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Meal Plans - For Use On Campus - No Restaurants

Charge Options

Charge Option

The charge option works like a credit card. Your account is opened with a zero balance and each purchase adds to the total. At the end of the billing cycle, balances are totaled and placed on your school bill.

The charge option is offered to all registered Dickinson students. It is automatically set up when a student registers a meal plan. 

Charge lets you buy anything that Culinary Services sells in, The Biblio, Union Station, The Juice Bar in the Underground, or a swipe into the Dining Hall.

Charge is safe and convenient. You don't have to carry your credit card or be caught without it. Charge lets you purchase as little or as much as you'd like.

Charge option will have no limit to the amount that you may charge as long as your account is current. Accounts are considered current when paid within thirty days of receiving your bill.

All accounts past due more than thirty days will be charged 1.5%.

Please note: You cannot set up or add to a Declining Balance Account or purchase Dining Dollars using your student charge account.