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Student Prizes and Awards

Honors in Italian Studies

Italian Studies Majors who have graduated :

  • Delphine Dall'Agata (2017) -  L’orto in città: dalle radici storiche alle pratiche contemporanee (Agricoltura, pedagogia, recupero urbano e interculturalità
    in quattro casi di studio nel contesto bolognese);
  • Thera Dal Prà-Iversen (2017) - Contro i margini: L’amica geniale tra dimensione personale e narrativa
  • Natalie McNeill (2017) - Il Parco del Mincio: Un caso di studio interculturale. (Dall’organizzazione del Parco e regolamentazione del volontariato
    alla definizione e creazione di un watershed);
  • Ashton Fiucci (2015) -  ; 
  • Vivian Sicilia (2015) -  ;

Students interested in honors should consult the guidelines listed on the Italian Advising Guide and speak with their advisor as soon as possible.

Honors in Italian Studies are conferred at graduation upon students who meet the departmental standards for graduation with honors. Every department is responsible for specifying and communicating what the standards are. Every department is also responsible for specifying and communicating the procedures, these would include but are not limited to eligibility criteria, the nature of and submission process for an honors proposal, a calendar for conducting and completing the project, and how the project will be evaluated. The nature of the project may vary depending upon field and the goals of the student. It is a normal expectation that an honor's project would conclude in an evaluated oral presentation, performance, or critique. Departments are responsible for approving the professor/advisor to each honors project. In departments where the senior capstone experience (e.g., a seminar paper) is considered a potential project for honors, the seminar professor may serve as the advisor. Granting of honors will be based on a vote of the department.

If, in the judgment of the department, a candidate meets the standards for graduation with honors, the designation will appear on the student's record (official transcript and diploma). Consult with your advisor to clarify the procedure.