Definition: These courses explore humanity’s relation to the earth from perspectives offered by the arts, literature, philosophy, and religion. Such classes may include aesthetic, spiritual, and ethical principles employed to assess natural and social scientific ideas.
Updated 10/29/2024
Subject | Course | Title |
AMST | 200 | Indigenous Environmental Justice |
ANTH | 205 | Indigenous Environmental Justice |
ARTH | 130 | Art and Sustainability |
ARTH | 160 | Sustainable Practices in Public Art |
ARTH | 360 | The Natural & the Social Landscape |
ARTH | 205 | Japanese Architecture |
EASN | 205 | Japanese Architecture |
EASN | 205 | Nature in Japanese Literature and Film |
EASN | 205 | Nature and the Environment in Japanese Fiction and Film |
ENGL | 212 | Writing About the Natural World |
ENGL | 329 | Ecocriticism |
ENGL | 379 | Thoreau, Leopold, Abbey, McKibben |
ENST | 311 | Environment, Culture and Values |
FMST | 103 | Introduction to Media Studies |
FMST | 210 | Nature and the Environment in Japanese Fiction and Film |
FREN | 307 | French Ecological Literature |
FREN | 364 | The Start of the Anthropocene? Environment & Sustainability in Enlightenment France |
GRMN | 215 | German Environments |
LALC | 200 | Ecocritical Literary Tours through South America |
MUAC | 357 | Ear to the Earth |
PHIL | 104 | Practical Ethics |
PHIL | 113 | Philosophy and the Environment |
PHIL | 261 | Environmental Ethics |
RELG | 115 | Native American Religions |
RELG | 116 | Religion, Nature and the Environment |
RELG | 215 | Jewish Environmental Ethics |
RELG | 216 | Native American Religions |
RELG | 250 | Mother Earth: Religion and Sustainability |
RELG | 311 | Buddhism and the Environment |
RUSS | 248 | Russian Culture and the Environment |
SPAN | 231 | Ecocritical Literary Tour through South America |
SPAN | 231 | Environmental Issues in Contemporary Chilean Literature |
SPAN | 231 | Reading the Southern Cone: Lessons in Sustainability |
THDA | 214 | Special Topics in Dance: Body and Place |