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Strategies, Organization, and Achievement Resources (SOAR)

SOAR Syllabus Statement and Tips for Faculty

Knowing how best to manage one's time in college, how to take notes, to study, to boost recall, and to prepare for and perform well on tests is something that must be learned. Some students come to college well prepared for these challenges, but many don't. And all students can benefit from the college success resources such as those SOAR has to offer, including...

Faculty referrals for support from the office of SOAR are welcome. Just email the student with your recommendation and CC SOAR@dickinson.edu. If you'd like to provide additional context for the referral, please do so by emailing SOAR's Dean and Director Marni Jones (at jonesmar@dickinson.edu) and Associate Director John Joyce (at joycejo@dickinson.edu).  

Syllabus Statement

Here is a SOAR Syllabus Statement that faculty are encouraged to include in your syllabi: 

SOAR: Academic Success Support and More

Students can find a wealth of strategic academic success tools (like weekly planners, semester calendars, and much more) by going online to  or to Old West's Lower Level (aka "the OWLL"). SOAR stands for Strategies, Organization, & Achievement Resources, and there you'll find apps, tips, and other resources related to organization, study skills, memory strategies, note-taking, test-taking, and more. You’ll find strategies for managing your time and well-being, as well as a schedule of academic success workshops offered throughout the semester. If you’d like to attend a workshop or request one-on-one assistance with developing a strategy for a manageable and academically successful semester, email SOAR@dickinson.edu.