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Resources for IBC Principal Investigators and Instructors

Applicants whose classroom instruction or research will require IBC review are encouraged to read the following documents on biosafety policies and procedures in addition to receiving specific biosafety training. Applicants may be required to reference specific sections of these documents as part of the protocol review.

Institutional Biosafety Committee Policy

Recombinant and Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules 

  • NIH Biosafety Considerations for research with Lentiviral Vectors

Microorganisms and Bological Toxins

Human and Mammalian tissue, including Blood, Body Fluids

Materials Transfer Agreements (MTAs)

  • Dickinson has an arrangement with Addgene to speed up the filing and signing of MTA's with electronic signatures. Just use your Dickinson email when sending a request to Addgene; no need to notify the IBC or IBC Adminsitrator you are doing so.