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Sentence-Level Skills

The Eberly tutors have identified these sites as ones that are personally useful to them. In the annotation that follows each site, a tutor explains that benefits of the site. While the Eberly tutors hope you find these sites useful, we encourage you to come and visit us for a face-to-face session in the Writing Center.


- (Purdue OWL)

Usually, effective writing uses the active voice and dodges the passive. However, particular situations are awkward or incorrect when expressed in the active voice. This article will explain the difference between active and passive voice and detail when to use each. It will also review how to convert passive sentences into active ones. E.S.

(Towson University)

Are you writing your paper or is your paper being written by you? That last sentence contained both the active and passive voice (respectively). Do you want your paper to be active? Passive? Both? If you do not know the intricacies of using these forms of voice, or you just want to sharpen your active/passive knowledge, check out this site for a clear and simple explanation of the subject. J.W.

(University of North Carolina)

You may have learned that passive voice is bad, but did you know that there are certain instances when passive voice can be appropriate, or even the best choice for your paper? The University of North Carolina busts several myths about the passive voice, defines it in clear terms, and then provides situations when passive voice is or is not acceptable. The article then suggests a trick to determine when to use passive or active voice. M.N.

(University of Toronto)

Passive voice is a sentence construction in which the object being acted on comes before the subject or actor, who is added at the end. ("The pizza is being eaten by zombies.") You may have learned that it is an error in academic writing, but, in fact, there are instances when it is preferred. This resource discusses the problems with passive voice and how to identify it, but also demonstrates when it is acceptable. J.D.

(Purdue University)

When a word or a phrase describes a nonexistent subject, it forms a dangerously "dangling" modifier. Note the first part of the sentence: "Having finished his homework, the TV was turned on by Jack." Now this sentence literally means that the TV, not Jack, has finished the homework. Such a mistake is dangerous because writers are often insensitive to it. This site extensively discusses the problem of dangling modifiers and provides abundant examples to help you revise them. X.Z.

(Grammar Girl)

How are you? Is the answer "good" or "well"? Is anyone actually sure of the correct answer to one of the most oft-asked questions in our daily lives? N.C.

(D'Youville College)

Pronoun-antecedent agreement can be a little tricky, especially since many people aren't quite sure what the word "antecedent" means. To answer that question, they are nouns to which a pronoun refers. If there are anymore questions concerning this undervalued grammatical construction, D'Youville College will surely help to clear them up by answering commonly asked questions and giving multiple examples. J.C

(Purdue University)

Subject-verb agreement may seem easy, but conflicts can sometimes emerge, as, for instance, when a phrase squeezes between the subject and verb. Consult this page before trying to wrangle your subjects and verbs into agreement. Subject verb agreement may seem straightforward, but this site highlights confusing circumstances and clarifies when a subject is singular versus plural. J.K.

(The Oatmeal)

The average person see the terms "i.e. and e.g." everyday in writing and often treats them as one and the same. The Oatmeal clears away this misconception in this cartoon that distinguishes between i.e. and e.g. The Oatmeal will inform you while making you enjoy the grammar lesson, i.e., rolling on the floor laughing. C.C.

(Grammar Girl)

Got pronoun problems? Grammar Girl to the rescue! In this handy lesson, you'll learn the difference between "who," which refers to the subject, and "whom," which refers to the object. Since Grammar Girl loves you, she has come up with a handy mnemonic device for you, the object of her affections. How sweet! M.C.K.


(University of Maryland University College)

Ever wondered whether it's 1990's or 1990s? This website explains exactly when and how to use apostrophes. Learn the rules for possession, contractions, and omissions so that you never misuse an apostrophe again! M.K.N.

(Grammar Girl)

It is important to capitalize titles correctly, but sometimes it seems each person has learned different rules for doing so. Grammar Girl provides a few universal rules for capitalizing titles and other general concepts, such as consistency in the capitalization of words. J.D.

(Purdue University)

We're going to eat Grandpa! Sounds vicious, doesn't it? That's the beauty of comma usage. They can help articulate meaning or make lists clearer, especially when, without one, people can get the wrong idea about what you're really trying to say. This site lays it out in an easy-to-understand way and will help you announce: "We're going to eat, Grandpa!" (See? Huge difference.) G.M.

(Capital Community College)

I need more money John. What is a money John? What is an oxford comma? These are some of the little things that make the comma so special. It is a unique little mark on a page that is so versatile. While commas can be used a multitude of ways, a missing one can drastically change the meaning of a sentence or piece of writing. Check out this site to avoid those pesky mistakes. J.W.

(University of Wisconsin)

It's a comma! It's a colon! No, it's their superhero of a brother, the semicolon. From fixing run-on sentences to connecting items in a list, semicolons can be incredibly effective…if you know how to use them. This site explains the rules of using a semicolon super easily and gives you examples if you still aren't sure. Be a grammar superhero! G.M.

(Xavier University)

Semicolons and colons cause such confusion. Have you ever inaccurately used a comma just to avoid the semi-colon? Xavier University gives a concise analysis of the difference between the uses of colons and semicolons. M.N.

(The Oatmeal)

With examples ranging from the discussion of hairy knuckles to advice about plague rats, the Oatmeal will help you learn to master this pesky punctuation mark. You will learn about the different uses of semicolons; the internal semicolon is illustrated in this very sentence! In its poster format, you could easily forget that you're learning grammar. As said by the author, "Both bears and semicolons have pause." M.C.K.

(Grammar Girl)

Students commonly fear the semi-colon. Did you know that a semicolon should actually be used to separate two main clauses? Not too scary at all, but if you are letting your fear of the semicolon control you, then check out this article that outlines exactly how this very not scary punctuation mark can make your sentences more interesting and complex. So have no fear! Grammar Girl is here! C.H.

(Purdue University)

What is the correct use of the hyphen and the dash? What is the difference between them? The hyphen is short, single-character line that connects words together, whereas a dash is double the length of a hyphen and indicates a break or interruption of a thought. This website discusses the different uses of the hyphen and the dash with accompanying examples. C.B.

(Hamilton College)

In any discipline, quotations can increase the strength of an argument through the incorporation of textual support or give credit to other writers when you incorporate their ideas. This handout will show you how to properly format quotations. Knowing how to format quotes can not only contribute to the lucidity of your writing but help you to avoid accidental plagiarism and an uncomfortable visit to your Dean. L.H.

Working with Sentences

(Purdue University)

A clear sentence enables a reader to comprehend meaning easily. To write a compact paper with a graceful flow of ideas, writers use specific techniques to improve sentence clarity. This site provides detailed instructions and examples to help you spot and fix unclear sentences. Areas discussed include noun strings (e.g."This report explains our investment growth stimulation projects"), multiple negatives, and the overuse of "be" words, all of which are common stylistic gaffes that obscure meaning. X.Z.

(University of North Carolina)

This website identifies both sentence fragments and run-on sentences as well as examples of each. The site also includes a link to the UNC Writing Center for further clarification. C.B.

(Walden University)

When writing a formal essay, it is easy to feel as if your writing is droning on without variation or intrigue. You can take simple steps to interest the reader and improve your writing style. This site outlines various ways of altering sentence length and type to create a more interesting essay. A.F.

Working with Words

(Wheaton College)

Word usage is vital when trying to convey a specific meaning to your audience. You can create a formal or informal voice through your words. If you are questioning how to establish your 'voice' as a writer, this article will help you to distinguish yourself. The site outlines how word choice affects your tone and, ultimately, your style. A.F.