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LALC Senior Research Papers

Latin American, Latinx, and Caribbean Studies Major



Isiah Godoy, "A Colombian Peace:  Impartical Ceasefires and Protected Reintegration Processes"

Gabriella Gueits, "La colectiva feminista en construcción:  A Collective of Black Feminists' Approach to Intersectional Feminism, Race, and Gender in Puerto Rico"

Dulce Lopez, "Building a Riotopia:  Using the 2016 Olympic Games as a Catalyst for Elitism" 


Daniela Aldrich, "There is Resistance in How You Choose to Farm and How You Choose to Learn: Critical Pedagogy in a Landless Workers Movement Community in Ceará, Brazil"

Sally Aldrich, "'Mi existencia es resistencia':  Visibility Politics in The TransLatin@ Coalition"

Jacqueline Amezcua, "Politics of Memory and the Escrache in Post-Dictatorship Argentina"

Gaby Corcoran, "Pageant Politics:  Miss Venezuela and the Bolivarian Revolution"

Alyson Lanyon, "Midsized Urban Puerto Rican Communities and their Expressions of Discontent: The 1979 Riots in Worcester, Massachusetts"

Caroline Wilder, "Long Live Chávez, Not the Government: A Case Study on Twentiety-First Century Democracy in Venezuela"


Natalie Cassidy, "Community Responses to Soy in Santiago del Estero:  Rural Resistance in Northern Argentina"

Ana Gabriela Gamiño, "Decolonizing Malintzin's Mystification in Mexican and Indigenous History, Cultural Consciousness and Identity"

Aden Gilmour, "Native Networks:  The Urban Indigenous of São Paulo"

Emma Hotra-Schubert, "Las Cholas of Cochabamba:  Applying Entrepreneurship Theory to Bolivian Indigenous Women Entrepreneurs"

Elizabeth Marin, "Cuentos y memorias:  An Investigation into the Oral Histories of Women of Mexican Descent"

Carol May, "Student Political Activism at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo:  Historical Legacy and Contemporary Challenges"


Olivia Migliori, "Prayers of Protest:  The Chilean Catholic Church's Tempered Opposition to Pinochet's Military Dictatorship"

Polly Terzian, "The Ni Una Menos Movement in Twenty-First Century Argentina:  Combating More than Femicide"


Eddy Diamantis, "Gentrification and Historic Center Renovation in Urban Latin America"

Sharaldine Francisco, "Spaces of Memory:  Confronting the Dictatorial Past in Argentina and Chile"

Isaac Schlotterbeck, "Rhetoric versus Reality:  Indigenous Rights and the Environment in Eva Morales' Bolivia"

Andy Vargas, "Ecuadorian Oil:  Companies, Government, and Indigenous Struggles"


Maria Fernandez, "La Calle Habla:  Street Art, Social Consciousness and Migrant Identity in Lima, Peru"

Carly Putnam, "Paying the Price for the Possibility of Prosperity:  The Vulnerability of Undocumented Central American Migrants in Mexico and the United States"

Caitlin Simpson, "Mapuche Youth in Chilean Education:  Marginalization and Identity Construction in Urban Settings"

Briana Zagami, "Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean:  Vulnerable Women Rise as Agents of Change"


Noorjahan Deolall, "When Diasporas Collide: East Indian and African Identities in Postcolonial Guyana"

Sophie Hearne, "Latino Migrant Students' Experiences with Racism in Adams County Schools: Learning and Living as Outsiders"

Miranda Jacobs, "Domestic Violence, Gender Inequality, and the Effect of Machismo in Brazilian Society"

Yanessy Peña, "Discussing the Unspoken Past: Using the Argentine Model to Challenge the Amnesty Law in Brazil"

Erika Rabura, "The Common Struggle: An Analysis of Student Movements in Argentina and Chile"

Catherine Schopp, "'Axolotl' and 'La noche boca arriba' as Representations of the Revolution in Identity Conceptions in Latin America" 

Benjamin West, "Açaí: Global Value Chain Analysis of a Tropical Export"


Thiago Branco, "The Implementation of Affirmative Action Policies in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions: Overview, Challenges, Policies, and Consequences"

Edwin Einbender-Luks, "Indigenous Activism and Reemergence in Argentina: Reclaiming History and Rights"

Justine Davenport, "When Hegemony Meets Change: The Status of U.S. Hegemony in Latin America as Told by Brazil, China and Cuba's Relations" 

Aidan Gaughran, "Mining Mountains, Undermining Metaphors: Human-Mountain Relationships and Mining Protests in the Peruvian Andes" 

Alexandra Kaye, "Nannies on the Move: A Study of Peruvian Female Immigration to Chile"

Jeanne Muller, "Those Who Build the City: Urbanization, Informality, and Self-help Housing in Quito, Ecuador" 

Hannah Richardson, "Environmentalism Begins at the Breakfast Table: The Presentation of Urban Agriculture as a Sustainable Paradigm for Urban Development in Latin America and the Caribbean Region"

Carolina Vallejo, "U.S. Immigrant Desirability and the 1930s Mexican Deportations and Repatriations"

Amanda Jo Wildey, "The Local and the Global of Andean Agriculture: Technical Changes and Rural Economy in Coporaque, Peru" 


Daniela Castejon, "Bolivia and Ecuador: The Formation of Indigenous National Identity and Its Effects on Contemporary Mobilization"

Trevor Cohen, "The Application of Positivism in Latin America: Conteam Roots and Spencerian Modification in Practice"

Eric Seymour, "Borderlands and Rain Gods: A Re-examination of Queer Chicana/o Literary Production in the 1980s"


Cindy David, "National Identities Expressed Through Music: Dominican Merengue and Jamaican Raggae"

Leslie Mendoza, "Cambios y continuidades en la política exterior brasileña: ¿Un poder global emergente o un poder regional con aspiraciones globales?" [Change and Continuities in Brazil's Foreign Policy: An Emerging Global Power or a Regional Power with Global Aspirations?]


Oscar J. Beltran, "An Andean Tale: The Collapse of Diplomatic Relationships between Colombia and Venezuela"

Ruth R. Dicker, "Claves de interpretación: Filosofía del lenguaje y sus repercusiones en los cuentos de Jorge Luis Borges" [Interpretation Clues: Philosophy of Language and its Repercussion in Jorge Luis Borges' Short Stories]

Kennon Pearre, "Populism in Latin America: Bolivia as a Case Study"

Latin American Studies Certificate (1977-2009)


Elisabeth A. Ehrich, "Modernización y los estudiantes: Una voz de la población" [Students and Modernization: A Voice of the People] (Sociology and Spanish)

Jeanette Faunce, "Primitive Elements in Contemporary Latin American Literature" (major: Spanish)

Roger J. Harris, "La Novela: Un espejo de la Revolución en Cuba" [The Novel as a Mirror of the Cuban Revolution](Spanish)

Craig C. Weeks, "La Violencia: Comparing the Views of Political Scientists and Novelists Concerning the Phenomenon of Colombia's Undeclared Civil War" (History)

Aldred G. Weiss, "The Influence of United States Foreign Policy on the Political Development of Nicaragua and Panama" (International Studies and Political Science)

David B. Young. A Comparative Analysis of the United States' Response to Revolutionary Change in Guatemala (1951-1954), Cuba (1959-1961), and the Dominican Republic (1965) (International Studies and History)


Harry O. Cook, "A Look at the Peruvian Aprista Party" (International Studies and Spanish)

Judith A. Doll, "The New Treaties with Panama: The Beginning of a New Era" (Economics and International Studies)

Betty J. Jaques, Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana: A Study of Reformist Politics? (French and Spanish)

David R. Long, "Una existencia solitaria" [A Solitary Existence] (Spanish)

Erika P. Walters, "The United Fruit Company in Guatemala or How Bananas Can Change your Life" (Anthropology and Spanish)


Joan B. Adrian, "Rómulo Betancourt and the Evolution of Venezuelan Democracy" (Spanish).

Lisa M. Fittipaldi, "Colombian Political Parties: An Analysis" (Political Science and Spanish).

Peter R. Vogel, "Communism in Mexico: An Historical and Political Analysis" (International Studies).

Frederick F. Woerner, III, "Guatemala, 1944-1954" (International Studies).


Neil J. Kaplan, "The Cuban Revolution and the Urban Lower Class" (International Studies and Political Science).

David C. Kramer, "The Latin American 'One-Man Earthquake': The Dictator" (Political Science and Spanish).

Tamara S. Lovell, "La Violencia: Political and Literary Perspectives" (International Studies and Spanish).

Adam C. Mosher, "The Mexican Labor Movement" (Political Science).

Robyn A. Nichols, "The Downfall of the Unidad Popular - An Economic and Political Analysis" (Political Science).

Sandra J. Smith, "The Mexican Revolution and its Novel" (Spanish).

Arthur G. Wasserman, "Third World Urbanization: The Latin American Experience" (Anthropology).


Robert M. Fleming, "Economic Imperialism in Latin America" (Political Science).

Elizabeth A. Gill, "Fidelismo and its Role in Cuban Government, Economy, and Literature, 1959-1981" (International Studies).


Dan Barnes, "An Examination of Latin American Agrarian Reform: Case Studies, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Chile, and Cuba" (International Studies and Spanish).

Gregory S. Burton, "Perón in Argentina: The Polarization of Society" (International Studies and Spanish).

Patricia Chorno, "Mexican Labor Migration: Economic Gains and Social Costs" (Economics).

Laurie DeMille Fisher, "The Political and Social Modernization of the Guatemalan Indian Communities, Success or Failure?" (Pshychology).

Carmita Bartlett Foster, "Mexican-American Poverty North and South of the Border" (Spanish).

Janet E. Herr, "The Mapuche Indians of Chile" (Spanish).

Andrea Lenore Paolella, "The Economic and Political Policies of the Cuban Revolution" (Economics and Spanish).

Maureen Lynn Ruggiero, "A Comparison of the Urban Poor in Brazil and Cuba" (Economics and Spanish).

Sandra Hunt Wheaton, "Ernesto Cardenal: A Christian Revolutionary in the Process of Liberation" (International Studies and Spanish).


Susan Marie Berg, "The Illegal Immigrant from Mexico" (Spanish).

Christine Louise Dettra, "The Vargas Regime as Viewed in Various Works of Jorge Amado" (Spanish).

Eric Marshall Dull, "Modernization in Colombia: Understanding the Balance" (Political Science and Spanish).

Robin Lisa Glanz, "The History of the Jews in Argentina and Brazil: Yesterday and Today" (Spanish).

Elizabeth Ann Henning, "Economic Development and Urban Poverty in Brazil: Can and Agreement be Reached?" (International Studies and Spanish).

Nadine Leonard, "Religious Syncretism in Brazil" (International Studies and Spanish).

Emile Ann Matuska, "The Culture of Poverty" (International Studies and Spanish).

Kevin Bruce Nicusanti, "The Mexican Peasant in the Works of Juan Rulfo" (Spanish).

Rena Ronson, "Male and Female Roles in Mexican Society" (Music and Spanish).

Kelly Elizabeth Waser, "Rural-Urban Migration in Peru: Effects on Individuals and their Communities" (International Studies).


Margot Denoie, "Mexican Corporatism" (International Studies).

Karen Lee Koch, "Mario Benedetti: The Uruguayan Socio-Political Influence on his Literature" (Spanish).

Albert Michael Moore, "Governmental Illusion and Human Practicality: Social Welfare/Health Policy in Mexico" (Anthropology).


Bergeron, Susan Lee. The Human Background of Caudillismo: The Argentine Gaucho (Spanish)

Kelly, Kevin James. The Mexican Revolution: A Literal/Historical Portrait (History)

Maragos, Cassandra. The Argentine Debt Crisis (Spanish)

Pedrow,  Brian D. An Application of Mexican Psychological Research to Anthropological Investigations of Mexico (Psychology and Spanish)

Somarriba, Veronica. Modernismo, Tenentismo, and the Revolution of 1930: The Transformation of Brazil (International Studies)


Maria Elizabeth Avila, "The Influence of Argentine Labor, 1943-1955: Perón's Bases of Support" (International Studies).

Lynne Margaret Hamilton, "The Sanctuary Movement: A Response to Human Rights in Guatemala and El Salvador" (International Studies).


Michael Gordon Hoffman, "The Argentine Problem: Pan-American Solidarity and the Second World War" (History).

Johanna Dane Sharp, "Amazon Development" (International Studies).


Steven Greg Doherty, "Reciprocity as a Cultural Expression in Boruca, Costa Rica" (Anthropology).

Eric Alan Kline, "Literature and Poetry in the Nicaraguan Revolution" (Political Science).

Tracey D'Anna Kline, "Comparing the Role of the Military in Argentina and Chile" (Political Science and Spanish).

Kristin Farrell McCarthy, "Sendero Luminoso: Its Origins and Consequences on the Peruvian Government" (International Studies and Political Science).

Steven Floyd McEwen, "Land Tenure and the Mexican Revolution" (History and Political Science).

Brian Edward Ruszczyk, "The Demise of Chilean Constitutional Democracy: Internal and External Constraints on the Government of Salvador Allende" (International Studies and Spanish).

Shawn Susan Stelow, "Guatemalan Land Tenure since the Advent of Coffee Farming" (Spanish).


Monica Michelle Desmond, "Literature of the Mexican Revolution" (Political Science and Spanish).

John Thomas Paul Perry, "The Chaco War (1932-1935)" (Political Science and Spanish).


Bonnie Sue Brubaker, "The Galapagos Islands: The Disenchantment of the Enchanted Isles" (Spanish).

Joanne Lipa, "Illegal Mexican Immigration to the United States" (Political Science and Spanish).


Bryson James Hunter, "The Imposition of Liberal Ideas in Argentina During the 19th Century" (International Studies and Spanish).

Karen Elizabeth Stoner, "Reflections on Politics in Central American Literature" (International Studies).


Richard Harold Anderson, Jr., "The Cuban Revolution: Past, Present... Future?" (International Studies).

Jennifer Michelle Berkowitz, "The Rise and Fall of Juan and Evita Perón" (Political Science).

John David Nakabugo Fagg, "The Mexican Revolution and its Portrayal in Three Novels by Mariano Azuela, Carlos Fuentes, and Jorge Ibarguengoitia" (International Studies and Spanish).

Laura Anne McCarthy, "The Politics of Economic Reform in Costa Rica" (International Studies and Spanish).

Jean Lynn Mitchell, "Possibilities of Sustainable Agriculture in the Brazilian Amazon" (Spanish).

Amy Elizabeth Patz, "Las Malvinas, Liberadas" [The Malvinas Islands, Liberated] (International Studies).

Lucas Farinato Webster, "Sendero Luminoso and the Political History of Peru" (Political Science).


Elizabeth Elliot Fogarty, "The Repression of the Guatemalan Indians since the 1950s: An Expression through the Literature of Guatemalan Indians Rigoberta Menchu and Ignacio Bizarro Ujpan" (Spanish).

Kathryn Hollister Grose, "The Mapuche Indians of Chile: The Consequences of National Integration" (Spanish).


Nicole Bonnes, "The Mexican Revolution in Literature" (Spanish).

Rebecca Cain, "International Peace Negotiations: The Central American Case and the Arias Peace Plan" (International Studies).

Jason Cross, "Sendero Luminoso" (International Studies).

Rebecca Otten, "The American Image in Mexican Literature" (Spanish).

Catherine Plummer, "The Role of Brazilian Mass Media in the Rise and Fall of Fernando Collor de Mello" (Latin American Studies).  (Self-Developed Major in Latin American Studies).

Stephen Powell, "Isabel Allende and the Pinochet Dictatorship" (International Studies and Spanish).


Sarah Bash, "In Their Own Words: The Written Record of the Andean Colonial Period" (Political Science and International Studies).

Carolyn Cassidy, "The Mexican Border Ballad: A Self-Portrait of a People" (Spanish).

Rebecca Darter, "The Politics of Latin American Indigenous Identity" (Spanish).

Mike Jones, "The Effect of the Bossa Nova on Brazilian Society during the Military Dictatorship" (History).

Priscilla Pearson, "Common Threads: National Identity and Mexican Caricature in Art and Literature" (Spanish).


Erica Baker, "Candomblé Religion" (Political Science).

Brenda Carrillo, "Syncretism in Latin America" (Spanish).

Suzanne Jehl, "NAFTA and the Development of Mexican Agriculture" (Political Science).


Joanne Cissel, "The New Noble Savage: Indigenous Peoples of the Ecuadorian Amazon and Environmental Protection" (International Studies and Biology).

Catharine Hatten,"Patterns of Assimilation: Cuban and Haitian Migrants in the United States" (International Studies).

Amy Mochel, "Relations between Latin America and the United States in the 20th Century: The Interventionist Policies of the United States and Dependency Theory" (International Relations and Spanish).

Rebekah Petronio, "The Land of Opportunity" Friend or Foe?" (International Studies and Spanish).


Desiree Hoffman, "Guatemala: United Fruit, the October Revolution, and the CIA" (International Studies).

Elizabeth Martin, "Debt for Nature Swaps" (Environmental Studies and Policy Studies).

Tierney Quinn, "The Causes of the Crisis in Central America" (Political Science).

Andrew Turner, "A Marriage of Necessity: U.S.-Mexican Labor Union Cooperation in the Post-NAFTA Era" (International Studies).


Stacy López, "Report Card on the Maquiladoras: Economic Growth versus Development" (Policy Studies and Spanish).

Kathleen Martin, "The Unfinished Fight: A Continuation of the Mexican Revolution" (International Studies).

Verónica Rovelli, "Cuba: A Masked Defeat" (International Studies).

Nicole Russell, "The Effects of the Chilean Revolution and Counter-Revolution on Literary Uses" (Spanish).


Melissa Brill, "Street Children in Latin America: The Result of Government Policies" (Anthropology).

Leslie A. Conn, "Bodies and Borders: Gender Violence and Ciudad Juárez" (Spanish and International Studies).


Kristin J. Haworth, "The Social and Economic Effects of U.S. Migration on Mexican Sending Communities" (Spanish and International Studies).

David E. Hernández, "Poly-Salsa: Afro-Latin Rhythm and Its Socio-Political Significance (East Asian Studies).

Sarah E. Howell, "Latinos in the American Political System: Mainstream, Marginalized or Both? (Political Science).

Rosemary McGunnigle, "Students in Higher Education: Self-Identification and the Children of Latin America Raised in the United States" (Self-Developed Major in Latin American Studies).

Kristin A. McLane, "Psywar on Cuba" (History).

Michelle A. Miller, 'From History to Herstory" (Spanish). 

Joe R. Randel, "The Mariachi: El alma y el corazón de México" [Mariachi: The Soul and Heart of Mexico] (Spanish).

Alicia M. Reynolds, "Do Community Health NGOs Contribute to the Consolidation of El Salvador's Democracy?" (Anthropology).

Paul Campbell Stewart, "Perón's Immediate Impact on Argentina (1943-1955)" (Political Science).


Lauren M. Brown, "An Examination of Italian Migration to Argentina between 1850 and 1914 and and Analysis of Italian Participation and Influence in Argentine Society"

Caroline C. Craven, "Basta to Injustice: A Critical Review of the EZLN"

Michael W. Donnelly, "The Injustice of an American Institution: The Mis/Education of Mexican-Americans"

Lauren M. Keiper, "Informal Economic Activity and Cross-Cultural Studies at the U.S.-Mexico Border"

Bryan L. Lazerow, "Agrarian Reform in Brazil"

Karla M. Nieves, "Migración Limítrofe en la Argentina [Border Country Migration to Argentina]"

Melissa J. Orren, "Mexican Feminism: A Movement of Solidarity, Activism, and Democracy"

Sara R. Rioff, "Mercosur and the Hemisphere: Evolving in a Multipolar World"


Jasmin Sánchez Cordero, "Educación en un ámbito de industrialización: Las mujeres de una comunidad rural (Querétaro, México)" [Education in the Context of Industrialization: Women in a Rural Community (Queretaro, Mexico)]

David Stein, "Tracing Samba and Tango: The Process of Becoming Cultural Symbols"

Colleen Troup, "How the Tlatelolco Massacre Became a Turning Point for Mexico's Democracy"


Alfredo Axtmayer, "A Century of Unequal Treatment: Tyranny and Oppression in Puerto Rican Literature"

Julia Northcott-Grant, "Haití y VIH/SIDA" [Haiti and HIV/AIDS]

Kathryn Moyer, "Pre-Columbian Influences on Twentieth-Century Mexican Silver Jewlery Design"

Thomas Nottenbohn, "The Bittwersweet Coffee Trade"

Gina Osorio, "La migración de los mexicanos y sus efectos en las familias y sus comunidades de origen" [Mexican Migration and Its Effects on Families and Communities of Origin]

Anthony Pastore,


Michael Bogdan, "Comparative Educational Systems in Modern Haiti and Cuba: Literacy and Education and Its Social Implications"

Logan Puck, "The Impact of the Sandinista Revolution on the Role and Status of Women in Nicaragua Today"

Robert S. Shaw, "Nationalism in Mexico's Foreing Policy"


Kelly DaCosta,

Sarah Hiller, "Real Men" Go North: Machismo, Modernity, and Migration in Mexican Transnational Communities"




Alice Drozdiak, "María, Why Don't You Write? The Role of Sexual Language in Life Narratives of Colonial Mexican Mystics"

Shana Ellsbury, "Authoritarianism at the State Level: Oaxaca and its Implications for Mexico's Democratization"

Melissa Nolan, "La polémica de la memoria y el futuro de la democracia en Chile" [The Debate about Memory and the Future of Democracy in Chile]


Leslie N. Erdelack, "Exploring Ethnicity and Family Identity: Culture as an Agent of Parenting among Latino and Mexican Families"

Meghan A. Erdman, "Venezuelan Challenges to Neoliberal Policies"

Nalylee Padilla, "Crafting a Case for Counterrevolution: U.S. Involvement in Nicaragua in the 1990s"

Manuel I. Saralegui, "The Revolution Will Not Be Represented: Transformations in Political Representation in Contemporary Venezuela"