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Italian Alumni in Action



Lucia Scarano. I double majored in Theatre and Art History with a minor in Italian studies – there was no major at the time. I studied in Bologna from 1979-80 under the direction of Charles Jarvis.  As a theatre and art history major, I had to petition to go to Bologna since at that time, it was designed for econ/poli-sci majors. I fondly remember Marco Biagi as our Italian Politics professor. He was kind, knowledgeable and so easy on the eyes. We all had crushes on him! Our core group of 24 students, including Prof Jarvis, continue to keep in touch on a regular basis. I am so thrilled that Dickinson has expanded this program over the years. I have returned to Italy and Bologna many times over the years and  attended the reunion in Bologna in 2016 and thoroughly enjoyed all the events. I have two children who graduated from Dickinson – Daniel Forte ‘10 and Jenna Rose Forte ’16. Danny also studied in Bologna in 2008-09 and he just returned from a month long stay in the “fat city” while on his honeymoon. It is obvious, Bologna/Dickinson/Italy is a huge part of our lives. I adore my heritage and the Italian culture and about 10 years ago I applied and obtained dual citizenship for me and my three children. We have used our Italian passports many times. My daughter took advantage of the EU citizenship and now resides in Berlin – with several Dickinson alumni! In every town I have lived in, I search for an “Italian Club”. I relocated to Atlanta two years ago and I am thrilled to have found a terrific group. We meet every other Saturday and we only speak Italian. There are people of every age, ethnicity and economic background that share the love of the language and country. Indeed we have some members who are from Italy, almost all travel to Italy on a regular basis and a few are planning their permanent move to Italia! Although I am a working actor (yes, I have used my Italian for several jobs!) I am planning to move to Italy sometime in the next few years. My love affair with Italy, its language, culture and traditions, have been ingrained in me since childhood.. When I was 7 years old, I was sent to Italy with my Nonno, whom I did not know, and remained there for a year. I have written a book which I am attempting to publish, called The Year of the Artichoke – as a young adult/middle grade memoir. I am hoping I can share my experiences and love of all things Italian. Wish me luck!


Regina Psaki. When I was at Dickinson, there wasn't a major in Italian Studies yet. But my study of Italian in Bologna and at Dickinson was essential for my career because it led to my current job as an Italian language and literature professor at the .