463-472. DOI:10.10106/j.palaeo.2013.10.004.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. M. Hollenbeck*, A. O'Dea, and W. P. Patterson. 2013 Stable isotope profiling in modern marine bryozoan colonies across the Isthmus of Panama. Bulletin of Marine Science. 89 (4): 837-856.
- Key, M. M., Jr., K. Zágoršek, and W. P. Patterson. 2013. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Early to Middle Miocene Central Paratethys using stable isotopes from bryozoan skeletons. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 102: 305-318.
- Key, M. M., Jr., J. B. Knauff*, and D. K. A. Barnes. 2012. Epizoic bryozoans on predatory pycnogonids from the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica: “If you can't beat them, join them”. Pp. 137-153. In: A. Ernst, P. Schäfer, and J. Scholz (eds.). Bryozoa Studies 2010, Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences 143. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-16411-8_10.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and L. J. Vitiello*. 2011. Stream channel network analysis applied to colony-wide feeding structures in a Permian bryozoan from Greenland. Paleobiology. 37: 287-302.
- Key, M. M., Jr., G. A. Schumacher, L. E. Babcock, R. C. Frey, W. P. Heimbrock, S. H. Felton, D. L. Cooper, W. B. Gibson, D. G. Scheid, and S. A. Schumacher. 2010. Paleoecology of commensal epizoans fouling Flexicalymene (Trilobita) from the Upper Ordovician, Cincinnati Arch region, USA. Journal of Paleontology. 84: 1121-1134.
- Key, M. M., Jr., R. Teagle, and T. Haysom. 2010. Provenance of the stone pavers in Christ Church, Lancaster Co., Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 65: 1-15.
- Key, M. M., Jr., S. Vaughn, T. H. Davis, and W. Parr. 2009. 14C age control on a Rappahannock Native American site on Totuskey Creek (44RD0206) in Richmond County, Virginia 14C. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 64: 163-176.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, K. E. Miller*, and W. P. Patterson. 2008. A stable isotope test for the origin of fossil brown bodies in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia. Pp. 75-84. In: S. J. Hageman, M. M. Key, Jr., and J. E. Winston (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2007. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication no. 15; Martinsville.
- Buttler, C. J., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2008. Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtown, Count Wexford, Ireland. Pp. 9-18. In: S. J. Hageman, M. M. Key, Jr., and J. E. Winston (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2007. Virginia Museum of Natural History Special Publication no. 15; Martinsville.
- Ernst, A., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2007. Upper Ordovician Bryozoa from the Montagne de Noire, Southern France. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology. 5: 359-428.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2007. Borings in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia: two ichnogenera produced by a single maker, a case of host morphology control. Lethaia. 40: 237-252
- Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., and D. P. Gordon. 2006. Skeletal mineralogy of bryozoans: taxonomic and temporal patterns. Earth Science Reviews. 78: 287-306.
- Cocito, S., M. Novosel, Z. Pasarić, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2006. Growth of the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis (Cheilostomata, Ascophora) around submarine freshwater springs in the Adriatic Sea. Linzer Biologie Beiträge. 38: 15-24.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, W. P. Patterson, and M. D. Moore*. 2005. Stable isotope evidence for diagenesis of the Ordovician Courtown and Tramore Limestones, southeastern Ireland. Irish Journal of Earth Sciences. 23: 25-38.
- Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W. P. Patterson, and M. D. Moore*. 2005. Gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland: testing the algal symbiosis hypothesis using d13C and d18O values. Pp. 141-151. In: H. I. Moyano G., J. M. Cancino, and P. N. Wyse Jackson (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2004. Balkema Publishers; Leiden, The Netherlands.
- Smith, A. M., C. S. Nelson, M. M. Key, Jr., and W. P. Patterson. 2004. Stable isotope values in modern bryozoan carbonate from New Zealand and implications for paleoenvironmental interpretation. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. 47: 809-821.
- Smith, A. M., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2004. Controls, variation and a record of climate change in a detailed stable isotope profile from a single bryozoan skeleton. Quaternary Research. 61: 123-133.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., C. J. Buttler, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2002. Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Tramore Limestone Formation (Llandeilo, Ordovician) based on bryozoan colony form and preservation. Pp. 359-365. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson, C. J. Buttler, and M. E. Spencer Jones (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2001. Balkema Publishers; Lisse, The Netherlands.
- Key, M. M., Jr., L. Thrane, and J. A. Collins*. 2002. Functional morphology of maculae in a giant ramose bryozoan from the Permian of Greenland. Pp. 163-170. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson, C. J. Buttler, and M. E. Spencer Jones (eds.). Bryozoan Studies 2001. Balkema Publishers; Lisse, The Netherlands.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., C. J. Buttler, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2002. Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific names Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Bryozoa). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 59: 42-44.
- Smith, A. M., B. Stewart, M. M. Key, Jr., and C. M. Jamet*. 2001. Growth and carbonate production by Adeonellopsis (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata) in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 175: 201-210.
- Wyse Jackson, P. N., C. J. Buttler, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2001. Dianulites petropolitana Dybowski, 1877 and Diplotrypa petropolitana Nicholson, 1879 (Bryozoa): proposed conservation of the specific names. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature. 58: 215-219.
- Key, M. M., Jr., L. Thrane, and J. A. Collins*. 2001. Space-filling problems in ramose trepostome bryozoans as exemplified in a giant colony from the Permian of Greenland. Lethaia. 34: 125-135.
- Key, M. M., Jr., and E. S. Gaskin*. 2000. Geoarcheology of Native American pottery from the Prehistoric Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 55: 161-169.
- Key, M. M., Jr., and E. S. Gaskin*. 2000. Dating the Prehistoric Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 55: 135-160.
- Key, M. M., Jr., and T. E. Jones*. 2000. Geoarcheology of terra cotta tobacco pipes from the Colonial period Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 55: 86-95.
- Key, M. M., Jr., T. E. Jones*, and C. H. Jett. 2000. Dating the Colonial-Era Davis Site (44LA46) in Lancaster County, Virginia. Quarterly Bulletin of the Archeological Society of Virginia. 55: 57-80.
- Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 2000. Bryozoan fouling pattern on the horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas (Müller) from Singapore. Pp. 265-271. In: A. Herrera Cubilla. and J. B. C. Jackson (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th International Bryozoology Association Conference. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Balboa, Panama.
- Key, M. M., Jr., J. E. Winston, J. W. Volpe*, W. B. Jeffries, and H. K. Voris. 1999. Bryozoan fouling of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, at Beaufort, North Carolina. Bulletin of Marine Science. 64: 513-533.
- Winston, J. E. and M. M. Key, Jr. 1999. Alcyonidium albescens (Ectoprocta: Ctenostomata) a new species from the Mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. Bulletin of Marine Science. 64: 509-512.
- Key, M. M., Jr. and D. K. A. Barnes. 1999. Bryozoan colonization of the marine isopod Glyptonotus antarcticus at Signy Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology. 21: 48-55.
- Erdman, J. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and R. L. Davis. 1997. Hydrogeology of the Cockburn Town aquifer, San Salvador Island, Bahamas, and the change in water quality resulting from the development of a resort community. Pp. 47-58. In: J. L. Carew (ed.). Proceedings of the Eighth Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas and Other Carbonate Regions. Bahamian Field Station, San Salvador.
- Key, M. M., Jr., J. W. Volpe*, W. B. Jeffries, and H. K. Voris. 1997. Barnacle fouling of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus at Beaufort, North Carolina. Journal of Crustacean Biology. 17: 424-439.
- Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 1996. Epizoic bryozoans and mobile ephemeral host substrata. Pp. 157-165. In: D. P. Gordon, A. M. Smith, and J. A. Grant-Mackie (eds.). Bryozoans in Space and Time. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. Wellington, New Zealand.
- Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 1996. Epizoic bryozoans, horseshoe crabs, and other mobile benthic substrates. Bulletin of Marine Science. 58: 368-384.
- Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, and H. K. Voris. 1995. Epizoic bryozoans, sea snakes, and other nektonic substrates. Bulletin of Marine Science. 56: 462-474.
- Key, M. M., Jr., S. M. Lev*, and A. Lighthart*. 1994. Colony control over skeletal growth rates in trepostome bryozoans. Pp. 97-100. In: P. J. Hayward, J. S. Ryland, and P. D. Taylor (eds.). Biology and Palaeobiology of Bryozoans. Olsen and Olsen. Fredensborg, Denmark.
- Key, M. M., Jr. and A. B. Judd*. 1994. Phylogenetic relationship of the Middle Ordovician trepostome bryozoans Bimuropora and Sonninopora. Journal of Paleontology. 68: 233-241.
- Lev, S. M.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and A. Lighthart*. 1993. A paleobiologic test for diastems using the internal stratigraphy of trepostome bryozoans. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 67: 32-37.
- Key, M. M., Jr. and H. L. Delano. 1993. The Triassic dinosaurs and the Trostle quarry. Pp. 28-34, 39-41. In: R. W. Britcher (ed.). South Mountain and the Triassic in Adams County. Guidebook for the 12th Annual Field Trip of the Harrisburg Area Geological Society. Harrisburg Area Geological Society. Harrisburg, PA.
- Key, M. M., Jr. and N. Potter, Jr. 1992. Paleozoic Geology of the Paw Paw-Hancock Area of Maryland and West Virginia. Guidebook for the 11th Annual Field Trip of the Harrisburg Area Geological Society. Harrisburg Area Geological Society. Harrisburg, PA. 25 p.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1991. How to build a ramose trepostome. Pp. 201-207. In: F. P. Bigey and J.-L. d'Hondt (eds.). Bryozoa: Living and Fossil. Société des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France. Mémoire hors série. Nantes, France.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1991. The halloporid trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician Simpson Group of Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology. 65: 200-212.
- Key, M. M., Jr. and S. J. Sims. 1991. Geology of the Pennsy Supply Quarry, Mt. Holly, Pennsylvania. Pp. 220-225. In: W. D. Sevon and N. Potter, Jr. (eds.). Guidebook for the 56th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harrisburg, PA.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1991. The Lower Cambrian Clastics of South Mountain, Pennsylvania. Pp. 21-27. In: W. D. Sevon and N. Potter, Jr. (eds.). Guidebook for the 56th Annual Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Field Conference of Pennsylvania Geologists. Harrisburg, PA.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1990. Intracolony variation in skeletal growth rates in Paleozoic ramose trepostome bryozoans. Paleobiology. 16: 483-491.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1990. A new family of trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician Simpson Group of Oklahoma. Journal of Paleontology. 64: 700-725.
- Key, M. M., Jr. 1987. Partitioning of morphologic variation across stability gradients in Upper Ordovician trepostomes. Pp. 145-152. In: J. R. P. Ross (ed.). Bryozoa: Present and Past. Western Washington University. Bellingham, WA.
Published Abstracts
(* indicates ĢƵ student co-author):
Key, M. M., Jr., S. B. Lieber*, R. J. Teagle. 2020. An historical geoarchaeological approach to sourcing an 18th century building stone: Use of Aquia Creek Sandstone in Christ Church, Lancaster County, Virginia, USA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 52 (2):
Wyse Jackson, P. N., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2019. Bryozoan Skeletalisation Index (BSI): a measure of the degree of calcification in stenolaemate bryozoans. Pp. 84. In: Abstract Volume of the 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 16-22 June 2019.
Smith, A. M., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2019. Geometry of bryozoan colonial growth and implications for colonial growth rate. Pp. 71. In: Abstract Volume of the 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 16-22 June 2019.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2019. Estimating colony age from colony size in encrusting cheilostomes. Pp. 41. In: Abstract Volume of the 18th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Liberec, Czech Republic, 16-22 June 2019.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., J. Loxton, A. Righi, J. S. Forrester, and C. Buttler. 2018b. The forgotten variable: Effects of sample preparation and storage on geochemistry of invertebrate skeletal carbonate. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards. 2: e26288, pp. 1-2.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., J. Loxton, A. Righi, J. S. Forrester, and C. Buttler. 2018a. Effect of sample preparation and storage of biomineral carbonate on geochemistry. Pp. 27. In: C. Buttler (ed.). Abstracts and Programme of the 15th Larwood Bryozoological Conference, National Museum Wales, Cardiff, 6-8 June 2018.
Phillips, N. J.*, M. M. Key, Jr., A. M. Smith, and J. S. Forrester. 2017. To pretreat or not to pretreat: Removal of organic material for stable isotope analysis in temperate skeletal carbonate. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 49 (6): doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-300894.
Håkansson, E., M. M. Key, and A. Ernst.2016. Evactinostella & Lyroporella – weird and wonderful bryozoans from Western Australia. Pp. 49. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Key, M. M., Jr., M. S. Burkhart*, and M. O’Leary. 2016. Eocene bryozoans preserved in chert from the Wilson Bluff Limestone, Eucla Basin, Western Australia. Pp. 55. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and S. H. Felton. 2016. Intracolony variation in zoarial morphology in reassembled fossil ramose stenolaemate bryozoans from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA. Pp. 56. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Reid, C., E. Håkansson, A. Ernst, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2016. Observations of large Palaeozoic bryozoans and comparison to modern paradigms. Pp. 77. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr. and A. C. L. Wood. 2016. Culturing large erect shelf bryozoans: skeletal growth measured using calcein staining in culture. Pp. 83. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Wyse Jackson, P. N., M. M. Key, Jr., N. Lennon, and B. S. Kamber. 2016. Minor element distribution in Recent cupuladriid bryozoans from either side of the Isthmus of Panama: potential proxies for environmental reconstruction. Pp. 95. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Wyse Jackson, P.N., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2016. Epizoan and endoskeletozoan distribution across reassembled ramose stenolaemate bryozoan zoaria from the Upper Ordovician (Katian) of the Cincinnati Arch region, USA. Pp. 96. In: A. Smith and G. Walker-Smith (eds.). Program and Abstracts of the 17th Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Melbourne, Australia, 10-15 April 2016.
Burkhart, M. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., I. Ward, and M. O’Leary. 2015. Sourcing Aboriginal lithic artifacts from Western Australia using Eocene bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 47 (7): 515.
Håkansson, E., M. M. Key, Jr., and A. Ernst. 2015. Evactinostella crucialis – another weird and wonderful bryozoan. Pp. 26. In: Programme, Abstracts and AGM papers: The Palaeontological Association 59th Annual Meeting, Cardiff, Wales.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., and A. C. L. Wood. 2015. Bryozoans and calcein: potential for fluorescent marking. Pp. 25. In: J. Loxton and J. S. Porter (eds.). Abstracts and Programme of the 13th Larwood Symposium, Thurso, Scotland, 17-20 June 2015.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., and A. C. L. Wood. 2015. Bryozoans and calcein: potential for fluorescent marking. Pp. 1. Abstracts and Programme of the 6th AustraLarwood Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 9-11 November 2015.
Milliman, L. P.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2014. Determining the provenance of a stone paver from a Maryland colonial plantation. Geological Society of America Abstracts with programs. 46 (6): 93.
Wyse Jackson, P. N., M. M. Key, Jr., and S. P. Coakley, 2013. Pp. 88. In: A. Rosso and S. Sanfilippo (eds.). Abstract Volume of the 16th International Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Catania, Italy. University of Catania.
Key, M. M., Jr., and P. N. Wyse Jackson. 2013. Use of fossil bryozoans as provenance indicators. Pp. 38. In: A. Rosso and S. Sanfilippo (eds.). Abstract Volume of the 16th International Conference of the International Bryozoology Association, Catania, Italy. University of Catania.
Rossi, R. K*., M. M. Key, Jr., A. M. Smith, S. Hageman, and W. P. Patterson. 2012. Reconstructing annual seawater temperature cycles using stable isotope profiles in modern bryozoans from the Snares Platform, New Zealand. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 44(7): ?.
Hageman, S. J., A. M. Smith, M. M. Key, Jr. 2012. Growth cycles in the temperate bryozoan Melicerita chathamensis, southern New Zealand: a new tool for paleoseasonality? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 44(7): ?.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. M. Hollenbeck*, A. O’Dea, and W. P. Patterson. 2012. Stable isotope profiling in modern marine bryozoan colonies across the Isthmus of Panama. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 44(7): ?.
Rossi, R. K*., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2011. Sourcing black limestone gravestones in late 17th century colonial Virginia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 43(5): 294.
Key, M. M., Jr., J. B. Knauff*, and D. K. A. Barnes. 2010. “If you can't beat them, join them”: epizoic bryozoans on predatory pycnogonids from the South Orkney Islands, Antarctica. Terra Nostra. 2010/4: 57-58.
Key, M. M., Jr., G. A. Schumacher, and L. E. Babcock, 2010. Palaeoecology of commensal episkeletozoans fouling Flexicalymene (Trilobita) from the Late Ordovician Cincinnati Arch region. Pp. 227-228. In: Programme & Abstracts, International Palaentological Congress 3, London.
Key, M. M., Jr., A. M. Smith. and D. P. Gordon. 2008. Using skeletons of extinct and extant bryozoans to test the calcite-aragonite seas hypothesis. Pp. 26-27. In: M. Cusack, A. Owen, and N. Clark (eds.). Abstracts: The Palaeontological Association 52nd Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, K. E. Miller*, and W. P. Patterson. 2007. A stable isotopic test for the origin of fossil brown bodies in trepostome bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia. Pp. 32. In: S. J. Hageman and F. K. McKinney (eds.). Abstracts with Program: 14th Meeting of the International Bryozoology Association. Boone, North Carolina.
Buttler, C. J., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2007. Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtown, Co. Wexford, Ireland. Pp. 7. In: S. J. Hageman and F. K. McKinney (eds.). Abstracts with Program: 14th Meeting of the International Bryozoology Association. Boone, North Carolina.
Key, M. M., Jr., K. E. Miller*, W. Patterson, and M. Novosel. 2006. The role of submarine groundwater discharge in maintaining unique submarine spring benthic ecosystems in the Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 38(7): 327.
Miller, K. E*., M. M. Key, Jr., W. P. Patterson, M. Novosel, and S. Cocito. 2006. Seasonal isotope profiling to determine growth rates in an extant giant bryozoan from the Adriatic Sea, Croatia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 38(2): 76.
Wyse Jackson, P. N., M. M. Key, Jr., and M. E. Burns*. 2005. Bored bryozoans from the Ordovician of Estonia: a biological reinterpretation of the ichnogenus Sanctum Erickson and Bouchard, 2003. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 37(7): 404.
Smith, A. M., M. M. Key, Jr., C. S. Nelson, and W. P. Patterson. 2005. Stable isotope values in modern bryozoan carbonate: potential for paleoenvironmental interpretation. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume. 14: A131.
Samson, T. M.*, M. M. Key, Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, and W. P. Patterson. 2005. Implications of sampling strategy on C and O isotope chemostratigraphy: a test from the Ordovician of Estonia. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 37(1): 69.
Key, M. M., Jr., G. A. Schumacher, and L. E. Babcock. 2004. Trilobites as a hard substrate for episkeletozoans from the Upper Ordovician of the Cincinnati, Ohio area. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 36(5): 111.
Key, M. M., Jr., and A. M. Smith. 2003. From plate tectonics to bryozoan evolution. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion. 74: 75.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W. P. Patterson, and M. D. Moore*. 2003. C and O isotopic test of the algal symbiosis hypothesis for gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biologia de Concepcion. 74: 74.
Smith, A. M., and M. M. Key, Jr. 2003. From plate tectonics to bryozoan evolution. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 116A: 134.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, E. Håkansson, W. P. Patterson, and M. D. Moore*. 2003. Gigantism in Permian trepostomes from Greenland: stable isotope evidence of the algal symbiosis hypothesis. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 35(6): 420.
Key, M. M., Jr., M. D. Moore*, W. P. Patterson, and P. N. Wyse Jackson. 2002. A stable isotope test for diagenesis comparing brachiopods, bryozoans, and cements in the Ordovician Duncannon Group, southeastern Ireland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 34(6): 17.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, A. M. Smith, and C. M. Jamet*. 2001. Oxygen isotope seasonal profiling as a tool for measuring growth rates and inferring carbonate production rates in fossil bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 33(6): A248-A249.
Wyse Jackson, P. N., C. J. Buttler, and M. M. Key, Jr. 2001. Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of the Tramore Limestone Formation (Llandeilo, Ordovician) based on bryozoan colony form and preservation. Pp. 115. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson (ed.). International Bryozoology Association Twelfth International Conference Programme, Abstracts and Delegates. Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland.
Smith, A. M., B. Stewart, M. M. Key, Jr., and C. M. Jamet*. 2001. Adeonellopsis sp. in Doubtful Sound - a surprisingly long-lived bryozoan. Pp. 100. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson (ed.). International Bryozoology Association Twelfth International Conference Programme, Abstracts and Delegates. Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland.
Key, M. M., Jr., L. Thrane, and J. A. Collins*. 2001. Functional morphology of maculae in a giant ramose trepostome bryozoan from the Permian of Greenland. Pp. 64. In: P. N. Wyse Jackson (ed.). International Bryozoology Association Twelfth International Conference Programme, Abstracts and Delegates. Trinity College. Dublin, Ireland.
Key, M. M., Jr., L. Thrane, and J. A. Collins*. 2000. Functional morphology of maculae in a giant ramose trepostome bryozoan from the Permian of Greenland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 32(7): A370.
Key, M. M., Jr., P. N. Wyse Jackson, A. M. Smith, and C. M. Jamet*. 1999. Measuring growth rates in fossil bryozoans: inferences for carbonate production. Palaeontological Association Newsletter Annual Meeting Abstracts. 42: 25-26.
Key, M. M., Jr., C. M. Jamet*, and A. M. Smith. 1999. Bryozoan skeletal growth rates: a new tool for determining carbonate production rate, Otago Shelf, New Zealand. Pp. 121-122. In: G. F. Camoin and W. C. Dullo (eds.). Paleoceanology of Reefs and Carbonate Platforms: Miocene to Modern, Abstract Book. Special Publication 32 of the Association des Sédimentologistes Français. Paris.
Key, M. M., Jr., C. M. Jamet*, and A. M. Smith. 1998. Bryozoan colony growth rates: a proxy for cool-water marine carbonate production rates. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 30(7): A28.
Robertson, M. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and R. Kerhin. 1998. Sedimentology and mineralogy of the Susquehanna Flats, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. Pp. 30-31. In: R. A. McBride, C. Galvin, and S. J. Williams (eds.). Assateague Shelf and Shore Workshop ’98, Technical Program and Abstracts. George Mason University. Fairfax, Virginia.
Robertson, M. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and R. Kerhin. 1998. Sedimentology and mineralogy of the Susquehanna Flats, Chesapeake Bay, MD. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 30(1): 70-71.
Ustick, J. A.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 1998. Stratigraphy of the Cambrian Elbrook Formation in south central Pennsylvania: simple bedding, cleavage reoriented bedding, or groundwater-induced diagenesis? Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 30(1): 81.
Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 1998. Bryozoan fouling pattern on the horseshoe crab Tachypleus gigas (Müller) from Singapore. Pp. 45. In: A. Herrera Cubilla and J. B. C. Jackson (eds.). Eleventh International Bryozoology Association Conference Abstracts. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute. Balboa, Panama.
Jones, T. E.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 1997. Geoarcheology of terra cotta clay tobacco pipes from the colonial Davis Site (44La46) in Lancaster County, Virginia. P. 205. In: S. Estroff (ed.). Abstracts of the 1997 American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting in Washington, DC. America Anthropological Association. Arlington, VA.
Allen, R. A.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 1997. Earth’s cratering history as derived from the Phanerozoic terrestrial record and predicted from the Precambrian Lunar, Martian, and Mercurian records. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 29(1): 26-27.
Witte, K. M.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 1997. Impact of the Kraomita Malagasy chromite mine and processing facilities on stream water quality and siltation in Madagascar. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 29(1): 90.
Gourley, J. R.*, and M. M. Key, Jr. 1996. Analysis of the Skolithos ichnofacies from the Cambrian Montalto Quartzite Member of the Harpers Formation in south central Pennsylvania. Pp. 152. In: J. E. Repetski (ed.). North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts of Papers. Paleontological Society, Special Publication, No. 8.
Erdman, J. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and R. L. Davis. 1996. Hydrogeology of the Cockburn Town aquifer, San Salvador, Bahamas and the change in water quality resulting from the development of a resort community. p. 16-17. In: D. Suchy and J. Carew (eds.). Abstracts and Program of the 8th Symposium on the Geology of the Bahamas; San Salvador, Bahamas; Bahamian Field Station.
Erdman, J. S.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and R. L. Davis. 1996. Hydrogeology of the Cockburn Town aquifer, San Salvador, Bahamas and the change in water quality resulting from the development of a resort community. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 28(3): A51.
Key, M. M., Jr., S. B. Lockhart, and L. L. Stoltz. 1995. The geology side of IMAST (A project-based, vertically and horizontally integrated curriculum collaboration between K-12 and college teachers). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 27(6): A355.
Volpe, J. W.*, M. M. Key, Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 1995. Epibiosis on ephemeral living substrates. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 68: 196.
Key, M. M., Jr., W. B. Jeffries, H. K. Voris, and C. M. Yang. 1995. Epizoic bryozoans and ephemeral host substrata. Pp. 60. In: D. P. Gordon (ed.). Tenth International Bryozoology Association Conference Abstracts. New Zealand Oceanographic Institute. Wellington, New Zealand.
Collins, J. A.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and L. Madsen. 1994. Functional morphology of ramose trepostome bryozoans and other cylindrical modular organisms. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 26(3): 11.
Key, M. M., Jr., S. M. Lev*, and A. Lighthart*. 1993. A paleobiologic test for diastems using the internal stratigraphy of trepostome bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 25(6): A331.
Key, M. M., Jr., S. M. Lev*, and A. Lighthart*. 1992. Colony control over skeletal growth rates in trepostome bryozoans. Pp. 29. In: J. S. Ryland (ed.). Ninth International Bryozoology Association Conference Abstracts. University of Wales. Swansea, Wales.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1992. Macroevolutionary patterns in bryozoans. Pp. 164. In: S. Lidgard and P. R. Crane (eds.). North American Paleontological Convention Abstracts and Program. Paleontological Society, Special Publication, No. 6.
Lev, S. M.*, M. M. Key, Jr., and A. Lighthart*. 1992. Control of colony morphology by zooecial growth rates in hemispherical trepostome bryozoans. Pp. GEOL 1. In: W. T. Lavell (ed.). 46th Annual Eastern Colleges Science Conference Program with Abstracts. United States Naval Academy. Annapolis, MD.
Key, M. M., Jr., G. M. Becker*, A. B. Judd*, and A. Lighthart*. 1992. Insoluble residue analysis of modern and ancient carbonate environments, San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 24: 31-32.
Key, M. M., Jr., S. M. Lev*, and A. Lighthart*. 1991. Skeletal growth rates in hemispherical trepostome bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 23(5): A164.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1990. Skeletal growth rates in Paleozoic ramose trepostome bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 22(7): A34.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1989. Phylogeny reconstruction in trepostome bryozoans. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 21(6): A112.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1989. How to build a ramose trepostome. Pp. 28. In: F. P. Bigey and J.-L. d'Hondt (eds.). Eighth International Bryozoology Association Conference Abstracts. Universite P. et M. Curie. Paris, France.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1988. Progressive macroevolutionary patterns in colonial animals. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 20(7): A201.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1986. Partitioning of morphologic variation across stability gradients in Upper Ordovician trepostomes. Pp. 29. In: J. R. P. Ross (ed.). Seventh International Bryozoology Association Conference Abstracts. Western Washington University. Bellingham, WA.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1985. Environmental stability and morphologic variation in the bryozoan Homotrypa obliqua. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 17(7): 628.
Published Non-Peer Reviewed Articles:
Key, M. M., Jr. 2014. Energy, global warming, and student behavior. Dickinson Science Magazine. 1 (1): 35.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2013. Bryozoan jewelry. International Bryozoology Association Bulletin. 9(2): 15.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2012. Shifting baselines (letter to the editor regarding biological conservation). American Scientist. 100: 99.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2008. Review of The Chronologer’s Quest – The Search for the Age of the Earth by P. N. Wyse Jackson. Priscum. Summer issue: 14-15.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2002. Presentation of the Paleontological Society Medal to Alan H. Cheetham. Journal of Paleontology. 76(4): 783.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2001. Review of Evolutionary Patterns - Growth, Form and Tempo in the Fossil Record by J. B. C. Jackson, S. Lidgard, and F. K. McKinney. Historical Biology. 15(3): 271-272.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2000. Review of The Idea of Time by C. H. Holland. Geotimes. 45(8): 33.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2000. Annual highlights in invertebrates. Geotimes. 45(7): 35.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2000. Review of Controversy, Catastrophism and Evolution: The Ongoing Debate by T. Palmer. Geological Curator. 7(3): 123.
Key, M. M., Jr. 2000. Review of Life - A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth by R. Fortey. Geotimes. 45(5): 32.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1999. Annual highlights in invertebrate paleontology. Geotimes. 44(7): 47-48.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1996. Evolution of science education at Dickinson. Dickinson Magazine. 6(2): 24-25.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1993. Review of Fossils: The Key to the Past by R. Fortey. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 68(1): 97.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1992. Review of The Evolution of Reef Communities by J. A. Fagerstrom. American Journal of Science. 292(2): 151-152.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1990. Review of Fossils as Information - New Recording and Stratal Correlation Techniques by N. F. Hughes. The Quarterly Review of Biology. 65(4): 492.
Key, M. M., Jr. 1989. Review of Fossil Invertebrates by R. S. Boardman, A. H. Cheetham, and A. J. Rowell. American Scientist. 77(5): 485.