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Technology Policies, Guides, and Best Practices

Student Virus

All student-owned computers on the residential network must have anti-virus software installed that is updated regularly.

Any student computer that is found to be infected will be removed from the Dickinson network for a period of two weeks. During that time the student will be expected to obtain anti-virus software, install it and use it to clean the computer of all viruses. If your computer becomes infected a second time during the semester, it will be removed from the network for the remainder of the semester.

Please note: You will still be able to use all of Dickinson's computer resources such as DOC and e-mail from our public-use computers in the HUB, Library Information Commons and classrooms.


Student-owned computers that are infected with viruses continue to be a serious problem on the Dickinson network. Library & Information Services (LIS) becomes aware of an infected computer when it begins to attack the college's servers and staff workstations.

The LIS staff spends an average of four to five hours per infection identifying the computer that is the source of the virus attack, determining who owns that computer and taking steps to deal with the infection.

If you allow your computer to become infected, you put your files, your computer and the college's infrastructure at risk. While many viruses are more annoying than damaging, some are designed to erase all of the contents of your hard drive or designed to destroy computer memory that effectively prevent the computer from being used.

You do not have to put your computer and the college's resources, at risk! Installing anti-virus software and updating it weekly is all that it takes to effectively protect your computer.

Where you can obtain anti-virus software

Anti-virus software such as Norton AntiVirus and McAfee Virus Scan can be readily purchased from many sources. You may already have a trial version that was installed on your computer when you bought it that just needs to be updated.

Windows users

Before you install a new anti-virus software package, be sure that you remove any existing anti-virus software from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program function in the Control Panel. Reboot your computer before you start the installation process.

If you have any questions contact helpdesk@dickinson.edu or call them at x1000. Thank you for your cooperation!