Looking for a job/internship in social/human services? What follows is a collection of web resources to assist you in locating an internship and/or job in your area of interest.
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Social/Human Services
- - an excellent guide for students who are not planning to enter graduate school immediately; written by the President of Psi Chi National
- - provides in-depth information, resources, and data for those interested in pursuing a degree in psychology.
- - Offers job listings in psychology, psychology internships, and minority resources and programs
- - Features preparation tips for a career in psychology as well as links to psychology journals and departments on the web
- - Contains the largest social psychology database on the internet including information on jobs and graduate study in psychology
- - Offers links to career-related articles from the American Psychological Association, job postings and career resources
Social/Human Service
- - Links to services for children, elderly, individuals with disabilities, families, and healthcare
- Center for Advising, Internships & Lifelong Career Development Web-based Employment Publications
- - Social services and counseling related positions. Need to register, but is free to candidates.
- Work and Social Services Jobs Online
Also, visit the Non-Profit Job Search Link