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Temporary Impairment Services

Academic Supports Due to Temporary Impairment

Students who are in need of adjustments to support them in the academic realm will need to provide documentation to ADS (Access and Disability Services). The type of documentation required is dependent upon the medical condition or temporary impairment. Contact ADS to discuss what is needed and to begin the process determining reasonable supports for which you may be eligible.

Writing Difficulties

Injuries to a hand or arm often require assistance with note-taking, test-taking, and typing. When this is the case, first meet with your professors to discuss how you might address these obstacles. Your professor may be able to share copies of notes, or you may have a friend in the class from which you can get notes. There may also already be a note-taker for one or more class, so be sure to discuss your note-support options with ADS.

For out-of-class assignments, speech-to-text software may be necessary. Dragon Dictation is the most preferred by students and is commercially available from most office supply retailers. The software is also available at no cost through ADS on a first-come, first-served basis.

For test-taking, difficulties with writing may warrant extended time on exams, the use of a scribe, and/or testing in the ADS Proctoring Center. Arrangements for these supports are made in collaboration with your professor and ADS.

Cognitive Difficulties

Head traumas, concussions, and injuries that require students to take narcotic pain medication can potentially impact one’s capacity for reading, writing, processing, and recalling information, as well as sustaining attention. It may also result in increased sleepiness and “brain fog.” If you have a temporary impairment which results in cognitive difficulties, it is important to follow the steps outlined on the Temporary Impairment Services page, which includes establishing a network of support, comprised of your professors, you Academic Advisor, your College Dean, and possibly ADS.

Students may also benefit from the assistance of a Peer Tutor, or guidance with time management from a Peer Advisor.