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Community Studies and Mosaics

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Community Studies Courses

Current & Upcoming Courses:

Climate Change and Human Security in Nepal - Fall 2017
Michael Beevers (Environmental Studies), Neil Leary (Center for Sustainability Education), and Michael Fratantuono (International Studies, Business and Management)

Ashton Nichols (Environmental Studies and English), Marcus Key (Earth Sciences), and H. Eugene Wingert (Biology)

- Summer 2016
Marcus Key (Earth Sciences) and Alex Bates (East Asian Studies)

- Spring 2016
Marcelo Borges (History), Nicoletta Marini-Maio (Italian) and Susan Rose (Sociology and Community Studies Center)

Selection of Past Courses:

Community Studies 290: Dealing with Data: Accessing, analyzing, and presenting social science data (Fall 2013)
Susan Rose and Anna Kozlowska
This course is designed to support student research and presentation in the social sciences. The first week will introduce students to various databases and data visualizations with concrete examples. The following 5 weeks will focus on one of the following areas related to social data, issues, and policies: Health and Inequality (including quality of life indices within and across countries, AIDS, teen pregnancy, diabetes); Violence, Crime, and Incarceration; Demography and Population, Family Household Structure (by Sex, Race and Ethnicity, SES, national origin, language spoken in household, religion); Immigration; Millennium Development Goals, Voting Behavior. While addressing social problems, issues, and policies, the course is skills-based and focuses on how to access relevant and reliable data, and then assess, analyze, and visually present those data in order to build strong arguments. There will be weekly readings that use empirical data to argue points of view on a particular social issue and/or policy, debates, visual presentations, and a final short policy brief. No pre-reqs but it will be useful to have had at least 2 social science courses.

Community Studies 230: Documentary Film Production
Susan Rose 

Mediterranean (Im)migration Mosaic Spring 2013
Marcelo Borges (History), Sylvie Toux (French & Toulouse) & Susan Rose

Morocco: Jewish and Muslim Religion and Culture, A Mini-Mosaic, January 2-20, 2013
Shalom Staub

Natural History Mosaic Fall 2012
Marcus Key (Earth Sciences), Gene Wingert (Biology) & Ash Nichols (English)

Community Studies 225: Community and Environment (Spring 2006)
Jim Ellison and Lauren Imgrund
This course provided students with knowledge and skills to be active participants in solving environmental problems. Students in this course learned an array of social science fieldwork methods, an appreciation of how such methods are applied to ascertain community knowledge and needs, and the means to negotiate the interests and needs of local communities and local government to produce a positive environmental outcome. Students examined the intersections of community lived experience, appropriate environmental practice, and the interests, abilities, and constraints of local government. In the Spring 2006 semester, the course focused on the issue of stormwater management, using the Borough of Carlisle as a unifying theme. Students worked together to develop a multidisciplinary project that provided direct community benefit.

Mini-Mosaic: Oral History and Jewish Immigration to Argentina (Fall 2009/Spring 2010)
Sociology 313 Oral History and Jewish Immigration to Latin America

Susan Rose and Shalom Staub, with Winter 2010 research trip to Argentina
A 1/2 credit in Fall 2009, Winterim in Buenos Aires with a 1/2 credit in Spring 2010.
This course focused on Jewish immigration to Argentina, engaging students in the collection and analysis of oral histories with members of Jewish communities in and around Buenos Aires. We began the course by focusing on oral history methodology, drawing upon relevant oral histories and ethnographies of Jewish immigration to and experience in Latin America. Students who took this course were concurrently enrolled in Religion 260/Sociology 230-03, and participated in the Winterim research trip to Buenos Aires. This trip involved home stays and an additional program fee and airfare. While in Buenos Aires, students worked in research teams with Argentine students to collect oral histories. Upon return, students processed, transcribed, translated, analyzed, and presented their research.