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Co-Curricular Activities & Programs

Matt is discussing college farm operations to an Environmental Health Class

List of Co-Curricular Activities and Programs

Students in the Environmental Studies an Science Department frequently engage and participate in the college’s numerous co-curricular activities and certificate programs. 

Facilities and Resources

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Equipment Check-Out

Co-curricular activities and related programs can request to borrow equipment from the Environmental Studies Department. To do so, please click on the link  and fill out what items you will like when and the department technician, Liz Burke, will get in contact with you. Requests should be made at least 48 HOURS BEFORE the date the item is needed. There is no guarantee that students, staff, or faculty will recieve the equipment in time if they make a request within the 48 hour window.

If you are a student requesting equipment for research or in collaboration with one of the co-curricular programs above, please select “yes” if you have been authorized by an Environmental Studies faculty or staff member to borrow the items you are requesting. If you are a student and have not yet been approved, please select “no” or "waiting for authorization," and list Liz Burke, the academic technician to approve your request.