Black Girl Chronicles
Black Girl Chronicles (BGC) is a campus-based discussion group dedicated to amplifying the voices, experiences, and stories of Black women. We strive to create a safe and empowering space where all women, regardless of background, are welcome to engage, learn, and support one another. Our mission is to uplift the agency of Black women by fostering allyship, promoting dialogue, and encouraging collective growth. Together, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and brilliance of Black women while building a community rooted in solidarity and mutual respect.
Jedea Williams
Class of 2027
Psychology Major, WGSS and Africana Minors
Lead Co - Facilitator
Syrhaiyah Jackson
Class of 2025
English Major, WGSS minor
Co - Facilitator
Maya Reichenbach
Class of 2027
English major, Spanish and Creative Writing minors
Co - Facilitator and Social Media Manager
Amiya Marbles
Class of 2026
Geoscience and Africana Studies
Co - Facilitator