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Slideroom Submission Material Guidelines

The deadlines for Slideroom are November 15 (Early Decision) and January 15 (Early Decision II and Regular Decision). If you are having trouble meeting this deadline, please contact the department at music@dickinson.edu. Students will be notified of their Music Scholars Award when they receive their formal admissions to Dickinson.


Upload PDFs of two compositions in contrasting styles representative of the variety of instruments and ensembles for which you have composed. Students may also choose to upload live recordings that correspond to their submitted scores.


Upload two video recordings—preferably two pieces in contrasting styles—that best represent your current level of playing ability. Audio files will not be considered. Jazz performers are encouraged to submit videos of their improvisational skills, but performances of standards are also acceptable. Please do not submit video recordings in which you are one of many ensemble members, such as your sectional playing in an orchestra.  If you have any doubts about your choice of repertoire, please contact music@dickinson.edu.


Upload two video recordings—preferably two pieces in contrasting styles—that best represent your current level of singing ability. Audio files will not be considered. Repertoire should be chosen from the operatic, classical art song, musical theater, or American Songbook repertoire. Please do not submit video recordings in which you are one of many ensemble members, such as non-solo singing within a choir. If you have any doubts about your choice of repertoire, please contact music@dickinson.edu.

Music History, Theory, Ethnomusicology

Applicants should submit a PDF of a writing sample on a musical topic. Students who have created original multimedia content (i.e., documentary, podcast, video narratives) may also choose to upload digital files for consideration.