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Academic Support

Peer Tutoring Program

Peer Tutors are available to assist students experiencing difficulty in Italian language courses. The tutoring relationship offers a unique opportunity to meet the individual needs of the student. This is particularly helpful in a language course that requires knowledge of material from previous courses.

The goal of tutoring is to teach the student how to learn in the discipline. Students receiving tutoring can expect to expand their knowledge of ways to review and practice what they are learning using their particular learning style. The tutor is meant to supplement what is being taught in the classroom, not replace the professor. Tutors are required to collaborate with the class instructor.

Applications to request a tutor must be made on the Request for a Peer Tutor form, which is available from the Administrative Assistant for Advising in Biddle House, from one of the language offices on the first floor of Bosler Hall, or from the Registrar's Office (see the carousel containing forms on the first floor of Biddle House). For information concerning tutoring, contact Academic Advising, ext. 1080 or tutoring@dickinson.edu.