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Field Camp as Senior Capstone Experience

Field Camp

  • A great way to assimilate all your Earth Sciences courses is a summer 4-6 week intensive field based experience.
  • You can learn more about field camps at: 
  • There is a cost (typically a few $1000) for these programs but grants are available from Dickinson's Department of Earth Sciences (our majors can receive a $500 Atlantic Richfield Foundation grant), the sponsoring institution, as well as:
  • Transfer credit to Dickinson as ERSC 491
  • Keep in mind that the sponsoring institutions will often prioritize their own students and wait listing is common.  You should apply as soon as possible.
  • Field camps should be taken after at least two or more of your core courses have been completed.
  • Field camps must be at least 4 weeks in duration, and be pre-approved by the department through your advisor.  Check the following excellent camps to see if they fit your calendar and you have the required prerequisites:  
  • In the semester following your field camp, you are required to give an oral presentation on your field camp experience in the department's Lunch and Learn seminar series such as these previous students have done.
  • Some field camps require you to bring your own field gear (e.g., Brunton compass, rock hammer, hand lens, etc.).  If you don't own these items, you should purchase them or borrow them from the department.  If the latter, you are financially responsible to replace them if they are lost or damaged.