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Hours of Operation and Scheduling Appointments

When is the MWC open? 

Sunday          12:00pm-10:30 pm
Monday         10:30am-10:30 pm
Tuesday         10:30am-10:30 pm
Wednesday   10:30am-10:30 pm
Thursday        10:30am-10:30 pm
Friday             10:30am-4:30 pm   
Saturday        CLOSED


What do I need to know about scheduling through WCONLINE?

Register for an account and make a face-to-face appointment on .

  • We strongly recommend that you make an appointment in advance.
  • We will happily assist walk-in appointments when tutors are available. 
  • To cancel, access the Appointment Form on WCONLINE and click the red "Cancel Appointment" button at the bottom.
  • If you fail to cancel appointments, you may be locked out of the system until you speak to either Professor Lape or Professor Katunich.  

How many appointments can I have?

Because of the high demand for appointments at certain points of the semester, we have some guidelines to ensure that as many students as possible have the opportunity to make use of our services:

  • Appointments are up to 45 minutes long.
  • You can have one walk-in appointment per day.
  • You can schedule in advance two appointments.
  • You can have up to three appointments on any one paper.
  • If your paper is ten-fourteen pages long, you must e-mail it to your tutor 24 hours in advance of your appointment. If your paper is longer than fourteen pages, you must e-mail it to your tutor 48 hours in advance of your appointment.

What do I need to do to make the most of my appointment? 

To make your appointment successful: 
  • Schedule as far before the due date of the paper as possible;
  • Bring, at the very least, your assignment sheet with you;
  • Be prepared to tell the tutor what concerns you have and what you would like to work on;
  • Be an active participant in the session;
  • Be open to making significant revisions if necessary.
The Norman M. Eberly Multilingual Writing Center keeps track of writing center visits and visitors, demographic data, visitor feedback, and tutor logs describing the content of sessions. All logs regarding First-Year Seminar and foreign language visits are automatically sent to the students’ professors. All other session logs will be sent to professors unless the student asks that the log not be sent.