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SITE - PAID Internship for Dickinson Graduates in Lombardy, Italy

This is the logo for the SITE internship program in Lombardy, Italy.

. The SITE program (study, intercultural training and experience) is a paid internship program for English teaching assistants in the schools of Lombardy. It is an excellent opportunity for students or new graduates who wish to get a better understanding of the Italian language and culture while assisting the Italian teachers in their work. The program, established in 2005, promotes linguistic and intercultural exchange within Europe and across the globe. The program is open to individuals who are currently completing or have recently completed (within the last 18 months) college level Italian language and culture. Students enrolled in a M.A. or Ph.D. program of Italian language and culture in a North-American university are also encouraged to apply. While the program is intended for students or recent graduates of Italian, it is also open to those enrolled in other disciplines who would like to have an intercultural experience of study and training in an Italian school. Dickinson's past interns have been very successful and speak very highly about this program. 

Check out these wonderful articles ("Playing the Part (2014)" and "Italian Adventures (2010)") as well as Dickinson's International Agreements and Internship Resources.

For more information about the SITE program, contact


Take a look at a short informational video about the internship (in some Italian with subtitles):


Prof. Nicoletta Marini-Maio, the founder of the SITE internship, speaks about the American perspective of the program (in Italian without subtitles):