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Field Experiences & Research

2018 Iceland

2018 Iceland group

The first trip of 2018 was to Iceland, where Profs. Edwards and Kristin Strock (Env. Sci.) took students through a variety of field-based climate monitoring projects, ranging from collecting water and sediment samples from rafts to mapping glaciovolcanic deposits to flying drones to measure the positions of glaciers. The seven students on the trip were: Bianca Kapur ’20, Karuna Sah ’19, Jack Olsson ’20, Billy Irving ’19, Anna Zaremba ’19, and Katie Overstrum ’19. Two of the students on this trip, Karuna and Billy, collected field data to use for their senior theses; Karuna compared the impacts of global warming on three outlet glaciers to Eyjafjallajökull to impacts on two of these glaciers from non-climate driven events (a massive landslide on Steinholtsjökull and the 2010 eruption on Gigjökull), and Billy mapped the volcanic lithofacies of a recently discovered tindar ridge near Ok volcano. The results of both of these works have been presented at the American Geophysical Union’s annual conference, and as being worked up for future journal submissions.