Environmental Studies Distribution Requirements - ESSP

Environmental Studies Specializations

Definition: Interdisciplinary courses that study an aspect of human-environment interactions.  Normally, courses would include one of the following: four weeks of environmental content or the application of a foundational concept or idea (e.g. inequality, sculpture, development, ethics, etc.) to an environmental issue for at least two weeks.

Updated 2/18/2025

Subject Course Title
AFST 220 African American Foodways
AFST 220 U.S. and African Foodscapes
AFST 220 Black Sustainability in African Diasporic Literature
AFST 220 Ecological History of Africa
ANTH 110 Archaeology and World Prehistory
ANTH 200 Paleoethnobotany Lab Methods
ANTH 245 The Archaeology of Farming
ANTH 262 South American Archaeology
ANTH 345 Life and the Anthropocene
ARCH 110 Archaeology and World Prehistory
ARCH 200 Paleoethnobotany Lab Methods
ARCH 200 The Archaeology of Farming
ARCH 262 South American Archaeology
EASN 206 Politics of Environmental Protection in Asia
EASN 206 Asian Urban Ecology
EASN 306 Politics of Environmental Protection in Asia (Seminar)
ECON 214 Bioregions and Food Cultures of Italy (FDST 250)
ECON 214 Food & Energy in Israel and the U.S. (FDST 250)
ECON  214 The Circular Economy in France: Food Systems and Policy 
ECON 314 Limits to Growth and the Macroeconomics of Climate Change
ECON 496 Economic Demography & Sustainable Development
ENGL 101 Black Sustainability in African Diasporic Literature
ENST 302 Green Eggs and Jambon: Eating Sustainably in France
ENST 230 Sustainability: Social Justice & Human Rights
ENST 306 Citizen Science: Possibilities and Pitfalls
ENST 311 Energy Justice
ENST 311 Environment, Conflict and Peace
ENST 311 Environmental Activism
ENST 311 Environmental Leadership and Organizing for Sustainable Social Change
ENST 311 Food, Poverty and Place
ENST 311 Sustainable Agriculture
ENST 311 Sustainability: Social Justice & Human Rights
ENST 372 Environment, Conflict and Peace
FDST 200 Food Systems Exploration: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture
FDST 250 Bioregions and Food Cultures of Italy (ECON 214)
FDST 250 Food & Energy in Israel and the U.S. (JDST 216 / MEST 200 / SUST 200)
FDST 250 Food Systems Exploration: A Bioregional Experience
FDST 250 Green Eggs and Jambon: Eating Sustainably in France (FREN225)
FDST 250 Introduction to Sustainable Food Production Systems (SUST 200)
FREN 225 Green Eggs and Jambon: Eating Sustainably in France (FDST 250)
GRMN 210 Exploring German Cultures
GRMN 400 Mountains in the German Cultural Imagination
HIST 151 History of the Environment
HIST 211 Food & the American Environment
HIST 211 Carlisle as Artifact
HIST 211 History of Climate Change
HIST 284 Ecological History of Africa
INBM 300 Business and Climate Change
JDST 216 Food & Energy in Israel and the U.S. (FDST 250 / MEST 200 / SUST 200)
LALC 262 South American Archaeology
MEST 200 Food & Energy in Israel and the U.S. (FDST 250 / JDST 216 / SUST 200)
POSC 290 The Politics of Environmental Protection in Asia
POSC 290 The Politics of Parks
POSC 290 Politics of Oil, Arms, Peace & War
POSC 290 Asian Urban Ecology
POSC 390 Politics of Environmental Protection in Asia (Seminar)
SOCI 230 Campus Sustainability
SOCI 230 Conflict and Conflict Resolution Studies
SOCI 230 Sustainable and Resilient Communities
SOCI 230 Sustainability: Social Justice & Human Rights
SOCI 230 Transportation Justice
SOCI 237 Global Inequality
SUST 200 Campus Sustainability
SUST 200 Introduction to Sustainable Food Production Systems
SUST 200 Sustainable and Resilient Communities
SUST 200 Food & Energy in Israel and the U.S. (FDST 250 / JDST 216 / MEST 200)
SUST 200 Food Systems Exploration: Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture
SUST 301 Practicum in Sustainability-Building Sustainable Communities
SUST 490 Baird Honors Program