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Faculty - Internship Program

Internships Defined
A Dickinson internship is “a closely monitored applied experience in a professional setting, with definite learning objectives incorporating reflection on and integration of theories and concepts with practice.”
-Adopted by the Faculty in May, 2007.

Dickinson provides official recognition for students’ internships through the Internship Program. The program includes a reflective curriculum and student evaluation of their own experience. The Director of Internship Programs administers these requirements and results are reported to APSC every year.

Additional information about the internship notation program can be found on the following pages:

Internship Notation Program Benefits and Criteria
Internship Policies
Resources for students seeking internships

To assist students in registering for the Internship Notation Program:
Once students log in to Gateway, they can access the internship registration form by clicking on the “Forms” icon.  The internship registration form will be listed as one of the available forms. Students should only complete this registration form if they have already secured an internship.  If a student is beginning the internship search process, please encourage them to contact the Career Center.

Credit, verification letters, and forms for internships:
In some cases, an internship site may require that a student receive credit, provide a verification letter, or have a document signed by the College to proceed with the application process or begin the experience.  Any questions about credit or required paperwork for an internship should be directed to Amity Fox, the Director of Internship Programs, at foxa@dickinson.edu or 717.245.1760.