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Advisors & Alumni

Advisor & Alumni Resources

Read the 2018-19 Alumni Newsletter. (PDF)

We love to see fraternity and sorority alumni return to campus to reminisce about their days at Dickinson and learn about the current student experience. The next fraternity/sorority alumni event will be held during Family & Homecoming Weekend, September 27-29, 2019.

Role of the Advisor

Every fraternity and sorority has a chapter advisor or advisory board which is usually appointed by the local or national organization and a faculty or staff advisor typically chosen by the students. Advisors are responsible for helping the organizations understand and follow relevant policies and procedures, provide support to chapter leaders and members, and maintain organizational knowledge.

Duties of the Advisor

Advisors are encouraged to develop a relationship unique to their organization. Effective advisors are able to help students develop personally and professionally, make thoughtful decisions, and maintain expectations of the College and the fraternal organization. Use the suggestions below to enhance the advisor-organization relationship.

  • Meet regularly with chapter officers and attend chapter meetings (at least once a month).
  • Be available to provide guidance and advice.
  • Review the Dickinson Annual Review and organizational expectations and support the chapter in meeting these standards.
  • Review relevant College and organizational policies and procedures to ensure compliance.
  • Attend SLCE's FSLadvisor meetings.
  • Communicate with students, College staff, and inter/national organization staff when necessary.